Holtz: What of England? Has it survived the years and destruction?
Sahjhan: Yes. It went through a rough patch about sixty years ago, but it's mostly unchanged. Warm beer, boiled meat, bad teeth. That's why I moved to LA. Have you followed this part of the history? American Revolution, manifest destiny, westward expansion, the Beach Boys?
Darla: Hey, you're the one that came in here all 'the world is a cold and lonely place.'
Angel: I had a bad day.
Darla: So, you threw me through those glass doors, slammed me against the wall, pushed me onto the bed and took what you wanted.
Angel: It seemed like the thing to do - at the time.
Angel: Flamethrower? No, no. There'll be no throwing of flames. Nobody's gonna do anything until we know exactly what's going on. Now, if anybody has a problem with that they should leave - now.
(Darla starts to leave)
Angel: Not you.
Cordelia: You want me to protect the vampire bitch who bit me *and* her evil love child?
(Cordy clocks Darla)
Cordelia: Okay, I'm in.
Darla: Something's wrong. The pain...
Angel: You like pain.
Darla: This is different.
Angel: Guys, we got to figure out what's inside of her now, before it skitters out.
Gunn: We should get a demony doctor in here. You know, someone who understands how her vampire girl parts work. You know what I'm saying.
Sahjhan: I'm not a man. - What I mean is...
Holtz: You're not human.
Sahjhan: But clearly masculine. You get that, right?
Sahjhan: I'll take you to them. Two centuries into the future.
Holtz: Through black magic and sorcery.
Sahjhan: No. On a mule cart. Of course through black magic and sorcery. I'm a demon.
Darla: I haven't had blood in almost a day, and your devil spawn is trying to rip its way out of my body. How do you think I'm doing?
Angel: What is it?
Wesley: It's - it's human.
Gunn: Human as is in humanoid? As in cannibalistic humanoid underground dwellers?
Wesley: No - human as in - a boy.
Angel: Boy?
Wesley: A boy. A boy. You're carrying a boy.
Angel: Great.
Angel: Gonna have a son. I'm gonna have a son.
Fred: Guys. As fascinating as an ultra-sound image of an unborn child may appear...
Angel: Me. A father. To a son. You know what that means?
Fred: We're surrounded by vampires?
Angel: No, it's a human bo...
Sahjhan: Once again: gender - not species. I should have said 'minions.' Have you seen Grappler demons fight? Not the sharpest pencils in the box, but merciless in battle. Okay, guys! Over here! Time to meet the new Jefe. And Flarmar, leave the head in the ring, okay?
Angel: You hear that? Our kid. Special.
Vampire: Now let us kill the humans so we may use their blood to nourish the mother and her miracle child.
Darla: Guess I'm getting dinner after all.
Angel: Darla, you might wanna join the fight.
Darla: Sorry, darling. I'm gonna have to be Switzerland and sit this one out. Now, you did say you were just gonna kill the humans, right?
Vampire: Yes, just the humans. Then we will nourish you, slice you open, wear your entrails as a belt and consume your eyeballs before we worship the miracle child.
Darla: Okay. I'm in.
Darla: Oh, I'd rather stay and fight. Show these youngsters a thing or two about real carnage.
Angel: thats thoughtful, but you know, you should go.
Fred: You freaks make one move and I'll slice the miracle kid into triplets.
Cordelia: It's always the quiet ones.
Darla: So, where 're we going? I'm famished and we all know how ugly that can get.
Please credit Hellmouth Central with these quotes when using them for any publication.