BtVS Quotes
(B=Buffy, G=Giles, X=Xander, W=Willow, R=Riley, A=Anya, S=Spike, T=Tara, F=Forrest, An=Angel)
Adam: Two Slayers.
Adam: You feel smothered. Trapped like an animal. Pure in its ferocity. unable to actualize the feelings within. Clinging to one truth, like a flame, struggling to burn within an enclosed glass: that a beast this powerful cannot be contained. Inevitably, it will break free and savage the land again. I will make you whole again, make you savage.
S: I get why all the demons all fall in line with you. You're like Tony Robbins. If he was a big, scary, Frankenstein-looking... You're exactly like Tony Robbins.
S: You don't want her Slayerettes mucking about.
X: Try those on - you'll feel like a new man.
R: But as post-apocalypse splendor goes, I've done wonders with the place.
R: I take it you're not an Angel fan, either.
X: Angel's an okay guy if he's mopey and sad and brooding, but you give him even one second of pure, real pleasure...
R: That explains a lot of things that I wish weren't explained.
X: Hey, man, that's all ancient history.
S: You know, for someone who's got "Watcher" on his resume, you might want to cast an eye to the front door every now and again.
S: What, you think I'd come running over saying "I've got a secret. Beat me till I talk"?
G: What do you want?
S: What makes you think she'll listen to you?
S: I've seen the way she treats you.
W: I keep thinking, "okay, that's the cutest thing ever." And then she does something cuter, and completely resets the whole scale.
W: Maybe something fun, like drama. I could be dramatic. "You cannot have more catnip! You have a catnip problem."
W: I used to assume we'd be roomies through grad school, well into little old ladyhood. You know, cheating at Bingo together, and... forgetting to take our pills.
B: You joined the circus?
R: It's the pants, isn't it? It's okay, I couldn't take me seriously in these things, either.
R: I have to recharge them every two hours or they go dead on me.
S: This is just... swell.
A: Wow - the chip in your head means you can't even point a gun? How humiliating.
S: I'm taking a risk here, you know?
X: It happens that I'm good at a lot of things. I help out with all kinds of... stuff. I have skills, and... stratagems.. I'm very... help me out.
X: Xander got fired from Starbucks. Xander got fired from that phone-sex line.
F: You killing humans now?
F: Family's tearing apart.
S: A couple of them make me on the way out, but I took care of them.
S: Can you fix 'em?
Soldier: They're going to start tearing each other apart.
R: Way I heard it, you were all peaceable now. You didn't by any chance go and lose that pesky soul again, did you?
An: Think you're going to stop me?
An: Can I come in?
B: Let me guess: you thought of something else really hurtful to say and, well, you couldn't tell me on the phone because the funniest part is that look on my face.
B: Running your car into a tree is an accident. Running your fist into somebody's face is a plan.
An: Put that gun down.
B: He won't hurt anybody. Tell him!
B: I see one more display of testosterone-poisoning, and I will personally put you both in the hospital.
B: I would really like to know - what the hell are you trying to do?
An: He wasn't real forthcoming with the benefit of the doubt.
An: Oh, and... Riley?
S: Call it the Yoko factor. Don't tell me you've never heard of the Beatles?
B: How bad are you hurt?
R: Xander said...
R: When I saw that he was bad...
R: See? Nuts.
B: Then why with the crazy?
B: Okay, Will, how long before you un-crypt it?
G: Whatever happened to Latin? At least when that made no sense, the Church approved.
W: Right, and then maybe you'll get lucky and he'll still be there, and he can rip your arms off for you.
G: You never train with me anymore. He's going to kick your ass.
X: I'll stay behind and putter around the Batcave with crusty old Alfred here.
W: Oh, wow, we're already getting in the way. We're pretty good at this, Xander, huh?
W: Besides, when is ther any "us two"? You two are the two who are the two. I'm the other one.
B: Are you drunk?
G: I, for one, am not missing a minute of it...
T: You think this will go on for a while?
W: No, you'd be wonderful in the Army. Do you think the umbilical cord between you and Anya will stretch that far?
X: Tara's your girlfriend?
B: Judgemental? If I was any more open-minded about the choices you two make, my whole brain would fall out.
X: Just because you're better than us doesn't mean you can be all superior.
B: We'll walk into that cave with you two attacking me and that funny drunk drooling on my shoe.
Credit: The Sunnydale Slayers