![]() Matt: 8.0 Eric: 8.0
Writer: Rebecca Rand Kirshner Cast: Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy Summers, Nicholas Brendon as Xander Harris, Emma Caulfield as Anya, Michelle Trachtenberg as Dawn Summers, James Marsters as Spike, Alyson Hannigan as Willow Rosenberg. Guest stars: Casey Sander as Mr. Harris, Lee Garlington as Mrs. Harris, Kali Rocha as Halfrek, James C. Leary as Clem, Andy Umberger as DıHoffryn, Jan Hoag as Cousin Carol, George D. Wallace as "Old Xander", Steven Gilborn as Krevlin, Joey Hiott as 10-year old Josh Harris, Abigail Mavity as 8-year old Sara Harris, Chris Emerson as 21-year old Josh Harris, Ashligh Ann Wood as 18-year old Sara Harris. Original air date: March 5, 2002 My one-line description: The Harris clan is definitely not the Brady Bunch. Outside 1630 Revello Drive, an ominous storm is raging Inside, Willow and Buffy look at something that is truly horrible their bright green bridesmaid dresses. As they try to make the best of it, they talk about the rehearsal dinner the night before, where Anyaıs demon friends were explained away as circus people, hence their appearance. Then they discuss their roles Willow is the best man, while Bully, Dawn and Tara are the bridesmaids. Thereıs a knock on the door, and in comes Anya, who gasps at the gowns before exclaiming on how beautiful they are. In Xanderıs apartment, Uncle Rory is trying to make the toaster work while Xander finishes dressing with the help of family members. As a demon named Krevlin offers to help fix the toaster, Mr. and Mrs. Harris arrive; Xanderıs mother whines about not being in the wedding pictures, despite her sonıs assurances, and his father loudly expresses his distaste for the "circus folks" on Anyaıs guest list. Cousin Carol takes Xander aside, and while he looks for his cuffs, asks him whether he thinks Krevlin would be interested in dating her. Outside in the rain, an old man materializes on one of Sunnydaleıs busy streets and walks away, looking determined. Later, Buffy have a private moment with Xander, wishing him happiness as she forcibly fastens his cumberbun and tries to arrange his bow tie. Meanwhile, Tara and Willow awkwardly share the task of buttoning Anyaıs dress while the former vengeance demon nervously rehearses her vows, trying to find the right thing to say. In the reception room, Uncle Rory shows off his date to Dawn, but said date happens to be one of the caterers, whoıs trying to politely get away from him. Anyaıs former boss DıHoffryn arrives with Halfrek and entrusts his wedding gift to Dawn, who doesnıt keep it long a few tentacles pierce through the wrapping, wriggling vigorously. Having left the live gift on the table, Dawn continues to walk around and sees Spike, whoıs here with a very gothic and rather unwilling date. Ready at last and reviewing what they have to do to keep Mr. and Mrs. Harris out of trouble, Buffy and Xander walk out into the reception hall to greet guests. Xander is quickly surrounded by complaining people, but one gets a hold of him and wonıt let go the old man. Wondering what this is all about, Xander follows the stranger to somewhere they can speak in private. The old man finally reveals that heıs Xander Harris a future version of him and that heıs here to prevent his younger self from making a horrible mistake: getting married. Out in the reception hall, Mr. Harris, having had too much to drink, loudly offers a sarcastic toast to the guests and starts insulting the "circus folks" on Anyaıs side of the family. Clem and another demon comment on how annoying Xanderıs father is, but Buffy intervenes and leads Mr. Harris away before a fight can break out. He tries to make a pass at her, but she threatens physical violence if he keeps on this train of thought. With a crystal ball, the old "Xander Harris" shows his younger self what heıs getting into. In a first scene, Xander sits lazily watching TV while a dressed-for-success Anya prepares to go to work. As a young Josh Harris goes around teasing his sister, part-demon Sara, about her appearance, Xander and Anya get into an argument about his worthlessness. He gets mad at her when she mentions how he got injured helping Buffy, and it didnıt help save her life. In a second scene, Xander, Anya and their kids, now aged 21 and 18, are in a restaurant pretending to be a normal, close-knit family. However, the teens fight while Anya comments on Xanderıs heavy drinking. Their daughter Sara finally storms off, yelling that she hates them. Finally, a scene shows Xander and Anya in retirement, arguing in their kitchen. A tired-looking Anya blames Xander for ruining her life and making her miserable; again, he gets angry, and raises a frying pan to hit her but the vision mercifully ends there. The old man again warns a shocked and appalled Xander that he mustnıt marry Anya. Out in a corridor, Buffy has a private and awkward conversation with Spike. After making some small talk about the wedding, Spike asks her if his attempt to make her jealous with his date worked. She says that it did, and that yes, it does hurt. After Buffy leaves, the vampire decides it may be best to just leave before the ceremony. Willow finds a pensive Xander in the kitchen and gives him the final "best man" talk before hugging him and telling him how much she loves him; she then leaves him to practice his vows. Meanwhile, Tara offers advice to Anya about which words might be better left out of the wedding vows. The music begins to play, and Buffy arrives to take Anya to the altar. However, a worried-looking Willow shows up, pulls Buffy out of the room and tells her that Xander has disappeared Looking for a way to stall, Buffy briskly walks to the front of the reception hall while the organ plays "Here Comes The Bride" and announces that the minister is also a doctor and had to go perform an emergency c-section, hence the delay. As Anya walks around in a room, practicing her vows, Xander walks alone in the rain, his tuxedo drenched, looking lost. While Buffy informs the minister of the delay, Mr. Harris heads back to the bar, with Mrs. Harris in tow, both of them accusing Anya of ruining the wedding. Buffy starts livening up the delay with charades and juggling, while Dawn and a young demon chat at the doorway, comparing their pathetic families. In her room, Anya loses patience and heads down to the reception hall, determined to know whatıs going on. There, she accidentally overhears Dawn telling the young demon that Xanderıs run off Anya is more than disturbed, understandably, and Mr. Harris and the other demons start accusing and insulting each other once again. This time, a huge fight does break out, and Buffy is powerless to do anything about it. Tara gets caught up in the middle, but Willow comes to the rescue and the two huddle together behind a row of chairs, eyeing each other not without desire. Cousin Carol tells Anya that she saw Xander talking with an old man earlier, and points to him heıs trying to leave. Anya cuts through the crowd, catches up with him and demands to know what he did to scare her groom away. He reveals himself as a man she cursed by turning him into a demon at the beginning of the century. Out for revenge, he conjured up false images of the future to scare Xander and ruin Anyaıs wedding. She begins to cry, and the demon relishes at the sight, finally attacking her, intent on killing her. Buffy intervenes but quickly gets in trouble, and is saved by the timely intervention of Xander. He and Buffy finish the demon off, and after cheering a bit, the guests go back to fighting. However, this time, Anya breaks it up, then has a private chat with Xander. She explains to her would-be husband that the visions were lies, but Xander has gotten cold feet for good he tells her he knows it wasnıt true, but it could well come to pass. He announces that he canıt marry her, that heıs scared of turning into a drunkard like his father and hurting her. More than worried, she tries to get him to go on with the ceremony, tells him things will be OK, but he sadly tells her he canıt do it. That night, Buffy, Willow and Dawn sit around in the living room, still trying to work through what has happened. They feel sorry for the broken couple, and canıt even feel anger toward Xander. Dawn wonders out loud where he is Xander is checking into a depressing motel room by himself. Meanwhile, in the now-empty reception hall, DıHoffryn comforts a weeping Anya, telling her itıs time she got her vengeance powers back. She looks up at him, suddenly interested
Summary by OttsFiveByFive.