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Fabulous Ladies Nightclub, The: Xander did washing up there for a while after leaving school. One night he had to fill in for a male stripper who had called in sick. Factory, The: Spike and Druscillas lair. An old abandoned factory in Sunnydale. It burned down when Giles attacked Angelus for murdering Jenny. Angelus then found them a home at the mansion on Crawford Street. Fairly freaksome: pretty weird. Faith: An orphan who dropped out of high school, Faith is the Slayer who was called when Kendra died. She came to Sunnydale on the run from Kakistos, an ancient vampire who killed her Watcher. Faith eventually staked him, and his minion Mr Trick. After accidentally staking a human, Alan Finch, Faith started to go bad. She was pushed over the edge by the intervention of Wesley Wyndam Pryce and The Watchers Council. Faith turned against the Scoobies, and went to work for the Mayor. On his instructions she shot Angel with a poisoned arrow, unaware that the blood of a Slayer was the only cure. Faith and Buffy fought over this, and Buffy stabbed her in the gut with her own knife. (A gift from the Mayor.) Faith was in a coma for almost a year. When she woke up, she escaped from the hospital and used a magical katra to temporarily switch bodies with Buffy. See also Skyler, Draconian Katra Spell, Gwendolyn Post and Killer of the Dead. Family Home: Kens HQ. Masqueraded as a shelter for homeless kids. It contained a portal to a hell dimension where decades passed in one Earth day. The kids were worked until they were too old, and then returned to our reality. Father Gabriel: see Gabriel, Father. Fear demon: see Gachnar. February 25th: the date that Faith awoke from her coma. Ferret, Doug: curator of Sunnydale Museum. Was killed by Druscilla while researching the tomb containing Acathla. Ferula gemina: a sticklike weapon, capable of splitting a person in half distilling personality traits into two separate bodies. Both are real, but one inherits all the weaknesses, the other all the strengths. Neither can survive without the other. Toth created one to kill Buffy but split Xander instead. Fess up: confess. Admit it. Finch, Alan: Sunnydales Deputy Mayor. Alan was afraid of the Mayor, and wanted to stop him. He tried to turn to the Slayers for help, but Faith mistook him for a vampire and staked him. Finkle, Mrs: owner of April Fools clothing store. Finn, Riley: Teaching assistant to Professor Maggie Walsh at UC Sunnydale. Riley was from Iowa, and had been plucked out of special ops to join the secret government dept known as The Initiative. He resided in Lowell House, directly above the Initiatives hidden base. Riley believed that he working on the side of the good guys. He had no idea about project 314. The Initiative gave him experimental drugs in his food without his knowledge. These had the effect of making him faster and stronger. Buffys boyfriend for a while, Riley was expelled from The Initiative after helping Oz to escape their detention cells. Unable to cope with the fact that Buffy didnt really need him, Riley began to patronize a place where humans paid vampires to bite them. He and Buffy argued when she found out, and he gave her an ultimatum get over it or Im leaving on a government mission tonight. Buffy took too long to make up her mind, and Riley flew off to the jungle unaware that she wanted him back. The next time he visited Sunnydale Riley had married Sam, a female member of his new troop. See also Lilac One, behavioural modifier, tachicardia, Belize, Major Ellis, Tsuvolti, Forrest and Graham. Finn, Sam: Rileys wife. She met him when they served in the same special ops unit in Belize. A fearless, athletic and capable person, Sam was also really nice. She and Riley had been married four months when tracked a Tsuvolti demon to Sunnydale. They were also trying to uncover the identity of The Doctor. First, The: Beyond sin. Beyond death. I am the thing that darkness fears. The first is a powerful evil, capable of taking many forms. Also called the First Evil. It taunted Angel after his return from hell, plaguing him with nightmares and the spirits of his victims. The First tried to make him believe that he had been called back to kill Buffy. Its lair was underground beneath a Christmas tree store, and all of the trees directly above it died. See also Daniel, Margaret, and The Bringers. First Evil, The: see First, The. First Slayer, The: Aboriginal woman. Primal. Dreadlocked hair. Had no speech and no watcher. Was all alone. Her spirit tried to kill Xander, Willow, Giles and Buffy in their sleep after they defeated Adam, because the enjoining spell that they performed was an affront to her. The guide on Buffys Vision Quest appeared to her in the form of The First Slayer. See also Cheese Guy. Five by five: one of Faiths expressions meaning that everything is fine. Flight 3982: The flight that Giles took to London from Sunnydale airport after Buffy died fighting Glory. Flu: Buffy fainted from the flu after a fight with Angelus. She was hospitalized, and there encountered Der Kinderstod. See also Wilkinson, Doctor, and Backer, Doctor Stanley. Flutie, Principal Bob: Likeable, but excruciatingly p/c principal of Sunnydale High. Students possessed by the spirits of hyenas ate him alive in 1996. Ford: nickname of Billy Fordham. Fordham, Billy: Went to school at Hemmery High with Buffy in LA, and was her fifth grade crush. Secretly founded a cult of vampire worshippers. Offered them, and Buffy, to Spike in exchange for becoming a vampire. Wanted to become one because he was dying of a brain tumor. Forrest: Friend of Riley Finn, and his second in command in The Initiative. Forrest had a great sense of humour, but resented Buffy being accepted into The Initiative. He resided at Lowell House at UC Sunnydale, and was killed by Adam. Adam then replaced parts of Forrests body with those of demons, and brought him back to life as one of his own. Riley was forced to kill demon Forrest in order to save Buffys life and help to destroy project 314. See also Graham. Foster, Coach: Gym teacher at Sunnydale High. Frank, Miss: Sunnydale High School teacher temporarily possessed by the spirit of Miss Grace Newman. Shot and killed by George. Frankie: he and his friends used to bully Warren Meers in fifth grade. Warren used the Orbs of Nevlacon to beat him up in a bar. Freddie Iverson: ran the editorial for the school newspaper. Very negative with his comments. Freeze ray: invented by the Trio, and first used on Rusty the security guard at Sunnydale museum while they were stealing The Illuminata. French, Natalie: Substitute science teacher who turned out to be a giant preying mantis. She kidnapped and tried to kill Xander, and Blayne Mall. See also She Mantis. Fritz: member of the computer club who came under Molochs spell. On the orders of Moloch Fritz hanged Dave, kidnapped Willow, and tried to electrocute Buffy! The bad ass geek had his neck broken by Moloch despite his loyalty. Fyarl demon: all crush, kill, destroy. Fyarl demons are incredibly strong, and have huge curling horns on their heads like a ram. They have the ability to shoot jets of paralyzing mucus from their nostrils. Giles was temporarily turned one by Ethan Rayne. He was unable to speak English during this time, and had to pay Spike (who speaks Fyarl) to help him. |