Lonewolf (HC Moderator) Hey everyone, my name is Marco, and I'm 29 years old living in NYC and single. I will be going back to school in January to get my second Bachelors degree. I first started watching Buffy since Welcome to the Hellmouth and have been hooked ever since. Lonewolf's Favorite Stuff -
Top 10 Favorite BtVS Episodes: Favorite BtVS Character (besides Buffy): It has to be the one and only Willow. A closet shipper of?: It will have to be Willow and Xander. They just make a good couple in my opinion. Favorite BtVS moment: Two scenes really 1. the entire scene when Vamp Willow meets normal Willow in Dopplegangland, and 2. When Xander taunts Gachnar the Fear Demon in Fear, Itself. Favorite Villains: Angelus, Faith, and Vamp Willow.
Top 10 Least Favorite BtVS Episodes: