Starring: David Boreanaz as Angel, Charisma Carpenter as Cordelia, Amy Acker as Fred, Alexis Denisof as Wesley Wyndham-Pryce, J. August Richards as Gunn
Guest starring: Andy Hallet as Lorne, Laurel Holloman as Justine, Jeffrey Dean Morgan as Sam Ryan, Eric Bruskotter as Brian, Sunny Mabrey as Allie, Tony Pasqualini as Harlan Elster, Keith Szarabajka as Holtz
Original air date: January 21, 2002
Written by: Scott Murphy
Directed by: Bill Norton
Gunn walks into the lobby of the hotel and announces hes just distributed 6,000 fliers advertising Angel Investigations in the neighborhood. Meanwhile Fred is working on a website to advertise AI and Angel is giving her some last minute suggestions about the design. Fred makes the website live and the AI team is staring at the phone, eagerly awaiting the first person to contact the team. Meanwhile, across town, a young man frantically runs away from an unknown evil, falls and finds one of the fliers Gunn distributed. He runs to a nearby phone booth and dials the number on the flier. In the hotel the team is waiting by a phone thats not ringing. The phone at Fabrizios pizza is ringing, though. Fred looks at the flier and asks, Is this the right phone number?
The next morning Wes has distributed new fliers, this time with the correct phone number. Both he and Wes gaze lovingly at Fred as she holds Connor. Angel tells everyone that making money is our number one priority. But after asking Lorne to use his contacts to find Holtz, Angel revises his position and says that finding Holtz and making money are our two number one priorities. Then Cordy clears her throat and Angel makes another revision and says, helping the helpless, finding Holtz, and making money are our number one priorities. Cordy notices that the website has some hits and the phone starts ringing off the hook.
In Holtzs hidey-hole, Justine and Holtz are having an argument. Apparently Justine dusted two vamps after Holtz had given her instructions not to kill them. Holtz questions Justines committment to his task and thinks that she is wasting his time. Holtz demands that Justine prove to him that she is committed. We then find out that Holtz has driven an awl through Justines hand into a table. When asked why shes still there, Justine tells Holtz that, feeling something is better than feeling nothing. Holtz leaves, but not before telling Justine that, if shes still there when he returns, they can discuss the next phase of Holtzs plan.
Back at the Hyperion, the lobby is hopping with both demon and human clients for Angel Investigations. Lorne informs Angel that the demons hes been talking with, the Nadras, have a great deal of money if they can have Wesleys help. While Angel is clearly pleased with the business coming in, Cordys concerned that they are being stretched a little thin. Lornes been acting as translator for Wes, who finds out that the Nadras want to buy Wess mind as a gift for their Prince. Fred notices that the ornamentation on the Nadras robes are geometric figures based on prime numbers arranged in ascending order of exponential accumulation. The Nadras become agitated and suddenly leave. Lorne assures Fred that the Nadras do like her, but that they either have to consult with the prince or go eat a cheese monkey. In the meantime, Gunn is talking with a young woman, Allie, who is being stalked by her dead ex-boyfriend, Brian. Gunn asks for Wess help
Angel leaves Connor with Cordy and takes off for a big case. He meets with Holland Elster, a CEO, who explains that he is being blackmailed. A nest of vamps is threatening to eat his employees unless they are paid $5,000. Elster offers Angel $10,000 ($5K now, $5K when the job is finished) to clear out the vamps. Elster warns Angel that other P.I.s have gotten mussed trying to clear out the nest of vamps. Angel leaves and another man enters. Elster is surprised, then hits the guy leaving him unconscious.
Holtz returns to his hole-in-the-wall and finds Justine with her hand still impaled to the table. Holtz charges her to go out and find others who are just like her, people who want vengeance against vamps. Before she leaves she clocks Holtz just to show how pissed she is.
Angel returns to the Hyperion clearly happy about his advance check. Cordy and Fred inform Angel that Wes and Gunn are out helping a woman with her dead ex-boyfriend stalker. Before Angel can finish his question Cordy tells him that she did check her credit. Cordy renews her concerns about spreading the AI team too thin. Shes worried that a truly needy person will come to Angel Investigations but everyone will be out making money. Lorne returns to the hotel, clearly tanked after loosening up his snitch with firewater (apparently not the same as alcohol). Lorne tells Angel that Holtz killed his Grapplar mercenaries and is trying to hire human soldiers. Lornes got people out looking for Holtzs hideaway.
At this point the Nadras return. Instead of hiring Wes they want to hire Fred to solve the puzzle for their Prince. Fred and Lorne will work on their boat in the harbor for a couple of days until Fred solves the problem. The Nadras are willing to pay AI a paltry $50,000 to hire Fred, with Lorne as translator. Everyone is ecstatic, and Angel hugs the briefcase with the money and grins like a monkey.
Meanwhile, Wes and Gunn are with Allies to help her with her dead ex-boyfriend stalker problem. Allie tells them that Fred was right - they inspire confidence. Allie wants to know how it is that her dead boyfriend could be stalking her. Wes gives her a laundry list of possible reasons that Brian would be coming back. While Wes is standing in front of the door Brians arm snakes through the door and tries to remove Wess head from his neck. Wes and Gunn get Brians arm outside, close the door and announce that Brian is, in fact, a zombie.
