the Vampire Slayer Timeline
dates listed below are more or less the dates of the events in Sunnydale, NOT
in what most of us think of as "the real world."
Color key Audience
first sees a character, Buffy (et al.) first
meet a character, Character death, Character leaves show, Romance, Breakup, ! = important event
Season 1
Episode 1 (1st and 2nd in the series)
Welcome to the Hellmouth
/ The Harvest
(We find out all about Slayers & vampires &
well, start the show.)
(Buffy and co. stop a vampire feeding frenzy at the
January 1997
- Buffy
has her first prophetic dream.
- We
are introduced to Buffyıs mom, Joyce Summers
- Buffy Summers enrolls in Sunnydale High
- Buffy
meets Principal Bob Flutie
- Buffy
meets Xander Harris
- Buffy
meets Cordelia Chase
- Buffy
meets Willow Rosenberg
- Buffy
meets Jesse
- Buffy
meets Rupert Giles, Librarian/Watcher
- Giles
confronts Buffy about taking up her destiny as the Slayer.
- Xander
discovers that Buffy is the Slayer (eavesdropping in the library) - !
- Buffy
meets a very cryptic man (Angel) who
warns her about "The Harvest"
- We
are introduced to Darla
- We
are introduced to Luke
- We
are introduced to The Master
- Willow
discovers that Buffy is the Slayer (attacked by vamps, saved by Buffy) - !
- Angel introduces himself to Buffy
- We
meet Cordeliaıs friend Harmony Kendall
- Jesse is turned into a vampire and dies (staked by Xander)
- Buffy and Co.
stop "The Harvest" by killing the vessel Luke (staked by Buffy) - !
Episode 3 (3rd in the series)
The Witch
(Cheerleading tryouts and fallout)
January 1997 (about a week after "The Harvest")
- Cheerleading
tryouts - Buffy makes alternate
- Buffy
meets Amy Madison
- Giles
(supposedly) casts his first spell
- Willow
first uses the term "Slayerettes"
- Buffy
meets Amy's mother Catherine Madison
- Catherine
is imprisoned in a cheerleading trophy
Episode 4 (4th in the series)
Teacher's Pet
(The homicidal insect substitute teacher)
Mid-February, 1997
- We
meet substitute science teacher Natalie French
(imposter) - a male-virgin devouring praying mantis
- We
discover that Xander is still a virgin
- Buffy kills praying mantis lady
Episode 5 (5th in the series)
Never Kill a Boy on the
First Date
(Buffy tries to date and ends up in the morgue)
Late February, 1997
- Order
of Aurelius explained by Giles
- Prophecy
is revealed about the rising of the Anointed One
- Buffy
tries to date (and then dumps)
Owen Thurman
- Buffy
kills a vampire who she believes is The Anointed One (she's wrong)
- We
are introduced to The Anointed One (a little
Episode 6 (6th in the series)
The Pack
and the hyena spirit)
March 1997
- Xander
is temporarily possessed by a hyena spirit
- Principal Flutie dies (eaten by the pack)
Episode 7 (7th in the series)
(We find out the truth about Angel)
Late March / Early April 1997
- Buffy
and Angel share their first kiss
- Buffy
discovers that Angel is a vampire cursed with a soul - !
- Giles
digs up Angel's (Angelus) history
- Joyce
is bitten by Darla (she fell on a BBQ fork)
- Angel kills Darla
Episode 8 (8th in the series)
I Robot, You Jane
(Willow dates
a demon via the internet)
April 1997
- We
are introduced to Moloch, the Corruptor
an ancient demon trapped in a book (until it is scanned into a computer
- Willow
briefly cyber-dates a guy named
Malcolm (who is really Moloch)
- We
are introduced to Jenny Calendar,
computer science teacher/techno-pagan
- Moloch/Malcolm trapped in robot and
killed by Buffy
Episode 9 (9th in the series)
The Puppet Show
(Talent Show at Sunnydale High
- Buffy
meets Principal Snyder
- Buffy
meets Sid a demon hunter trapped in a
ventriloquist dummy
- Buffy
realizes that fellow student Marc is
actually a demon
- Sid kills Marc
- Sid dies (killing Marc breaks his
Episode 10 (10th in the series)
(A boy
in a coma makes everyone's nightmares reality)
- Buffy
encounters The Master in her nightmares
Episode 11 (11th in the series)
Out of Mind, Out of Sight
invisible girl episode)
May 1997
- Cordelia is dating Mitch
- We
are introduced to Marcie Ross, an
invisible student
- Cordelia
begs for Buffy's help.
- Angel
brings Giles "The Pergamum Codex" book that
contains prophecies regarding the Slayer
- The
FBI takes Marcie away for "rehabilitation" (assassin training)
Episode 12 (12th in the series)
Prophecy Girl
defeats The Master on Prom night)
May 1997
- Giles
translates the prophecy that says "The Master shall rise and the Slayer
shall die" pointing to Buffy's death
- Xander
asks Buffy to the Prom she turns him down.
- Giles
tells Jenny Calendar that Buffy is the vampire slayer
- Buffy dies (drowned by The Master) - !
- The
Master is set free. (catalyst drinking Buffy's blood) - !
- Xander
revives Buffy using CPR - !
- The
Hellmouth (which is directly under the library) starts to open - !
- Buffy kills The Master (impaled on a
beam of wood in the library)
- The
Hellmouth closes; everyone parties. - !
left out characters that made minor, one time only appearances. If you think Iıve missed something that is
important to the canon of the show, drop me a line and let me know.
- fiatlux