Gunn: True. Who's got time for love when you're out there doin' it with the demons? Didn't that come out sad and wrong. I need to get out more.
Gunn: Angel groupie, I get that, he rescued her from Pylea.
Cordelia: I miss Pylea.
Wesley: I would think you might. You were there a week; they made you their Queen.
Cordelia: Don't say the "B" word.
Gunn: The "B" word was the love of his life -- and he's what, two hundred and fifty? - that ain't a short life. This grief-work's gonna take more than a vacation in Sri Lanka.
Wesley: It's not a vacation; it's a spiritual retreat, at a monastery.
Gunn: Angel and a buncha monks in the middle of nowhere: there's a party. He shoulda got hammered and gone to Vegas like I told him.
Wesley: He doesn't need a lap dance; he needs some peace and quiet so he can work through this.
Cordelia: You guys amaze me. You'll fight hell beasts but you're scared of rats.
Gunn: Hate rats. Their beady eyes -
Wesley: And their beady teeth --
Gunn: -- and their tails all woosha-woosha-woosha -
Cordelia: Well the point is, you worked on things, it wasn't like a holiday where you'd come back home
to your friends
you know, with some small mementoes of your trip.
Angel: Are you fishing for gifts?
Cordelia: Yes.
Cordelia: It's gorgeous! Look how it brings out my breasts! Like you weren't all thinkin' it.
James: I say we stay and fight the bastard.
Angelus: Yes, but you're an idiot.
Wesley: As to James, Gunn and I'll hit the streets; see what our sources can tell us.
Cordelia: Uh-huh, see? We've got sources now.
Angel: Wow. You're almost like real detectives.
Angelus: Why are people always riding off and leaving me? Am I a bad bloke
Cordelia: I don't either! I go home, he'll come after me 'cause I live alone and that's what they do, they come after you when you're alone. Oh sure, "Cordy go home and be a hostage!" With the torture and the fear and the torture...
Cordelia: The ring of Amarra, when you had that, you were invincible. Does he have a ring? Hmmm. Did the Amarra people make cufflinks or belt buckles?
Angel: There was only one.
Cordelia: And you had to smash it.
Angel: Why don't we recriminate later, okay?
James: But if you've changed
if you're not the same man who screwed Darla and couldn't care less what happened to her
Angel: Where'd you hear
? Oh, you mean back in the day, right.
Angel: The woman I love is dead.
James: Who are you talking about?
Cordelia: It happened three months ago, we try not to say her name too much.
Cordelia: How's Fred?
Angel: All right, considering. We talked over what happened and I think she'll be coming out of her room any decade now.
Angel: That I'm okay. That losing Buffy didn't kill me, that I could deal with it. In all those years no one ever mattered, not like she did. And now she's gone. Forever.
Angel: Yeah. And it feels like I'm betraying her somehow.
Cordelia: No. If you were a loser, if you were a sick obsessed vampire, you'd go to a snod demon or whatever and get your heart cut out. But you're not. You're a living, breathing -- well a living, anyway -- good guy who's still fighting and trying to help people. That's not betraying her, that's honoring her.
Angel: Ya' think?
Cordelia: I'm Cordelia, I don't think, I know. Okay?
Angel: Okay.
Please credit Hellmouth Central with these quotes when using them for any publication.