(A=Angel C=Cordelia G=Gunn W=Wesley F=Fred L=Lorne LW=Linwood Sj=Sahjhan Js=Justine Li=Lilah)
G: "Wesley's not coming back. No toothbrush, no razor, no Mossberg twelve gauge he kept in the closet."
G: "I think if he was answering his cell phone he would have the first forty times you called."
F: "You're telling me to quit trying? [pause] Sorry..."
G: "Don't be. Keep trying."
Js: "No more training and no more practice. From here out everything is real."
F: "No. It can't be. The baby's not gone."
L: "I'm sorry, sweetie, but he is."
F: "Not like that. Not a portal. There is pulling and there is noise, and there is nothing to hold on to. Nothing at all..."
G: "Baby..."
F: "He must have been so scared!"
Li: "If it's any consolation, sir, I did have a gun to my head tonight."
Lw: "Yes, I know. I'm sorry that happened. So, Sahjhan opened a door to the Quortoth and in went Holtz and baby?"
Li: "That's the long and short of it."
Lw: "I know you made every effort to preserve that baby for us."
Li: "Gun. At my head."
F: "It's in Gashundi and... I don't read Gashundi."
A: "Did we check the files?"
G: "They're in English. Cordelia's filing system isn't."
A: "She was keeping some kind of list of time- and space-shifting entities."
G: "Okay. Would that be under Time, Space, Shifting, or Entities?"
A: "She'll be back soon! And when she does she'll have presents, for Connor.... And he's gonna be here so she can give them to him! Okay?"
F: "Did he just say to forget about all this?"
G: "Yeah, he did."
F: "You don't suppose he's decided to skip right to the 'dealing with those responsible' part, do you?"
G: "I think we need to find Wesley."
L: "Angel, I know this isn't easy for you but you got to hear it. If you somehow managed to get in, finding Connor would be like looking for a needle in a haystack... the size of _China_."
A: "Needles. Should have thought of that..."
L: "Angel? Who is this?"
Lw: "Linwood Murrow, division president of Special Projects at Wolfram and Hart, and you are?"
L: "Ah, deeply troubled."
Lw: "Once the firm finds out what you've done..."
A: "...they'd kill you before they kill me."
L: "Do you even know what you're doing?"
Lw: "At last count the charges were kidnapping, assault and battery and attempt..." [Angel drops tray on table] "...none of which I intend to press. In fact, let's not press anything, shall we?"
Lw: "Hello Lilah. I'm sending over a client, and I want you to listen very carefully because I have explicit instructions on how to deal with him. Give him anything he wants."
F: "Oh. There is no happy for you. ...You were living in here together, sharing everything... except taking out the trash, I guess. I imagine losing Holtz is like losing a father. Or worse?"
F: "The trash! ...I'll explain that later."
Girl: "Your fingernails are pretty. I love red. ...You have a taste for red, too... and revenge. I know. It's so much more fun than forgiveness."
Girl: "They were all about torture and death. You can relate."
Girl: "Can't wait to see how it turns out."
F: "Okay. Throw me away."
G: "You want me to put you in the trash."
F: "God, somebody *ate* that?"
F: "It says here: 'It can't be coming. It can't be true.'"
G: "That's doomy."
F: "Wes did the right thing. The only thing he could do under the circumstances.
Now we have to find Angel and tell him right away."
G: "And he'll forgive Wesley for taking his son and giving him to his mortal enemy?"
F: "Well, maybe _begin_ to forgive."
L: "Angel, please do not do this thing. We'll find some other way."
Li: "There is no other way."
L: "You know, _not speaking_ would be a really good look for you."
Sj: "Now this is more like it!"
F: "He was trying to _protect_ Connor."
G: "He was trying to protect _you_...same as we're doing right now."
F: "Angel, the prophecy..."
A: "It's a lie. I'd never hurt Connor."
F: "How can you know that for sure?"
A: "I'd never hurt someone I care about. Now _move_."
F: "We have to go after him."
G: "We can't. He lays a finger on you, I'll have to kill him myself."
F: "We just wanna hear his side."
Js: "His side? His side's kinda funny. He sacrificed everything he believed in to save that kid."
G: "By helping Holtz take him to hell? I'd like to hear it from the horse's mouth."
Js: "Your friend's innocent."
F: "Where is he? Will you just tell us?"
Js: "Heaven? Hell? I slit his throat."
Sj: "So. My home. Uninvited guests. This can't end well."
Sj: "Can't tell you how much I missed doing that. I also missed gravity, friction, and smashing things to pieces. Let's start with your skulls."
A: "Yeah. Tell you what: you take me to the Quor-toth world, help me find my son, we'll call it even."
Sj: "Really? You and me? Buddy cop, summer release? We iron out our wacky differences and bond? I don't think so."
Sj: "I flitted back and forth in time. Changed the one that threatened me, polished some others. Flitted in a *manly* way ...just so we're clear."
Sj: "Do I look like I need more skin problems?"
Sj: "Had to put your boy down. Pity. The kid had a big future. I mean _big_."
L: "Hey, I, ah, cleaned the pentagram as best I could. The dried blood, well, that's starting to be a look out there."
L: "You know, there is a bigger picture here, Angel. And in that bigger picture there is a glass...."
A: "If the words 'glass is half full' are about to come out of your mouth, don't."
L: "No. No, this is more a glass half full of spiked blood."
G: "It's just good you came."
F: "He's not completely out of the woods yet. Your being here can only help."
A: "Hey, Wes. I just... I want you to know that I understand why you did it. I know about the prophecies and I know how hard it must have been for you to... do what you did. You thought I was gonna turn evil and kill my son. I didn't. It's important you know that. This isn't Angelus talking. It's me, Angel. You know that, right?" [Wesley blinks] "Good."
A: "You're dead! You're a dead man, Pryce! You're dead! I'll kill you!"
Please credit Hellmouth Central with these quotes when using them for any publication.