BtVS Quotes
(B=Buffy, G=Giles, X=Xander, W=Willow, O=Oz, J=Joyce, R=Riley, P=Parker, SG1=Smart guy 1, SG2=Smart guy 2)
X: Rough day?
X: Now I'm the bartender, I kick people out.
B: Well, even if I had a pretend cigarette, I couldn't tell you my pretend problems. Real ones have clogged up my head space.
W: I'm pregnant by my step-brother, who'd rather be with my best friend, and he's left me with no place to live, no food except for this bottle of Wild Turkey which I drank all up. < pause > That was me being tanked and friendless for ya.
B: Don't guys sometimes keep the girls they really, really like inside these deep little brain fantasy bubbles where everything's perfect? I mean, they do that, right?
W: I'm sorry to be so coarse, but I feel strongly about stinky Parker-man.
B: I'm telling you, I think that he has intimacy problems because of the death of his father.
X: Ice water. Do you want that on the rocks?
B: Oh, Riley - so sorry.
R: Parker and his latest conquest. You know, that boy should
SG1: It sounds like the two of you were having quite the meeting of minds, possibly debating the geo-political ramifications of bioengineering. You have a take on that?
B: If he were tied and gagged, and left in a cave that vampires happen to frequent, it wouldn't really be like I killed him, really.
B: I just... I seem to be bumping into people today.
SG1: You're a very beautiful girl who should be covered with men. And, can we be those men?
O: Hey, you got a table.
SG1: The thing that the modern-day pundits fail to realize is that all the socioeconomic and psychological problems inherent in modern society can be solved by the judicious application of way too much beer.
SG1: Beer! Had the earliest morality developed under the influence of beer, there would be no good or evil, there would be "kinda nice" and "pretty cool."
B: You guys really love to hear yourselves speak, don't ya?
W: "My name is Veruca. I'm in a band." "Oh, I'm Oz. I'm in a band, too. Oh, and this is Will." "Oh, how fun, a groupie." Groupie! Buff, have you heard of this Veruca chick - dresses like Faith, voice like an albatross?
B: I went to see Xander. Then I saw Parker. Then came... beer.
W: He deserves a torturous and slow death by spider bites. Well, for today we'll just have to throw spitballs at his neck in class.
W: Two Veruca shows in two nights? You sure you want to share your groupie? I think I'm just gonna study. 'Cause of the fun.
B: Huh, huh, huh! It sings. Like it.
B: Want beer. Like beer. Beer good.
W: I'm tired of you men and your... man-ness.
W: In fact, she's in need of a big mental tidy.
W: She shared something very intimate with you, and you act like it's nothing more than a bag of... some kind of snack food.
SG1: Fire... fire pretty.
X: We got a problem. The guys... they... they're... Some of your patrons are turning into cavemen.
Jack: That's the great thing about beer. It makes all men the same.
Jack: Neat, huh? My brother-in-law's a warlock. He showed me how to do the...
X: Uh, how much beer would you say a person would need to consume before they seriously started questing for fire?
X: You're a bad, bad man.
G: I can't believe you served Buffy that beer.
W: You know, I'm wondering something about you.
W: That's right, I've got your number, Id-boy.
W: I mean, you men! It's all about the sex. Find a woman, drag her to your den. do whatever's necessary, just as long as you get the sex. I tell you, men haven't changed since the dawn of time.
G: Well, she doesn't appear to be in any immediate danger. Maybe you should stay with her.
B: Buffy want beer.
X: Can't find the beer? Good. Freshman girl not able to hold the beer. Shouldn't have it. Get into trouble.
B: Fire bad!
X: Did you guys have enough fun for one night?
X: And was there a lesson in all this, huh? What did we learn about beer?
X: Anyways, I think the boys in the car are contained for time being. This will give them some time to ponder the geopolitical ramifications of being mean to me.
G: Whose car is that?
Credit: The Sunnydale Slayers