That Vision Thing
Gunn: How was that?
Wesley: I felt quite genuine.
Fred: B plus. C minus.
Wesley: Well, now that we've had this lovely reintroduction, I suggest you piss off.
Fred: I've been forking with Gunn!
Gunn: Five herb shops in Chinatown and we've been to four. How come whatever we're searching for is always in the last place we look?
Wesley: I supposed it is one of the unwritten laws of being a 'dick.' Ah, a sleuth, a gumshoe, Sherlock.
Gunn: All I know is you use the word 'dick' again and we're gonna have a problem.
Gunn: Alright, here we go. Next time we're hitting the last place first.
Cordelia: Wow, you know, next to you, I am downright linear!
Fred: I know that you're probably disappointed that you couldn't go fight that thing with Angel.
Gunn: Right. Because why would I wanna walk with a cute, young woman on a beautiful night when I could be out hacking and slaying an ugly, boil-covered demon monster and getting myself killed.
Fred: I can't apologize enough.
Gunn: All right, you got 30 seconds to show me your work order 'fore I start doin' some exterminatin' my damn self.
Cordelia: Did you just compare me to a car?
Angel: It was a very nice car.
Cordelia: I guess that's better than a dog.
Fred: The visions aren't from the Powers!
Lorne: Oh, sure, sweetheart. Steal my thunder. Next time *you* can be the one that gets thrown across the room.
Angel: Oh. So the Chinese guy and the boil guy...
Wesley: Were also aligned with the forces of good.
Angel: Damn! So hard to tell these days. You know, they should wear lapel pins or something.
Skip: Yeah. I'm Skip.
Angel: Angel. So...ah... you live in here, Skip?
Skip: No, I commute. Not too bad. About 20 minutes.
Angel: How come he's not screaming in pain?
Skip: Oh, he is. My will prevents him from being heard. I mean, there's only so many Oh my god, the pain! Please make it stops... you can listen to before it starts to bug the crap outta ya.
Angel: I see your point.
Skip: But you're here to try to rescue this guy? We're on the same side. Shouldn't you be helping to keep him in here?
Angel: I know, I know. Long story. Involves a girl. I don't like it any better than you do.
Lilah: You're a remarkable man, Angel.
Angel: And you're an evil bitch.
Please credit Hellmouth Central with these quotes when using them for any publication.