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Abrams, Parker: Buffys first boyfriend at UC Sunnydale. Parker was a serial womanizer He treated Buffy badly, and ditched her as soon as shed slept with him. He was very manipulative, managing to make the Slayer believe that she was the one in the wrong. Buffy saved Parker from a burning building, then under the influence of Black Frost beer knocked him unconscious with a tree limb. Closure! See also Katie Lumas. Absalom: First disciple of The Anointed. Tried to conduct a revivification spell on The Master. Acathla: Demon called forth to devour the world. Killed by a virtuous knight who pierced the demons heart before he could draw breath. Acathla turned to stone, and was entombed. If someone worthy (evil) pulls the sword from Acathlas heart, having first smeared their hands with their own blood, Acathla will awake. He will then open his mouth to create a vortex, and suck the whole world into Hell. The only way to close the vortex is to shed the blood of the one who pulled out the sword. When Acathlas tomb was dug up just outside of Sunnydale, Angelus awakened him. Willow managed to restore Angels soul, but it was too late, and Buffy had to send her lover to Hell in order to save the world. Adam: Buffy described him as The Terminator without the bashful charm. Designed by Professor Maggie Walsh, Adam was a Frankensteins monster created from demon, human and electronic parts. He was the first phase of project 314. Adams right arm was that of a Polgara demon. He did not need to eat, drink or sleep, as he had a powercore of uranium 235. Adam had a design flaw that caused him to murder Professor Walsh and Doctor Angleman. He then reanimated their bodies as zombie lab slaves, to aid him in the completion of project 314. He also killed Forrest. Buffy was only able to defeat him when the Scoobies performed an enjoining spell. He referred to Maggie Walsh as Mother. Agent Brown: see Brown, Agent. Agent Goodman: see Goodman, Agent. Alan Finch: see Finch, Alan. Alpha code blue situation: phrase used by The Initiative to describe a confirmed death, possibly due to supernatural causes. Alternate reality: see Bizarro land. Amarrah, The Gem of: The Holy Grail of the vampire world, it rendered the wearer unkillable, impervious even to stakes and sunlight. In the tenth century questing vampires combed the world for the gem, but none found it. It was concluded that it must be simply a myth. Spike found it in a sealed, underground crypt in Sunnydale, embedded into a ring. Buffy managed to take the ring from Spike, and entrusted it to Oz to deliver to Angel in LA. Unwilling to risk it falling into the wrong hands, Angel destroyed it. See also Brian. Ampata: Buffys foreign exchange student who was killed by the Inca Princess. The princess then took his name, and moved in with Buffy. She enjoyed a brief romance with Xander, before trying to kill the entire Scooby Gang! Amy Madison: see Madison, Amy. Anderson, Callie Megan: student at Kent Preparatory School. Was kidnapped by Tom Warner and Richard Anderson (no relation) as a sacrifice to the demon Machida. See also Delta Zeta Kappa. Anderson, Richard: college senior, and member of Delta Zeta Kappa fraternity house. His family owns Anderson Farms, Anderson Cosmetics and Anderson Aeronautics. Part of the sect that worshipped Machida. Andrew Hoelich: See Hoelich, Andrew. Andrew Wells: see Wells, Andrew. Angel: The vampire with a soul. Angel was born in Ireland, with the human name Liam. Darla made him a vampire in 1753, and the two became lovers. Their relationship ended when a gypsy curse restored Angels soul in 1898, giving him a conscience. He later became the lover of the current Slayer. See also Angelus, Whistler and curse. Angelus: Angels evil alter ego. Without his soul, he becomes Angelus. A cruel and sadistic vampire who likes to mentally as well as physically torture his victims. Angelus has been a lover of both Darla and Druscilla. See also Angel, Kalderash and curse. Angleman, Doctor: Professor Walshs partner at The Initiative, and the only other person there to know about project 314. He was murdered by Adam, who then reanimated him as a zombie lab slave. Anne: Buffys middle name. She called herself Anne when she ran away from Sunnydale after banishing Angel to Hell. Anointed, The: Colin, a child vampire sired by The Master. Prophesied to lead the Slayer into Hell. i.e. To her death. Anya: human form of the vengeance demon, Anyanka. Made human after Giles destroyed her power centre, Anya eventually became one of the Scoobies. The full name she chose for herself was Anya Christina Emmanuel Jenkins, born on the fourth of July. She fell in love Xander and the two were due to get married, but Xander called it off at the last minute. Unable to cope with her feelings of betrayal, Anya was made a vengeance demon once more by DHoffryn. DHoffryn originally made her a demon over a thousand years ago. He was impressed when she turned her cheating boyfriend Olaf into a troll. Anyanka: a vengeance demon who was 1120 years old. The patron Saint of scorned women. Anyankas power centre was a necklace that she used to grant vengeful wishes to women. She was called to Cordelia after Cordy ditched Xander for smooching with Willow. In an alternate reality brought about by Cordelias wish (that Buffy had never come to Sunnydale,) Giles destroyed the necklace, and Anyanka reverted to human form. See also Anya and DHoffryn. April: robot girl created by Warren Meers to be his perfect girlfriend. Warren had programmed her to love him, like everything that he liked, and be supportive of him at all times. If Warren called her and she didnt answer, it caused her pain/feedback. He abandoned her when he fell in love with Katrina. Ever faithful, April tracked him to Sunnydale before her batteries ran down and she died. April Fools: clothing store that Cordelia worked in after her father lost all of his money. Owned by Mrs Finkle. Aradia: Goddess of the lost. Called upon when working a guiding spell. Arashmaha: The place where demons are spawned. Home of DHoffryn. Arlene, Aunt: Buffys aunt in Illinois. Ascension: the process of becoming a pure demon. See also Lohesh. Ascension, Books of: Five volumes dealing with the transformation of the Mayor into a pure demon. Offered to Buffy and Faith by Skyler for $5,000. Faith murdered him and took the books to the Mayor. Asylum: when Buffy first became the Slayer she told her parents about it. They sent her to a mental institution for two weeks until she stopped talking about vampires. See also Glarghk Guhl Kashmanic. Augmentation spell: turns the sorcerer into a paragon/the best of everything. He becomes everyones ideal. In order to balance the new force of good, the spell also creates a monster/everyones worst nightmare. If the monster is destroyed then the world returns to normal. Jonathon Levinson cast this spell, and suddenly lived in a mansion with blonde twins. He was able to play/sing jazz, and had brought out several CDs. He was an advisor to The Initiative, better at slaying than The Slayer, starred in The Matrix, graduated from medical school, had his own swimsuit calendar, and invented the internet! He had also written a best selling biography. When Jonathon found out that the monster was hurting people, he helped Buffy to destroy it, thus breaking the spell. See also Karen. Aunt Arlene: see Arlene, Aunt. Aunt Maureen: see Maureen, Aunt. Aurelian, The Brethren of: see Aurelias, The Order of. Aurelias: Twelfth century prophet. Began a sect called The Order of Aurelias. Prophesied that they would bring about the death of the Slayer through the creation of The Anointed. Aurelias, The Order of: The Brethren of Aurelian. A vampire cult who were followers of The Master. Members wore rings with a fidelity symbol carved on the top, and a sun and three stars engraved on the inside. An ancient and venerated sect, they were called by The Master to assist in creating The Anointed. |