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PM Update
The Image Gallery is updated with "Unleashed" promo images.
News Bites is updated with some words from Drew Goddard.
See you in the morning. ;)
- Matt
AM Update
It's Tuesday. That means it's poll day. But first the updates....
News Bites has more Hannigan/Denisof wedding stuff.
Upcoming Episodes are updated.
Let's get right to the poll...
Last week we asked, "Would you go see "Firefly" the movie in theatres?" Here are the results...
Yes - 57.8%
Total votes: 258
I'm actually a bit surprised at the percentage "yes" received. I didn't know that many people would
be interested in it. Very cool. Let's see what you had to say...
"No... I just couldn't get into it!! I really don't think I would pay to watch it!"
"I loved the show and will forever hate FOX for being such buttheads for not having any faith in
it and not showing the episodes in the right order. The movie is a must see and I can't wait to
see what Joss does with everyone. He created great characters that never got a chance to really
live. Now they will."
"When I'm actively going to movies (for example, back in the 80s) I seldom avoid any genre-stuff
deliberately. (_My Stepmother Is an Alien_ a prominent exception but got a used tape of it for
Aly-ness.) That's assuming I can afford to start going to movies again before it's released. :-("
"I think even if I wasn't a huge fan of the television show (which I am), I would go to the
theatre just to support a Joss Whedon project."
"Heck, I didn't even watch the show. I get uncomfortable enough in movie theatres as it is...
and Mac, what gives? You spelled 'theatre' the British-English way... LOL."
Note from Matt: That's how I spell it. I just always have. ;)
"What hellhound in his or her right mind WOULDN'T want to go see a Joss movie??? (And this
from a gal who never sat thru a single ep of Firefly.)"
"we don't have the series in Australia...but Joss wrote it. And I've heard its good...and Joss
wrote it."
"I am hooked now you will never get rid of me!! Anyway I never really got into Firefly so I don't
think I would watch the movie, but if I got that curious I might."
"Hell, I would go see "Joss Whedon Takes Clips His Toenails" in the theaters...okay, maybe not...
but the man is a genius, Besides, I've wasted my money on plenty of movies at the theater before,
so Im thinkin "Firefly" would have to be better than say.."The Hulk"... err, actually I didnt see
that one...really had no desire..but if Whedon was behind it I would have..."
"I haven't even seen it yet and I want my ten bucks back."
"I said no because I hate to admit it, but, well, I really didn't like Firefly. I tried, I mean
I really tried. I wanted to like it, it was another Whedon show, but I could not get into it!
"OKay I LOVE Joss,don't get me wrong, it is just I never really got into "Firefly."So I wouldn't go
see the movie."
"Yes, definitely!"
"I will definitely go to see FIREFLY in its first run in movie theaters. I enjoyed the series a
great deal and was really ticked off at Fox when they cancelled it. It should be very interesting
to see what Joss can achieve visually on the big screen with a decent special effects budget. It
will also be interesting to see if he can write a standalone film script that is true to the
"Considering I liked the show and found it quite clever, I would be more than likely to see the
flick....that and Joss wrote it so its bound to be a good time! :)"
"wait for dvd. since buffy finished i can't get motivated to watch anything new."
"$10 is a lot of money these days. No option for "undecided"? Oh thats wait for the DVD... yeah -
I want to spend $$$ for the movie version of Joss' widdle baby -the show that produced a mediocre
final season of BTVS and an incoherent one of Ats. Only if theres a song about a Man Named Jane?"
"Not only will I see it in theaters, I will be there opening day. I can't wait to see this movie!"
"I never really had a chance to get into Firefly when it first aired on TV...Fox never gave it a
chance...But I will definaltly fork over a few bucks to see anything with Joss Whedon's name
attached to it...i mean you have to admit, the man is like a GOD or something."
Good comments guys.
This week's poll asks, "Are you missing Charisma Carpenter yet?" Go vote now.
That's it for now. I'll be back in the PM with more.
- Matt