BtVS Quotes
(B=Buffy, X=Xander, W=Willow, S=Spike, A=Anya, T=Tara, D=Dawn, K=Krelvin, TH=Tony Harris, MH=Mrs. Harris, CC=Cousin Carol, R=Uncle Rory, DH=D'Hoffryn, H=Halfrek )
W: Oh my god, last night, the rehearsal dinner. That was like a zoo without the table manners.
B: I just can't believe everyone bought that story about Anya's people being circus folks. Did you see the guy with the tentacles? What's he supposed to be, Inky the Squid-boy?
W: Did you see how much they drank?
K: Yeah, we met. You said I resembled your mother-in-law.
TH: I mean no disrespect, of course. I'm sure you come from a long, proud line of geeks.
CC: You know that guy Kevin? If he could clear up the skin problem, do you think - do you suppose he'd date a woman with a kid? I mean, I really can't afford to be very picky.
X: Now nothing on earth can stop this wedding, now.
B: It'll fit.
X: I've been meaning to cut back on that habit-forming oxygen.
B: You're glowing. Oh my god - maybe you're pregnant!
X: Happy teary, not frustrated-with-bow-tie teary?
A: I, Anya, promise to love you, to cherish you, to honor you, but not to obey you, of course, because that's anachronistic and misogynistic, and who do you think you are, like a sea captain or something?
A: Blah blah blah, misogynistic, blah blah... I do, however, entrust you with my heart. Take care of my heart, won't you, please? Take care of it, because it's all that I have, and if you let me, I'll take care of your heart, too. I'll protect it and tend to it, like a little stray. Wait, no. Like a little mangy stray that needs a home.
A: Oh, I want to see Xander now!
R: It was my trade. I used to stuff things. I still do, but only for fun.
DH: Hymen's greetings.
D: I can put this on the table for you.
H: So, Dawnie, how's everything? Going good? Nothing you, uh, wish was different?
CC: The Harrises are very broad-minded. We're Episcopalians.
X: How do I look?
B: Now, into the breach with you.
X: Now, let's go over the list one more time. Number 1...
Old Guy: It sounds crazy, I knows, but you have to believe me. I'm Xander Harris. I'm you.
TH: To my wife. What would I do without you, beautiful? Well, for starters, I probably wouldn't need to drink so much, would I?
TH: And a toast to the bride's dermatologically-challenged family shrub...
TH: What do you say we slip in the back room and I show you my...
S: You meet my friend?
B: But if you're wildly curious, yeah, it hurts.
B: Go where? Your place?
S: It's nice to watch you be happy. For them, even. I don't see it a lot. You glow.
S: But it hurts?
W: I'll say this for the Y chromosome. Looks good in a tux.
W: It's a good thing I realized I was gay. Otherwise, hey, you, me and formalwear...
A: I, Anya, promise to cherish you. Eww, no. Not cherish. I promise to have sex with you whenever *I* want, and pledge to be your friend, your wife, your confidant, and your sex poodle.
B: Yeah, you know, he's not just a minister, he's also a doctor. You know, he's half minister, half doctor. He's a... minitor. Not, of course, to be confused with a minotaur, because he's all, you know, man-ness. Doctor minister man. No bull parts whatsoever.
Child: I'm bored.
X: It's dead.
B: They were supposed to be my light at the end of the tunnel. I guess they were a train.
Credit: The Sunnydale Slayers