BtVS Quotes

Bargaining II

(B=Buffy, X=Xander, W=Willow, S=Spike, A=Anya, T=Tara, D=Dawn, BB=BuffyBot)

W: Adonai, helomi, pine. Adonai, helomi, pine. The gods do command thee from thy majesty. O mappa laman. Adonai, helomi. Come forward, Blessed One, know your calling. Come forward, Blessed One. Child of Elomina, accept our humble gratitude for your offering. In death, you give life. May you find wings to the

W: I had to get that thing.
X: Giles isn't around - you can dump the cryptic.

A: Well, it must be something pretty intense. The black market's all baby teeth and spooky fluids.

W: Oh, you got butterflies, baby?
T: More like bats.
A: You want to look at the money? I find it always calms me.

A: We brought you some lovely parting gifts. It's American. Get it? Apple pie? To remind you of all the good food you won't be eating.
T: And a monster - sort of a Sunnydale souvenir, we thought. Grr, aargh!

A: I'll take really good care of your money.

W: Well, you should get going. Don't you have a life or something?
G: I suppose that's the question, really.

W: It was right, though, wasn't it? Giving him the no-tears send off? I mean, we don't want him going off all worried about us.
A: He'd still be all worried, just eight hours ahead.

W: Osiris, keeper of the gate, master of all fate, hear us. Before time and after. Before knowing and nothing. Accept our offering. Know our prayer. Osiris, here lies the warrior of the people. Let her cross over. Osiris, let her cross over. Osiris, release her.

A: Less talk, more running away.

X: We got trouble, right here in Hellmouth City.

S: A couple of stakes, holy water, one cross. [picks up cross] Ow! [drops it] Brilliant.

S: I'm not gonna let those buggers lay so much as a warty digit on you.

A: They could be hurt. Xander could be lying somewhere, broken and bleeding, calling out my name.
T: Anya...
A: Like that! Oh god.

T: Willow and I always know how to find each other.
A: With yoga?

X: Okay, this is really starting to grate my cheese. These woods aren't that big. Now, I know we've been going straight because I've been following the North star.
W: Xander, that's not the North star. It's an airplane.
X: No, that's not an airplane. That's definitely... a blimp. But I can see how one would make that airplane mistake.

W: That spell took a lot out of me.
X: As, for example, snakes?

X: Do not get all avoidy on me.

X: Demons. Ah, there's something you don't see every day. Unless you're us.

X: We're being hunted and you're hello-ing a strange, fast-moving light in the dark?

W: Xander, it's not a bug. It's Tara.
X: And how long have you known that your girlfriend's Tinkerbell?

D: What?
S: Oh, nothing. Just, uh, looked like fun. I'm just saying.

X: This place is NORAD when we're at DefCon 1. [pause] Okay, I *so* need male friends.

Biker Demon: All in one quick, really pretty violent fell swoop.

X: I don't see you winning too many beauty contests, unless the Miss "My face fell off" pageant gets going.

Biker Demon: Big axe you got there.
X: The better to cut you down to size, Grandma.

X: I happen to be a very powerful man-witch myself. A male... [asks Willow] is it a warlock? Warlock.

A: Plus, we have a Slayer here. Who might actually be looking to eat some brains, so I think a little quiet moseying, no hard feelings, and I'm sure your demon horde won't think any the less of you.

Biker Demon: Now, let me tell you something, children - we're not gonna fight you. We're just gonna hold you down and enjoy ourselves for a few hours.

A: Does this mean we win?

T: Nobody messes with my girl.
X: Tara, nice axing.
T: My first!

D: The tower was built by crazy people and I don't think it's holding up very well.

Credit: The Sunnydale Slayers