(A=Angel, F=Fred, C=Cordelia, L=Lorne, G=Gunn, Gr=Groo, C/S=Connor/Steven, Li=Lilah, W=Wesley, Holz-H,
F: "Still no answer on his cell phone."
C: "That could mean something if he actually knew how to use it."
F: "Okay. So he survived and unspeakable hell dimension. Who hasn't? You-you can't just leave him alone in the streets of Los Angeles!"
L: "I would have been here sooner, but I had to stop and get it enchanted. Cedrian Crystals don't actually come that way."
G: "Will it work?"
F: "It should. Cedrian crystals are said to contain millennia of stored mystical energy... and it's about the size of a "D" battery."
Fred: "Anything that came out of Quor-toth should have left behind a kind of para-plasmic radioactivity. Of course, I'm working of the principal that everything in nature seeks a relaxed and stable state."
Lorne: "I know I do."
Cordy: "So, maybe if we're very, very lucky, later today we'll be able to kill something. You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
Groo: "Angel. His inaction puzzles me. When Connor was taken from him he moved heaven and Tarkna to try and win him back."
Lorne: "Yeah, he sure did. Hence our weekly scrubbing of the lobby floor."
L: "Well, aren't you just sneaky with the subtext?"
Gr: "It is a beautiful day. If my princess asks, tell her I've gone for a walk. - If she asks."
A: "There's just so much I thought we'd be able to do together before he, you know..."
C: "Grew up?"
A: "Hated me."
L: "Should we be wearing lead? 'cause I actually have something."
F: "Okay, looks like something might have come in here... or here...wait a minute. Wow. Something here is pretty... [runs into Connor] Angel's son! Hi! I didn't mean to click at you."
A: "Listen, uhm, - I - I, ah, have to go out for a while."
C/S: "It's okay."
A: "It's kind of my job."
C/S: "Yeah. Whatever."
A: "It could be kind of dangerous. There's a lot of killing and violence. You wanna come?"
Li: "I see you got my invitation."
W: "Lilah. Obviously."
Li: "I thought the 'come alone' was a particularly ironic touch. I mean, how else would you come?"
Li: "Seems she has been pissing off a lot of undead Americans lately."
W: "And you thought I'd enjoy a box seat for her slaughter."
Li: "Well, yeah!"
W: "You really don't know the first thing about me, do you?"
Li: "Probably not."
Li: "He has to think about it. That's good. That's all I really needed to know."
C/S: "So why do you do it?"
A: "Do what?"
C/S: "Why kill them if they're like you?"
A: "They're not like me, Connor."
C/S: "I'm not Connor."
A: "Nice... Ah, take the one on the...Well, yeah. Uh, that makes more sense...."
Li: "Who's the boy wonder? He moves just like..."
W: "...his father."
C/S: "Father. He was everything that you said. He tried to trick me. Thought that he could deceive me by saving people. It didn't work. I've seen his true face."
H: "And I've seen yours."
H: "Go back to him, Steven."
C/S: "Why are you doing this? Why? God gave me to you."
H: "Yes. It was God's plan for us to be together. Nothing will ever persuade me otherwise. But now it's time for me to give you back."
F: "Okay. Except for the hotel the strongest emissions are coming from somewhere in this vicinity."
G: "Now what? We go door to door and ask if anyone's seen any inter-dimensional bogies?"
F: "Looks like we've been following Angel's son's emissions the whole time."
G: "Now there is a sentence I don't ever need to hear again."
F: "But it's good, right? It means there was no big scary that came out of the portal."
G: "How about a short scary?"
C: "I'm not going anywhere with you, demon."
L: "I'll tell you what, since you were raised in a hell dimension by a psychopath, and since that happens to be a topic that I know a little something about, we'll just let that slide. Now I'll fetch your pop for you."
C: "Filthy demon."
L: "Actually, that's *uncle* filthy demon to you. It wasn't that long ago, like a week, I was changing your diapers, you little..."
L: "Well, you got some serious mojo going on, girl. Whatever deal you struck with the Powers, it looks to me like they gave you the full package - all the extras. That kid was _toxic_ when he came here tonight. Heavy on the 'ic(k)'."
A: "What actually happened out there?"
L: "In my professional opinion? Well, Miss demon-y britches here gave that child some kind of 'soul colonic'. Flushed him out but good."
C/S: "I might have tried to kill your friend."
A: "Yeah, well - she's used to it."
C: "Wait. Angel, before you go we have to do that thing."
A: "What thing?"
C: "That thing we do. You know that thing where I say 'are you sure you know what you're doing, Angel, please think about this' and then you ignore me and rush head long into trouble?"
A: "Right. That thing. - Okay, are we done?"
C: "Angel, please think about this. In fact, don't go there at all."
A: "I have to."
C: "I know. But don't."
A: "I'm not gonna kill him even though he deserves it."
C: "Oh, I don't care if you kill him. He stole Connor's childhood, so kill him. But don't lie to your son. He's been here like a day. Way to build the trust."
J: "I can't believe you survived it. How did you?"
H: "My hate kept us alive."
J: "Hate gets a bad rap. It can keep you going sometimes when nothing else will."
Holtz: "Yes. I found I had to stay alive that I might pass on my legacy of hate. But something happened in that place, Justine, something changed. Amidst the most unspeakable ugliness the hate turned into love. Love for a son. Hate is not enough. I found that love is far more powerful. Now there is just one thing I need you to do for me and then I can finally be done with vengeance."
C/S: "What is it?"
G: "The ocean. Pacific."
C/S: "Ocean. My father taught me about oceans. He never said it was so..."
F: "Big?"
C/S: "Empty."
F: "It's not. It's just all under the surface. A whole 'nother world actually."
A: "You stole my son."
H: "I kept your son alive. You murdered mine."
H: "You feel remorse. You feel remorse yet you can't express it."
A: "You want me to say I'm sorry? How can I? It wouldn't mean a thing."
H: "It would mean a little. Not much, but it would be something."
H: "I'm an old man now. I have nothing to offer the boy. You can give him what I can't... his purpose. But every time you look upon his face, every time he calls you 'father', you will be reminded of that which you took and can never give back. And if that is vengeance, I find I have no taste for it."
H: "Come on, Justine. I'm not asking you to follow me into hell. Just help send me there."
Please credit Hellmouth Central with these quotes when using them for any publication.