"What do you like most about HMC?"
"I love the whole community and the fact that I have made many freinds on the site." - Joey
"I like HMC because it has the best information around. It's amazing how many people contribute to make this site so freaking informative." - mrsmarsters
"I love the people of HMC the most. The hellhounds are the best! most friendly! Smartest without being boorish and most eclectic group from all over the globe. They make hell feel like home." - Ramones1
"I like how everybody is knowledgable about Buffy and a lot of other things, but everybody still disagrees with each other on many aspects of the show and the other things. hehe" - Vampire Lady
"Needless to say, I adore everything about it, I have made wonderful friends due to the message boards and especially the NB thread." - Nora
"What I like about this place as most of the people are very friendly and they all like Buffy." - RDreamspeaker
"What I like most about HMC is the people. I have been on many a site and many a chatroom; and I have never found so many nice, considerate, loyal people in my life. And we really care about eachother." - Bufflover
"This is going to sound really corny, but for me the best thing about HMC are all the AWESOME hellhounds. Come on, give it up for yourselves... you people ROCK!!! Much love to you all." - Dreamer
"What I like most about HMC is the fact that I'm no longer surrounded by idiots who don't understand my passion for Buffy, but by people who share the same passion or even some who make mine pale in comparison to theirs. Where else?" - Fat Tony
"All the exciting arguements that happen and the blood and carnage leftover afterwards. *weg*" - SpoilerWhore
"Simply...it feels like 'home'. HMC has an amazing group of people." - Myth
"Twice daily updates, friendly staff and community, gives me a start page for my internet to open to other than Yahoo. I also liked that I have met a few people in person that are here. Makes it more personable and enjoyable. You have more of a emotional investment. *BTW, I am being paid for my testimonial right? I am not doing this out of the kindness of my heart.*" - Aeryn
"What's your favorite HMC feature?"
"My favorite feature is either the weekly poll or your reviews on each episode." - Joey
"My favourite feature is probably the posting board. The people there are great and funny and really cool to talk to." - mrsmarsters
"I love the weekly poll, on the main board and the regular features on the message board like Moonday round up and NB daily thread." - Ramones1
"I like the board because it is very active, but the best part is that everybody keeps up with everybody and anybody who ever had something to do with the show and things get updated everyday. News on anything remotely connected to Buffy and Angel gets put on the site and that's just awesome." - Vampire Lady
"Needless to say, I adore everything about it, I have made wonderful friends due to the message boards and especially the NB thread.Ê I love the weekly rants written by my favorite Pubah!" - Nora
"My favorite feature (besides the board) is just having our daily updates from Mac, and having all the news I am looking for right there waiting for me. It is like waking up to a cup of coffee and my paper is right there too. :)" - Bufflover
"Without doubt the all new Ask the Poobah is my favourite feature. You have a wisdom beyond your years, and I bow before thee. *bows before thee*" - Dreamer
"Sunnydale top 10 and the parodies. Oh, and the poll. And News Bites. And..." - Fat Tony
"The chat boards. Diverse subjects(Spam anyone?) andÊpeople of like minds to discuss Buffy/Angel. And we all know most of us have lost our minds. I lost my mind in the 60's(too many drugs)." - Ijola
"I love the threads that allows for BTVS and ATS discussions but I also love the freedom of UNBUFFY too. Everytime we turn around we get a delightful new feature so it is extremely easy to just sit back and review each feature offered." - Myth
"Well, It was and still is.... The Weekly Ascension. Please do not tell my husband that his Caritas Reading is not my favorite." - Aeryn
"Where and when did you find HMC?"
"I found HMC from Kristie, aka ozgirl. I knew her from another site and she always had the best news on the Buffyverse. I asked her where she got it from she told my hellmouthcentral.com and I've been here ever since." - Mrs Marsters
"I found HMC when Mac was over at the UPN board promoting it in NB. I always lurked even in the early days. I guess I became a regular sometime in 2002." - Ramones1
"I found HMC using google to find pictures of BtVS and AtS on November 22, 2003. Once I searched the site a little, I joined almost right away because I saw how amazing it was and how active the people were." - Vampire Lady
"I joined HMC back in Sept of 2002, Selz told me about it since we were chums from the bronze days.Ê Needless to say, I adore everything about it, I have made wonderful friends due to the message boards and especially the NB thread." - Nora
"Found this place by word of mouth when the Broze closed." - RDreamSpeaker
"I found HMC about a year ago. I was watching Buffy, and was so sick of not having anyone to share thoughts with when the show ended, or anytime for that matter. So I went to 'Google' and I found this place after about a day of checking around other sites. I was welcomed right away, and have made some great friends in here." - Bufflover
"I was at the old Bronze, minding my business, checking the threads... then this crazy person starts on about how he is going to create the ultimate Buffy website. He gave us choices of what to name it, and asked what we looked for in a site. It all made sense! I saw the light and I followed. The Mac became my salvation, my guiding light, my... Poobah." - Dreamer
"Not soon enough..." - Fat Tony
"October 8, 2003 while browsing for Angel chat rooms. Entered and never left. (I always forget to log out)" - Ijola
"I came to HMC after the UPN Bronze shutdown. A cyber junky sold me a "golden ticket" real cheap and that was all she wrote!" - Spoilerwhore
"I found HMC right after the Bronze went down. I follow several other posters here and have obviously been happy. I've checked out several other boards and even post there but none of them can compare to HMC." - Myth
"Funny story, I actually met Jonathan online and he told me about his first Weekly Ascension article, or second, and I started to read them. So basically, I was lurking around since April or May (I am old) I forget things. Basically long story short - I came here via Jon to read his articles, then met Eric online, and since then various others at D*C, and I been hooked since. *Asks again, I am getting paid, right? J/K*" - Aeryn
MANY more to come!