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Kaiser Sosayed: tricked into believing the bad guy is really a good guy, and on your side! Kakistos: Greek name meaning the worst of the worst. Kakistos was a vampire so old that he had cloven hands and feet. Lived near a swamp where he kept pet alligators. He killed Faiths Watcher in front of her, and in the ensuing battle the Slayer blinded him in the right eye. He tracked her to Sunnydale, where Buffy tried to stake him. Kakistos was so ancient that the stake didnt work, and Faith finally dusted the vamp with really big piece of wood! See also Mister Trick. Kalderash: the gypsy tribe that cursed Angelus in 1898, thus restoring his soul and with it his conscience. See also Curse, Uncle Enias, and Jenny Calendar. Karen: besotted with Jonathon Levinson when he cast an augmentation spell to change the world. She asked him to sign a copy of his book for her, and was later attacked by his alter ego monster. Kathy Newman: see Newman, Kathy. Katie: the name that Jack OToole gave to his knife. Katie Lumas: see Lumas, Katie. Katra: the Mayor left instructions that a katra was to be delivered to Faith in the event of his death. With the aid of this magical device, Faith was able to switch bodies with Buffy. The Watchers Council then arrested Buffy for Faiths crimes, and Faith tricked Riley Finn into a night of passion. Tara alerted Willow to the fact that Buffy was not herself, and the two wiccas managed to create another katra to reverse the effects of the first. See also Draconian Katra Spell. Katrina: Warren Meerss girlfriend. Left him when she found out that he had created April. He later got her back by using a magical device to turn Katrina into a sex slave. When the magic wore off, and she tried to escape, Warren killed her. The Trio used more magic to convince Buffy that she had killed Katrina. See also cerebral dampener, Tarvlun flesheater and Rescindi demon. Kayless, The Circle of: Circle of people formed when performing a summoning and binding spell on a demon. This trapped the demon in one place usually a book. See also Moloch and Cortona. Ken: pretended to work for a homeless shelter, but was actually recruiting kids to be slave labour in a hell dimension. Buffy killed him during her rescue of Lily. See also Family Home and Rickie. Ken, Uncle: father of Geordie, and uncle to Oz. Kendall, Harmony: One of the Cordettes. Was turned into a vampire during Graduation, and had an on / off romance with Spike. Later created her own gang and tried to kill Buffy. Harmony has a tiny brain, and an obsession with unicorns. See also Sirus, Mort and Brad Connick. Kendra: has no last name. The Slayer that was called when Buffy was killed by The Master. Kendras parents knew that she would become a Slayer, and sent her to her Watcher when she was very young. She had a very disciplined upbringing, and took her duties seriously. Kendra was not allowed friends or boyfriends, and had very few possessions. She called her favourite stake Mister Pointy, and gave it to Buffy as a good luck charm. Kendra was killed by Druscilla, who hypnotized her and then slit her throat. See also Sam Tsebuto. Kent Preparatory School: just outside of Sunnydale. See also Callie Megan Anderson. Kevin Burman: see Burman, Kevin. Key, The: Mystical energy matrix vibrating at a dimensional frequency beyond normal perception. Only those outside reality can the see the Keys true nature. I.e. crazy people. Can also be seen by necromanced creatures of canine or serpentine construction. Created to open the gates that separate dimensions. For centuries it had no form, but existed as a green light, looked after by the monks of Dagon. Almost as old as Glory, it was sought for generations by the Knights of Byzantium. Glorificus needed the key in order to return to her own dimension. Once the key is activated, all the gates will crumble. Dimensions will bleed into each other and the universe will become chaos. In order to keep the key from her the monks gave it form. They turned it into a fifteen-year-old girl called Dawn, and made her the Slayers sister in the hopes that Buffy could protect her from the Beast. Killer of the Dead: Poison used to kill vampires. Causes extreme pain, and a lingering death. Faith shot Angel with an arrow dipped in this poison. The only known cure is to drain the blood of a Slayer. Buffy was unable to bring Faith to Angel, so forced him to drink from her instead. Killer snot monster: Xanders name for the Queller demon. Kingmans Bluff: the followers of Housapexa built a temple to her here. It, and they, were swallowed by the earthquake of 32. Black Magic Willow raised the temple in 2002 to end the world, but Xander stopped her. Kitten poker: demons and vampires play for kittens instead of money. Knights of Byzantium, The: see Byzantium, The Knights of. Kokopeli: fertility god. Buffy had a statue of him in her house. It was a favourite of Joyce and Dawn. Kralik, Zachary: vampire used in Buffys cruciamentum. Was given painkilling pills every few hours by Hobson and Blair, the Watchers assigned to prepare the test. Kralik killed Blair, and sired him. They both then fed on Hobson. As a human, Kralik was abused by his mother, whom he later killed. He went on to torture and murder more than twelve women, and was committed to an asylum before he became a vampire. Vamp Blair helped him escape and Kralik kidnapped Joyce in order to lure Buffy to the Sunnydale Arms. Buffy killed him by tricking the vampire into drinking holy water with his pills. Kroeger, Mrs Doris: social services lady assigned to Buffy and Dawn after Joyce died. She was going to file a report stating that Buffy was an unfit carer. Buffy got accidentally hit by an invisibility ray, and went to Doriss office where she convinced people Doris was crazy. Kulak of the Miquot Clan: orange demon with a spiny head. Had long, jagged knives hidden within each forearm. Took part in Slayerfest 98, and was blown up by the Germans. Kyle: bully at Sunnydale High School. Ate Principal Flutie and Herbert whilst possessed by the spirits of hyenas. See also hyena possession. |