BtVS Quotes
(B=Buffy, G=Giles, X=Xander, W=Willow, C=Cordelia, O=Oz, JC=Jenny Calendar, J=Joyce, PS=Principal Snyder, As=Angelus, S=Spike, D=Druscilla, L=Larry )
O: I don't know. Today's movies are kind of like popcorn. You know, you forget about them as soon as they're done. I do remember I liked the popcorn though.
W: Oh, there. I have my friend. So I will go to her.
L: Man, Oz, I would love to get me some of the Buffy/Willow action, if you know what I mean.
L: Oh, thank you, Thighmaster!
L: So, Oz, man, what's up with that? Dating a junior? Let me guess: That little innocent schoolgirl thing is just an act, right?
W: Nowhere! I mean, he said he was going to wait until I was ready, but I'm ready. Honest, I'm good to go here.
B: Have you dropped any hints?
B: I was going on two minutes there without thinking of Angel.
B: I'd do a lot better if you and Xander and I could do that "share in our misery" thing tonight.
C: We didn't come here to talk about Willow, we came here to do things I can never tell my father about because he still thinks I'm a good girl.
C: Do you even want to be here?
X: I just don't trust Oz with her. I mean, he's a senior. He's attractive--okay, maybe not to me, but...and he's in a band! And we know what kind of element that attracts.
X: I do not babble. I occasionally run-on, every now and then I yammer...
C: Look around. We're in my daddy's car. It's just the two of us, there is a beautiful, big full moon outside tonight. It doesn't get more romantic than this. So shut up!
X: Told you I heard something.
B: And you're sure it was a werewolf?
G: Several animal carcasses were found mutilated.
G: Fortunately, no people were injured.
G: Meaning the accepted legend werewolves only prowl during the full moon might be erroneous?
G: Werewolves! It's one of the classics. < happy bounce >
G: I'm sure my books and I are in for a fascinating afternoon.
Coach: Each of you can learn how to protect yourself.
C: I think you splashed on just a little too much "Obsession for Dorks."
O: I've been there, man. My cousin Jordy just got his grownup teeth in. Does not like to be tickled.
L: Theresa! Be still my shorts. We're in the same group. I may have to attack you.
G: The full moon seems to bring out our darkest qualities.
G: It acts on pure instinct, no conscience. Predatory and aggressive.
Cain: I'm the one with the gun, which means I'm the one who gets to do the interviewing.
Cain: I got to say, I'm impressed.
B: Enough, repulsive brain, it's not what you think. We're hunting werewolves.
Cain: I mean, this guy looks like he's auditioning top be a librarian, and you, well, you're a girl.
B: It doesn't bother you that a werewolf is a person 28 days out of the month?
B: I think I know where to look. We just have to make it there before Mein Furrier.
C: I mean, with Xander it's always, "Buffy did this," "Willow said that." Buffy, Buffy, Willow, Willow. It's like I don't even exist.
W: Oz and I are in some sort of holding pattern. Except without the holding, or anything else.
C: What's his problem? Oh, that's right, he's a guy.
B: Who could resist Sunnydale's own house of hormones?
Cain: Daddy's doing a great job of carrying her bag of milk bones.
Cain: Now, I've got to deal with People for the Ethical Treatment of Werewolves.
O: I wanted to ask you something: Is Jordy a werewolf? Uh-huh. And how long has that been going on? Uh-huh.
O: Did anyone get bitten or scratched?
B: Believe me, I'm going to give that wolfie something to howl about.
X: But while we hang here doing nothing, there's a human werewolf walking around out there, probably making fun of us.
X: I know what it's like to crave the taste of freshly killed meat.
X: I'm a big bad wolf. I'm on the prowl. I'm sniffing, I'm snarling, I'm a slobbering predator, I'm... Wait a second. It's right in front of us. It's obvious who I am. I'm Larry! The guy's practically got wolf-boy stamped on his forehead.
B: Me and the werewolf alone in a cage for three minutes. That's all I ask.
X: Why so jumpy, Larry?
B: Did anybody besides Larry fit our werewolf profile?
B: I noticed you're looking solo.
W: I can't figure him out. I mean, he's so hot and cold. Or, luke-warm and cold.
B: Maybe you need to make the first move.
W: It used to be so much easier to tell if a boy liked you. He'd punch you on the arm, and then run back to his friends.
X: Wow, those two gals are hanging out a lot together. This would be a good time to panic.
B: So how'd it go with Larry?
B: There goes our lead suspect. Which then puts us right back at square boned.
B: Vampire.
X: If it weren't for you, people would be lined up five deep waiting to get themselves buried, Willow would be Robbie the robot's love slave, I wouldn't even have a head, and Theresa's a vampire.
X: Oh no. My life's not too complicated.
W: Buffy told me that sometimes what a girl makes has to be the first move, and now that I'm saying this, I'm starting to think that the written version sounded pretty good, but you know what I mean.
W: Don't you think I'm going through a lot?
W: It's Oz! It's Oz!
G: I put in enough Phenobarbital to sink a small elephant. It should be enough for a large werewolf.
Cain: Come on, supper-time. Good doggie. Now play dead.
W: I shot Oz.
B: How about you let the door hit you in the ass on the way out of town?
B: That was weird.
X: What relationship? I mean, what life could they possibly have together? We're talking obedience school, paper training, Oz is always in the back burying their things. And that kind of breed can turn on its master.
O: I spoke to Giles. He said I'll be okay, I just have to lock myself up around the full moon. Only he used more words than that... and a globe.
W: I'm sorry about how all this ended up. With me shooting you and all.
O: I mean, it's not every day you find out you're a werewolf. That's fairly freaksome. It may take a couple of days getting used to.
W: Well, I like you. You're nice, and you're funny. And you don't smoke. Yeah, okay, werewolf, but that's not all the time. I mean, three days out of the month I'm not much fun to be around either.
W: So, I'd still if you'd still.
O: A werewolf in love.
Credit: The Sunnydale Slayers