a b o u t . u s

[Writer - lover of all mammals in various ways]

What Buffy Character Are You Most Like and Why?

Xander....I sleep past 10:30am like any sane person would

What first turned you on about HMC?

There was nothing to turn on, there were no pics. :-(

What are you wearing right now?

Nothing edible.

How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?

You're not supposed to bite it! Do you know how many bruised amigos end up in the emergency room each year?!?!!!

Who's your favorite band?

Type O Negative.

What's the greatest album ever made?

Hmmm....the jury's out on that one.

What's the greatest movie ever made?

Lawrence of Arabia.

What's the greatest Buffy episode ever made?


Do you believe in Magic?

What else can explain Michael Schumaer?

Cheech or Chong?

Chong man, Chong 8-)

Who deserves the blame for Riley?

Buffy, for believing cardboards had further use than boxes

Madonna changed her name to Esther. If you changed your name, what would it be?

Isn't it already changed?

What's your favorite Non-Mutant Enemy TV show?

Family Guy.

Where will you be in 10 years?

Hopefully out of the wheels of bureaucracy.