AtS Quotes

Life of the Party

Angel: And Eve, you stay here with me and we'll have more sex.
Eve: I'm on it.

Angel: Lorne told you to pee all over the office?
Gunn: God I hope so!

Fred: I am totally drunkfaced.
Wesley: Cause you can't hold your...what are you drinking again?
Fred: Nothing.
Wesley: You can't hold that.
Fred: Well, how much have you had?
Wesley: Well, about a third of a half of this beer.

Angel: (shaking the archduke's hand) And you look...well I don't need to tell you how awesome you look. You know how awesome you look. He knows how awesome he looks!

Angel: I'm brooding.
Lorne: You're watching hockey!
Angel: Yeah, but my team is losing.

Lorne: Look at the dance floor. The only thing on it is Harmony. (turns to Harmony) Keep pushing that envelope girl!

Gunn: Oh, and your chair.
Angel: What?
Gunn: Don't sit in it. I already called janitorial.
Angel: Why can't I -?
Spike: You pissed in the big man's chair? That's fantastic!
Gunn: Spike, can you please turn off that warm fuzzy?
Spike: What, the Lorne thing? Wore off. I just think that's bloody fabulous.

Spike: Hey! Angel's gettin some! Good on you mate!

Angel: (re: party) I wasn't too crazy about this thing to begin with. I mean, we are talking about our clients, right? Our evil clients. Not the sort of folks I really like to show a good time. I'd be a lot happier if the whole thing just kind of fell through. Then we could get back to--
Lorne: Ha! Ha! Ha! Ok! Ok! You're killin' me! Can't you just feel up the big picture, Mr. Magoo? It's not about good and evil. It's about party! Party! Capital "p"! Rhymes with "me"? About to have a stroke here 'cause you're killin' me!

Lorne: (re: party) Yeah. You know, Angel, I--I don't have have superhuman strength, and I'm not a fighter. Quantum physics makes me nauseous, I barely made a passing grade at mystical studies, but I'm on your team. This is something I can do. I believe it has a purpose that can help you, even if you don't.

Wesley: Hey. Hey, Gunn. Is something weird going on? Charles, you just peed on my shoes.
Gunn: I'll be damned. That's weird.

Angel: Eve. So I guess we should, I don't know, talk?
Eve: About what?
Angel: About what happened back there with us.
Eve: Angel, it's not like this is the first time I've had sex under a mystical influence. I went to U.C. Santa Cruz.

Please credit Hellmouth Central with these quotes when using them for any publication.