Annotations --
- During the Wolfram & Hart video at the beginning of the episode, they mention that the building is built on a site deconsecrated by Mathias Pavayne. Pavayne was first seen in the Angel episode "Hell Bound." Pavayne was a European aristocrat from the18th century. He was a doctor who earned the nickname "The Reaper" because he performed unnecessary (and often, fatal) surgeries on his patients. He later fled to California, which was still under Spanish rule at the time. After his arrival, many brutal murders occurred. Pieces of the victims were found carefully arranged. This led people to believe that the murders were ritualistic, and that the murderer had knowledge of the "dark arts." The deaths continued for approximately 20 years. Pavayne was never caught by the authorities. Wolfram & Hart used Pavayne to deconsecrate the site of their new branch (in what would become L.A.). A Spanish mission was already on the site W&H planned to use. Pavayne's spirit resided in the W&H building for centuries, using his knowledge of magic to prevent his soul from being sucked into hell. This practice ended when Spike (then a ghost) fought Pavayne and shoved him into a machine Fred had built. The machine rematerialized Pavayne. Knowing that Pavayne could not be allowed to die, Angel trapped him in a machine that would keep his body alive, but unable to move, forever.
- Also in the training video, they mention that W&H has influence with Yoyodyne. This is a reference from the 1984 film The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension. Yoyodyne Propulsion Systems is a cover organization for the evil Red Lectroids from Planet 10 (via the 8th dimension).
- Another company influenced by W&H, according to the video, is Weyland Yutani. Weyland Yutanti is a fictional Japanese company that appeared in the Alien movie series. It was the company that employed Ripley (played by Sigourney Weaver). The company's only concern was to capture a Xenomorph specimen for use in their Bio-Weapons Division.
- Once again the video refers to a company influenced by W&H
NewsCorp. News Corporation (NewsCorp) is chaired by Rupert Murdoch, and owns such companies as (you guessed it) Fox!!! (For those of you who are terminally out of the loop, Fox is the studio that produces Angel.)
- When the words "Every life
and unlife" are spoken in the video, there is a shot of a horned demon. The demon shown is actually Archduke Sebassis from the Angel episode "Life of the Party." Lorne and Angel go to see Sebassis to invite him to the W&H Halloween party. Sebassis ends up threatening Angel and friends after one of Sebassis' people is killed in the W&H bathroom during the party. The murder was actually committed by Lorne's materialized subconscious that was created when Lorne decided to rid himself of sleep.
- When Harm walks into the break room, one of the other secretaries is complaining that her boss sent her searching for a stray Vicodin. Vicodin is a prescription pain killer that consists of a combination of narcotic analgesics and acetaminophen. Acetaminophen is not very dangerous when taken alone. It is non-addictive and is the main ingredient in many over-the-counter pain medicines, including Tylenol. Narcotics, however, are highly addictive and can lead to physical dependence. Vicodin has become a very popular drug among the wealthy, and many of them use it as a status symbol.
- The same secretary comments that she considers hunting for the Vicodin to be a more outrageous request than when her boss asked her to deliver a stool sample to the doctor's office. A stool sample is a small amount of a patient's feces. Yes, you read that correctly. We ARE referring to human poo. Stool samples are analyzed and used to detect various illnesses.
- When Eli (who gets his head chopped of by Angel in a minute) passes Harmony's desk, he comments to her, "Don't want to count my hatchlings, but I think the honchos are finally starting to recognize my work in accounting." The line "count my hatchlings" is a muddled form of the phrase, "Don't count your chickens before they're hatched." This old warning comes from the fact that not every egg a chicken lays is guaranteed to hatch into a baby chicken. Thus, you should not count on events as being certain until they actually happen, a very important idea that poor Eli definitely neglected. Eli's version of the saying is probably an indication that his species reproduces by laying eggs.
- When Spike tells Angel that he is going to Europe, Angel asks him to reconsider because the Shanshu prophecy has yet to be resolved. Spike replies that he is not going to sit around waiting for the "four bloody horsemen." The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are mentioned (but not by that name) in the Bible (in the 6th chapter of the Book of Revelations, to be precise). They are used to exact the vengeance of God on an evil world in the end times. The Horsemen are commonly known by the names Death, Famine, Pestilence (meaning disease), and War. This is Spike's way of saying that he isn't going to just sit around waiting for the apocalyptic events foretold by the Shanshu prophecy.
