BtVS Quotes
(B=Buffy, G=Giles, X=Xander, W=Willow, A=Angel, C=Cordelia, JC=Jenny Calendar, J=Joyce, PS=Principal Snyder, S=Spike, D=Druscilla, O=Oz, L=Lyle Gorch, T=Tector Gorch, MW=Mr. Whitmore)
B: "Everyday Woman"? Why didn't you just go to Muumuu's R Us?
L: Well, ain't you just got the prettiest little neck I ever did see?
L: All right, sugar-lips. Giddyup.
L: This ain't over!
B: Oh bliss, mall food.
J: Let me guess: You were distracted by a boy.
X: You know what? This would work a lot better for me if you didn't talk.
X: All in all, this is not what I'd call a big self-esteem booster.
X: I don't need this.
MW: How many of us have lost countless productive hours plagued by unwanted sexual thoughts and feelings.
X: You want to talk negative consequences? What about the heartbreak of halitosis? I mean, a girl may seem spiffy, but if she ignores her flossing, the bloom is definitely off the rose.
W: Buffy, how come you weren't in class?
B: As far as punishments go, this is fairly abstract.
B: I can't do this. I can't take care of things. I killed my gigapet. I mean, literally. I sat on it and it broke.
X: You know, the only thing that stresses me is when do we tell them they're adopted?
B: I'm a single mother?
G: They made their reputation by massacring an entire Mexican village in 1886.
G: The good news is that they're not amongst the great thinkers of our time.
X: 'Nuff said. I propose that Buffy slays them. All in favor?
B: Please. Like Angel and I are just helpless slaves to passion. Grow up.
B: You know, this isn't hunting in the classical sense.
T: That the Slayer?
B: Good night, Eggbert.
T: I'm tired of rat.
T: I just don't like it here. Ain't a decent whore in the whole city limits.
L: All right, I'm gonna beat you like a redheaded stepchild, and throw your ass out in that sunlight.
L: Yippee-ki-ay, matey!
J: Are you sure your egg is secure in that?
B: I didn't sleep well.
X: Apparently Buffy has decided the problem with the English language is all those pesky words. You. Angel. Big. Smoochies?
X: You can't stress over every little thing. A child picks up on that. Which is a one-way ticket to neurotic city.
X: Which is another secret to conscientious egg care. A pot of scalding water and about eight minutes.
G: I suppose there is a kind of Machiavellian ingenuity to your transgression.
W: Are they getting weirder? Have you noticed the weirdness of them?
W: Angel's helping you, right?
B: As much as I hate to say this, we should really go kill bad guys.
A: I'll hunt.
B: I figured there were all sorts of things vampires can't do. Like work for the telephone company, or volunteer for the Red Cross, or... have little vampires.
B: I had a bad dream?
B: Okay, soliloquy girl, I just wanted to ask about your egg.
B: So your egg isn't acting odd or anything?
X: Mmmm, cardboard-y. Sorry, junior, but a man's gotta eat.
B: You know, I always say that a day without an autopsy is like a day without sunshine.
X: Can I just say... ghuuuh!
B: I'll see your ghuuuh! and raise you a nuuuhh!
B: Me? Why do I have to dissect it?
J: She never means to, but somehow, she always manages to anyway!
J: Bristow's Demon Index? Hell's Offspring?
X: Last time Cordy dragged me in here, it was a lot nicer.
X: Oh. Bad now. < smash! > Thank you.
X: He must be out somewhere.
X: Willow said something, a name... What was it?
B: I'd say he found something.
X: Neural clamping. That sounds skippable.
X: Do we really want to go in there?
B: I'm gonna need a weapon. I'm gonna need a _big_ weapon.
L: I told you this weren't over.
X: Cordelia! I don't want to hurt you. Some of the time. < punch > I'll kill you! That's my _bump_.
L: This is all your fault.
L: All right. It's over.
G: These gas things will happen. What was it, really?
W: Did I really hit you?
B: How is she?
B: I'm grounded?
Credit: The Sunnydale Slayers