Across town Angel enters the vamp nest and finds a whole pile of trophies from their victims, stuff like watches and necklaces. Angel dusts one vamp, then 2 more vamps enter and he dusts them, too. Her returns to Elsters office to get the remainder of his fee and finds a guy hes never met who introduces himself as Holland Elster. Hmmmm. Seems the guy Angel thinks of as Holland Elster is a former employee, Sam Ryan. After Ryans best friend died, Ryan wanted Elster to bankroll a kooky scheme to clean out a nest of vamps guarding their treasure. Angel is obviously intrigued by the possibility of a treasure.
At the Nadras ship Fred starts to work on the Nadras puzzle. While Fred is having some success completing the puzzle, Lorne is feeling the aftereffects of a fire-water binge. As Lorne looks around for the facilities he hears some of the Nadrases talking and sneaks up on them. Lorne finds the Nadras Prince hooked up to tubes. One of the underlings shows the Prince a picture of the Princes body with Freds head!. The underling tells the Prince that they have found a head worthy and that they will sew it on tonight. Lorne turns to leave and BAM! hes bashed over the head and knocked unconscious.
Back at the vamp hide-out Sam Ryan enters the nest and picks up a watch. Angel grabs Ryans arm and starts to interrogate him. Ryan apologizes for lying to him, and that he didnt know what else to do. Angel, not so calmly, tells Ryan that he didnt kill three vamps for nothing and wants his $10,000. Ryan says, seven. Angel responds, ok $7,000. Ryan then says, No, seven vampires. Angel finally figures out there are four vamps unaccounted for.
At the Hyperion, Cordy is trying to entertain Connor by floating. As Cordys having a chat with Connor she has a vision: Freds in danger. When Angel, Gunn and Wes dont answer their cell phones Cordy grabs Connor and the briefcase full of money. She plans on returning the money and explaining to the nice Nadras that there was a mistake.
And at Allies apartment Brian breaks in. Wes, Gunn, and Allie retreat to the bedroom and try to keep Brian out. Brian and Allie have an argument. Brian wants another chance with Allie but Allie says that Brian was suffocating her and was too needy. Wes and Gunn expect another attack, but when they check the living room they find Brian sulking. Allie goes out to talk to him. Turns out that Brian read Allies diary and, to teach him a lesson, Allie poisoned Brian. Brians prepared to forgive her if shell take him back. Brian cajoles and sweet talks Allie and she agrees to give their relationship another try. Wes very politely asks, will that be cash or charge?
Meanwhile at the vamp nest Ryan is left to try to barricade the door shut as the four vamps try to break in. Angel wont have anything to do with protecting Ryan until Ryan coughs up the $10,000 that he owes Angel. Reluctantly Angel agrees to help barricade the door and tells Ryan that his heart was in the right place.
Fred successfully solves the Nadras puzzle and they take her to the Princes room and strap her into a chair. Lorne is there tied up. Fred asks if she has to marry the Prince. Lorne explains that the Princes heads periodically wear out and that Fred will be providing the new one. Right before a Nadras underling is about to swing a wicked-looking sword at Freds neck, Cordy shows up. Cordy apologizes to the Nadras with Lorne translating. Unfortunately Lorne thought Wes, Gunn, and Angel were hiding so Lorne ad libbed a bit and threatened the Nadras with a horde of hidden warriors. The Nadras dont buy it.
Angel and Ryan are still barricading the door (four vamps and they havent broken the door down yet?). Angel starts to look for an escape route but Ryan wont leave - he wants to dust the vamps for his friend. Angel gets a little pissed. He breaks a leg of a piece of furniture, moves Ryan away from the door and quickly kills the four vamps, ranting about the expenses for running Angel Investigations the whole time. When hes finished he throws the watch that Ryan had back to Ryan.
Cordy is still looking for a way to get herself, Lorne, Fred, and Connor out from the Nadras safely. She kicks one of the underlings in the groin - OUCH! Cordys nursing a bruised shin and the Nadras wasnt affected. Wes and Gunn show up suddenly and take on the four Nadras underlings. When one of the underlings threatens Fred, Wes throws the briefcase and decapitates the Nadras Prince and Gunn throws a spear and kills the underling threatening Fred. The remaining underlings swarm Wes and Gunn and begin to pummel them. Fortunately Angel shows up and kills the remaining underlings.
When the fight is over, Angel apologizes to Cordy for getting themselves spread to thin and leaving Cordy alone with Connor. Angel then apologizes to the rest of the AI team. He admits to getting carried away with trying to make money. Cordy tells everyone that, because the Nadras tried to cut Freds head off, they earned every penny of the $50,000 that the Nadras offered. Everyone rushes over to the open briefcase and starts stuffing money in their pockets.
At the end of the day, Angel, Connor and Cordy are in bed discussing what to do with the money. Angel wants to start a college fund and pay some bills. Cordy tries to convince Angel to do something fun with the money - a boat or a ski trip. But in the middle of the conversation both Angel and Cordy fall asleep.
Summary by Kirsten.