- When Spike is leaving the W&H office, he says goodbye to everyone except for Harmony. She asks, "I don't get a good-bye just because I went crazy and tried to rip your throat out while we were having sex?" This happened in the Angel season 5 episode called "Destiny." After Spike gets his body back, he feels the need to have sex
NOW. He and Harmony throw an employee out of his office and start going at it. Harmony's eyes start to bleed and she turns to her vampire form. She tries to bite Spike, but he gets away. Later, they are told that Harmony's strange behavior was an effect of the universe being thrown off its equilibrium.
- During a meeting of the senior staff, Fred tells Gunn, "That makes sense, in a kind of gray, Machiavellian kind of way." Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527) was an Italian author and statesmen best know for his book Il Principe, or The Prince. In this book, he describes his idea of the "ideal" prince. His prince would be a tyrant who was completely without morals. The term Machiavellian now used to refer to amoral (without morals) cunning and/or seeing achieving more power as the justification for amoral deeds.
- When Dan delivers muffins to the break room, a female W&H employee tells Dan that Lorne is "totally grooming" him. Harm replies, "Angel grooms me, too." To which the girl whispers to her friend, "Explains the haircut." This was her way of insulting Harmony's hairstyle. Angel's strange hairstyles have been a running joke among fans since his first appearance on Buffy. The writers have since begun to echo the fans' jokes on the shows as well.
- While preparing Angel's morning mug of blood, Harmony tries to remember the previous night's events by replaying the evening out loud to herself. At one point she says, "Drinking. That's my problem. Too much drinking. I don't even remember taking him home. Damn Lemon Drops." A Lemon Drop is an alcoholic drink generally made by combining lemonade with Bacardi Limon. However, there are many variations.
- When Harmony is trying to return the camel to the caterers, they suggest that she might be better serving a wildebeest at the summit. The wildebeest is an African antelope. It is also known as a gnu.
- While talking to Angel, Wes and Gunn, Harmony says, "Forgive and forget, I say. It's the Golden Rule." Harmony is mistaken. The Golden Rule is typically stated as, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." In other words, treat people as you would want to be treated. There are various forms of this idea in a great many of the world's major religions.
- During Fred's autopsy of Toby's body, she reports that the body shows signs of "significant postmortem battery." In simple English, she means that it looks like the body was beaten heavily after Toby was dead. Fred decides that this indicates a "prior relationship" between murderer and victim. We know that this really happened during Harm's struggle to get rid of the body. J
- During Fred and Harm's chat while Fred is examining the body, Fred suggests that the next time she and Harm hang out they could "jam to the Dixie Chicks." The Dixie Chicks is an all girl who have become famous for singing country music. The group had made headlines shortly before the filming of this episode because of their criticism of American President George W. Bush's decision to go to war with Iraq.
- After Harm's blood test shows up positive, she goes to see Fred. Fred is frightened and tries to talk her way past Harm by saying that she left her autoclave on. An autoclave is a pressurized, steam heated container used for laboratory experiments, sterilization, and cooking.
- When Harmony finds out that Tamika set her up, she asks Tamika how they know each other. Tamika responds that they sat next to each other in the steno pool. Steno is an abbreviation of the word stenographer. A stenographer is a person who takes dictation, writes it down in short-hand, and types the final document. Large companies used to keep groups (also known as pools) of these people employed to do various secretarial jobs for people in the company that did not merit a secretary of their own. It was a common practice to promote people from this pool to higher paying secretarial positions. This was generally done based on seniority.
- When Tamika is telling Harmony exactly how she set her up, she says that she put a roofie in Harmony's drink while they were in the bar. Roofie is a slang term for Rohypnol (flunitrazepam). It has become known as "the date-rape drug" due to many men using it to make their dates more willing to have sex with them. It is typically put in a drink. Once taken, it usually causes sleepiness, memory loss, and confusion. Effects start within 30 minutes after taking the drug. It produces peak results within 2 hours and can affect the victim for up to 8 hours. It is illegal to make, sell, purchase, or possess the drug in the United States.
- Tamika says that the first thing she wants to do when she gets Harm's old job is to go to Harm's old desk and "smash all of those stupid, ugly-ass unicorns." Harmony's love of unicorns is talked about numerous times. In the season 5 Buffy episode "Real Me," one of Harmony's minions steals a ceramic unicorn from The Magic Box as a present for her. Earlier in "Harm's Way," you can see that her thermos is covered with unicorn stickers.
Written by Kiki
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Kiki. (