-> HMC Hellhounds
The Spin-Zone
- Untwisted Firey-Spoodge Organs!
I would like to thank those of you who read the
previous article and left feedback, I appreciate it.
Now let's start with the latest developing HMC News.
(1) Twisties Untwisted: The longest thread at HMC
devoted to "hellos and goodbyes" along with hints of
twistedness and pregnancy. *watches readers faces,
eyes bulge and color faint away* Yes that's right I
said pregnancy. If you didn't already know the so
called "HMC Angel", Sweet, had twins with Tony just a
few months ago. Well, after Sweet consulted Dr.
Sprook's help, advice, and testing things became very
clear. . .crystal clear. Sweet was carrying another
baby! Not after two months after giving birth to her
gorgeous twins. . .only here is the shocker. Nobody
knows that the baby isn't Tony's. No sir-ree-bob this
sucker belongs to the eye drop orgasm having boy named
NICK! Tony doesn't know however that the baby is not
his. Nick refuses to admit to having and I quote
"relations with that woman" while smoking a cigar.
Where have we heard THAT before! After much
discussing with Sweet while asking her why her dress
has stains on it she finally broke and admitted that
it was Nick's baby. She cheated on the twin's father,
her fiancé, because he was out on business to secure a
future for them. Test results have also shown that
Sweet is pulling a Courtney Love and has been taking
coke while pregnant. She is currently under going
treatment. While Nick has been given crème for his
herpes infection. Tony has taken custody of the twins
and has settled on an island with his new love Sarah.
And while he was on his "Island of Love" Sweet was
photographed in many interesting postions with her new
beau Nick. Tony was not available for comment but his
lawyer said that he was quote "Not surprised by her
actions, nor with Nick's backstabbing." In other
wonderful news, it's the Twisties First Year together.
So give them a big round of applause for spreading
their twistedness throughout the board. Without them
there wouldn't be illegal drinking, nudity, or Fat
Tuffy lovers putting up with weird people setting fire
to their home.
(2) The Second Soap Thread: Two unruly posters have
taken a liking to creating mayhem in this soap opera.
Miles and Mack have captured Danny's
ghost-again-not-ghost-again body and his beloved
Hippie. Set fire to both of them, stabbed Danny and
removed many vital organs. So when you think of
buying your Uncle Roary a new liver, because of his
own liver collapsed due to overdosing on schnapps,
think twice, it might be a poor French Canadian's
liver you're purchasing illegally. *ahem* When asked
why they simply say "because I can" and proceed to
light reporters on fire. Also it has been linked that
the fire in India's school house was no accident.
They were the culprits, however they didn't mean for
their prank to go that far. If you see these two you
are asked to proceed with EXTREME caution, hand over
your valuables and continue on your way, or else you
too may be lit on fire and Smokey the Bear is not
going to be able to help you.
(3) KinkBot Patrol: The oldest running thread at HMC
with the most peculiar group of posters and
happenings. Many people lurk in on this group of
diverse people for either laughs, eye roll-age, or
disgust while the role-playing goes on. However, More
of the later I'm sure. However the most important
developing news unfolding here would be the Second
Annual KinkBot Awards and the announcement of the
winners, including, Selz, Glow, and SPIKESMYGOD to
name a few. However there is a rift between the
posters when it comes to the highly anticipated world
tour. The Spoodgapalooza Tour '04, was originally set
for '03, and talks have already produced talks of it
being pushed back to '05. SPIKESMYGOD has argued
about being the "Arteast!" Lil Punkin demands the
right to wear lycra and spandex, and glow demands her
own closet with the monkey. There has also been a
conflict in scheduling because everyone has gotten
their own gigs: Glow having a Skittle contract, Selz
over-spending kompany money on penthouses in Manhattan
while doing NUDE photo sessions, and Spunky -n- Monkey
spend money on tequila parties. Kinkiness is at a
low, but the laughter is just as high as it has ever
been. Keep an eye for this promising tour!
That's how the cookie crumbles folks, tune in next
time for the latest news. . .where you hear it first!