BtVS Quotes
(B=Buffy, G=Giles, X=Xander, W=Willow, As=Angelus, C=Cordelia, J=Joyce, PS=Principal Snyder, S=Spike, D=Druscilla, O=Oz, Jon=Jonathan, Cam=Cameron)
X: Last month he's the freak with jicama breath who waxes his back. He wins a few meets and suddenly inherits the cool gene?
C: It's about time our school excelled at something.
B: Boy, I was just going to go with big and wet.
B: Nice tat. What, they ran out of Tweety bird?
B: See, it's fun to hang out with me.
W: Gage, your pie chart is looking a lot like solitaire... with naked ladies on the cards?
W: I like teaching.
X: He actually told you to alter his grade?
C: Xander, I know you take pride in being the voice of the common wuss...
X: What about that nutty "all men are created equal" thing?
X: The Yankees, Abbott and Costello, The A--now those were teams.
Cam: I just want you to be comfortable.
Cam: Are you wearing a bra?
Cam: Relax, I'm not going to hurt you.
B: So I'm treated like the baddie, just because he has a sprained wrist and a bloody nose... and I don't have a scratch on me... which, granted, hurts my case a little, on the surface...
B: So, anything new with you guys?
G: Nothing left but skin and cartilage.
B: So, something ripped him open and ate out his insides.
W: So we're looking for a beastie.
X: Too much research. Need beverage.
X: Well, it was dark, and the thing went through the window so quick, and I was a little shocked when I saw it, and...
C: I think I've lost all will to cheerlead.
B: And raises the possibility that someone brought forth the sea monster from whence it came to exact that revenge. From whence it came...? I'm spending way too much time around you.
B: You should question him.
W: So, you delved into the black arts, and conjured up a hellbeast from the ocean's depths to wreak your vengeance.
B: I'm a swim groupie. Oh, yeah, you know, there's just something about the smell of chlorine on a guy. Oh, baby.
B: Obviously, my sex appeal is on the fritz today...
Gage: What a psycho bitch, man.
As: You're in luck, my friend. Just so happens, I'm recruiting.
As: Why, Miss Summers, you're beautiful.
Gage: Was that the thing that killed Cameron?
C: I thought Angel liked blood.
C: Oh. Oh. Oh, my. Now, *that*, girls, is my kind of...
X: I'm undercover!
X: I figure, I can keep an eye on Gage and the others when Buffy can't.
X: Okey-dokey, Coachie.
C: I'm dating a swimmer from the Sunnydale swim team.
X: What's the deal? You perspire a lot. You can't breathe. Or read. I mean, I guess you could, but the pages would probably get all wet.
X: He's putting his sneakers on. But it's not the Velcro kind, so give him a couple extra minutes.
X: Tag, you're it.
G: Well, the good news is that it would appear that none of your team actually died.
X: But is steroid use usually linked with, "hey, I'm a fish"?
B: They needed to win, and winning equals trophies, which equals prestige for the school. You see how they're treated. It's been like that forever.
X: We have to find an antidote, don't you think? The clock is ticking, people!
X: What am I gonna do?
B: I think we'd better find the rest of the swim team and lock them up before they get in touch with their inner halibut.
W: I'll talk to Nurse Greenleigh.
Coach: You got some imagination, Missy.
Coach: Boy, when they were handing out school spirit, you didn't even stand in line, did you?
X: Wait here. But feel free to come in if you hear me scream.
C: You were so courageous. And you looked really hot in those speedos!
C: And we can still date. Or not... I mean, I understand if you want to see other fish. I'll do everything I can to make your quality of life better, whether that means little bath toys or whatever.
Coach: How you feeling?
B: Thanks.
B: Those boys really love their coach.
X: Turning into a creepy-crawly wasn't on my top ten list of things to do before I turned twenty.
Credit: The Sunnydale Slayers