BtVS Quotes
(B=Buffy, G=Giles, X=Xander, W=Willow, S=Spike, A=Anya, T=Tara, D=Dawn, H=Halfrek, C=Clem, R=Richard)
A: Do you think we should set up lots of candles for Buffy's party tomorrow?
X: So, anything new about Warren and the nerd herd?
W: I've got my group - you know, the whole Spellcasters Anonymous thing? We're still looking for a better name.
D: So, what about you guys?
D: People have a tendency to go away... and I miss them. And sometimes... I wish I could just make them stop going away.
X: We're feeding an army.
B: What, like I'm one of those losers who can't make friends outside her tight little circle? No, I'm friendly. We bonded instantly. Peas in a pod. Bonded peas.
X: Don't worry, it's not a set-up.
B: He may be a chip-head, but he still doesn't play too well with others.
B: I'm definitely not ready to...
B: How are you doing?
W: I'm Finey McFine fine.
C: Hi, we met once before.
S: Stupid git.
A: Buffy's making a new friend. A grown-up friend.
S: You want to slip away for a minute, love?
W: It's like instant gratification for all your little acheys.
B: Did you guys make that?
A: Our friend is better.
S: I had a muscle cramp. Buffy was helping.
A: No, you go.
X: You want to try poker?
S: Must be some late-night activities to keep us busy till morning.
S: Me, I used to love breakfast. In the old days, I probably would have eaten by now.
B: We do not joke about eating people in this house!
B: I was insane to ever think you could just hang out with my friends.
B: I'm actually trying to move right now.
B: We all have places that we'd rather be.
D: So you've all just decided that somehow I'm responsible. Great. Here's me basking in the love.
X: Well, 'cause, you know, sometimes we do something that seems like a good idea at the time, like, say, invoke the power of a musical amulet. And it turns out, you know, not so much.
A: I think she's possessed.
S: Hey, I don't want to keep you from all the touchy-feelies, but maybe the encounter group can meet later? Say, when we're not trapped in a house.
X: That's great! In a very bad way.
R: All right, does somebody want to tell me what's going on here? We're trapped in a house by, by what, some unseen force or something? Who knows what she's doing in there. And I have to tell you, I don't think that's a skin condition.
B: Okay, so maybe "soon" was a bit of an overstatement.
S: So, you ever think about not celebrating your birthday? Just to try it, I mean?
W: I can't.
T: Hey! You're gonna back off. She said no, and that's it. You're not gonna make her do something that she doesn't want to. And if you try, you're gonna have to go through me first. Understood?
D: You sound like my guidance counselor. Did she give you a handbook or something? Talking to the Troubled Teen?
A: I hope you die, you stupid jerkface!
H: There will be no touching of the pendant.
H: What? Did you think I'd be stopped by a sword in the chest? Flesh wound.
H: I told you I was going to take care of some business while I was here in town.
H: William?
T: I thought vengeance demons only punished men who wronged women.
R: You have some weird friends.
A: Dawnie, there are two words I want you to get used to - punitive damages.
C: Good party.
X: I just want to run barefoot on the grass so I can feel the dewdrops between my...
Credit: The Sunnydale Slayers