Selz (HC's only female moderator) Hey, Selina here! I'm a 25 year old (currently) single girl, still living at home (unfortunately). I live in the UK, and work as a PA to a planning & development company in London. I've done some travelling (namely New York, Spain, Kuala Lumpur, and Borneo). First started watching Buffy part-way through S2, when one of my colleagues told me how hot Angel was. I bought the S1 box set, filled in the gaps, and have never looked back. Selz's Favorite Stuff -
Top 10 Favorite BtVS Episodes: Favorite BtVS Character (besides Buffy): Faith - the girl is just badness personified! For surpreme minxiness though, I could take her. LMAO. A closet shipper of?: Closet shipper? That would be Buffy and Xander. Although I ultimately want her to be with Angel, of course. ;) Favorite BtVS moment: 2 - the first is where Spike gets the crap beat out of him by Glory in Intervention; and the second, when the Scoobies break down immediately following Buffy's sacrifice in The Gift. Favorite Villains: Angelus, D'Hoffryn, and Sunday (the vampire in The Freshman).
Top 10 Least Favorite BtVS Episodes: