a b o u t . u s

[Supervising Producer - Writer - the pic is really him]

Direct from the decade of excess, it’s the guy who will surely put permed hair for men back into fashion! He’s funny, he’s suave, he’s cool...at least, he would be if it were still 1984. He’s “The Xbox!”

Mr. “Retro” Riggins got his start at HMC back in 1982 when Black Swan and HC first merged to form the now amazing HellmouthCentral.com. Although mostly staying in the background of HMC at the start of his career, Riggins has worked his way up to just about every job possible at the site. He’s written editorials, he’s written, filmed, acted in, and edited site videos, he’s taken part in planning committees, he’s helped design features, he’s done online comics, he’s recruited new talent, and he’s just about made a complete fool out of himself at all steps of the way!

In 1983, Riggins raised the bar for opinion journalism at HMC by often going against the accepted popular opinion in his famed rant article series “The Weekly Ascension.” In today’s world (aka 1984), he takes part in several “less serious” projects for the site…not to mention creates many of them. He currently can be seen frequenting the site updates section and is always a welcomed hand into any of HMC’s endeavors...even if he does blast his New Wave music a little too loudly for the rest of our tastes.

What Buffy Character Are You Most Like and Why?

Chao-Ahn. Okay, not really, but I just needed an excuse to mention her in this section. I’m most like Pike, actually.

What first turned you on about HMC?

Eric yelling in my ear to “GO CHECK THIS SITE OUT!” His voice really aroused me. Is that what you meant?

What are you wearing right now?

I’m wearing a white blazer with rolled up coat sleeves (Miami Vice style), a Mr. T t-shirt, stone-washed jeans, white tennis shoes with neon green laces and so much gel in my hair I’ll be bald before I’m thirty.

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

If anyone actually knew, why would it be a catch-phrase?

Who's your favorite band?

Tears for Fears.

What's the greatest album ever made?

“Heartbeat” by Don Johnson.

What's the greatest movie ever made?

Saved By the Bell: Hawaiian Style

What's the greatest Buffy episode ever made?

I didn’t really like the series that much. The movie sure kicked ass, though! Puffy forever! Whooo!

Do you believe in Magic?

*Turns away from the questionnaire to reflect on this question* Sure...once...but that...was a long time ago.

Cheech or Chong?

Cheech. Because Bubba knows best...that little Tubbs-wannabe.

Who deserves the blame for Riley?

Duckie from “Pretty in Pink.” I’m still angry he couldn’t get Molly Ringwald to love him. How hard can it be? She had sex with Bender, for God’s sake! She even gave Farmer Ted her panties. What the hell is up with this? What is wrong with you, Duckie? And why the hell are you on that stupid sitcom with Charlie Sheen now? Huh? Answer me, damn you!

Madonna changed her name to Esther. If you changed your name, what would it be?

Well, if Madonna is no longer using her name, I might as well grab it while it’s still hot. I’d also consider changing my name to Kirk Cameron, but only because I get called that so often I might as well go ahead and make it official.

What's your favorite Non-Mutant Enemy TV show?

Small Wonder.

Where will you be in 10 years?

Damn…in 10 years it’ll be the 90s. That’s so far away I can’t even think about it. I hope Miami Vice is still on. That show rocks!