Episode Guide

Episode 49: Consequences

Overall Rating: 7.95
Matt: 8.0
Eric: 7.9

Writer: Marti Noxon
Director : Michael Gershman

Cast : Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy Summers, Nicholas Brendon as Xander Harris, Alyson Hannigan as Willow Rosenberg, Charisma Carpenter as Cordelia Chase, Seth Green as Oz, Anthony Stewart Head as Rupert Giles.

Main guest stars : Kristine Sutherland as Joyce Summers, Eliza Dushku as Faith, K. Todd Freedman as Mr. Trick, Harry Groener as Mayor Richard Wilkins III, Jack Plotnick as Deputy Mayor Allan Finch, James G. MacDonald as Detective Stein.

Original broadcast date : February 16, 1999

Picking up where "Bad Girls" left off, "Consequences" start late at night with Buffy dreaming that she is being held underwater by the dead Deputy Mayor. When she finally manages to break free and reach the surface, Faith pushes her bad under till she drowns. Waking up with a start, Buffy, unable to sleep, goes downstairs and finds her mother watching the report on the Deputy Mayorıs death on TV.

The next day, things get even more awkward for Buffy when Wesley instructs the two Slayers to investigate on the murder. Faith, on the other hand, isnıt worried ­ sheıs convinced they can keep it secret, but wants to know if Buffy is going to "rat her out". Buffy suggests telling Giles about it, but Faith refuses. Hurting to tell someone, Buffy tries to talk to Willow, but her friend, still hurt that Buffy is spending more time with Faith, avoids her.

In the alley where the Deputy Mayor was killed, a detective is questioning a witness who says she heard a man scream the previous night. Lurking in the shadows, Angel sees the blood on the dumpster and remembers the blood on Buffyıs handsŠ

At City Hall, the Mayor is busy at the shredder, complaining about the paper trail his Deputy left. But Mr.Trick brings him good news: apparently, the autopsy has found wooden splinters in the Deputy Mayorıs wound, suggesting he was killed with a stakeŠ

Meanwhile, the two Slayers are sneaking into the Deputy Mayorıs office, trying to find out why he was in the alley. Of course, all the DMıs files are gone, so they leaveŠ and quickly hide to avoid getting caught by the Mayor and Trick, who are just leaving.

After leaving City Hall, Faith and Buffy get into an argument about Faithıs lack of remorse. Buffy argues that being the Slayer doesnıt entitle one to take a human life, bur Faith disagrees. She thinks that being the Slayer means sheıs above the law.

When Buffy gets home, Detective Stein, whom we saw earlier investigating the dumpster, questions her about the murder. He does the same for Faith at her apartment. Both Slayers deny knowing anything about it.

Unable to take it anymore, Buffy goes over at Willowıs to talk. Willow starts by berating her, but Buffy starts crying and the redhead, feeling bad, comforts her. After hearing Buffyıs story, Willow agrees that she has to go to Giles.

The next day, Buffy enters the library, intent on doing just that ­ but then Faith walks out of Gilesı office; she pinned the murder on Buffy. Giles coldly orders Buffy in his office, as Faith smugly leaves. Once heıs certain Faith is gone, Giles reassures a panicking Buffy, telling her that Faith is not a very good liar. He also informs her that the Council has measures for such "accidents", but that heıs rather deal with this in a more discreet manner. However, Wesley is eavesdropping and immediately picks up the telephone to contact Quentin TraversŠ

Giles and Buffy convene a gang meeting to figure out how to help Faith. Xander suggests that he talk to her, saying he and Faith have a "connection". After some prodding, he reveals he slept with her. Giles and Buffy are disturbed, but itıs hardest of all on Willow, who afterwards goes to the bathroom to cry.

Making good on his idea, Xander goes to see Faith, and awkwardly tries to tell her that heıs there as a friend. But Faith is intent on showing him that heıs just a sex toy and that sheıs superior. She pins him on the bed, kisses him, then starts to strangle him. Just as things are getting pretty alarming, Angel shows up and knocks her out.

When Faith comes to, sheıs in Angelıs mansion, tied to the wall by chains. Angel tries to reason with her, but she just jokes with him.

Frustrated, he goes outside, where Buffyıs waiting. He tells her that talking to Faith is like talking to a wall, "except you get more from a wall." But he promises to keep trying. Going back inside, he has another go at it, but Faith is not very cooperative ­ she just wants to have sex with him.

Then, just as it looks like he just might be making some headway, Wesley and some Council workers burst in, pin Angel to the ground with a net and take custody of Faith. Wesley, intent on taking her back to England to be judged by the Council, handcuffs her and forces her in the back of a van. But Faith manages to get a guard down on the floor with her foot on his neck, and threatens to kill him if Wesley doesnıt let her go. He does, and she jumps out.

Buffy finds Angel at the mansion and learns of Faithıs disappearance. She convenes another Scooby meeting at the library, and they discuss what comes next. Willow thinks that maybe Faith does belong in jail; but just then, Wesley shows up and informs them that sheıs gotten away. Incensed, Buffy accuses him of doing perhaps irreparable damage to the younger Slayerıs faith in others, and suggests he might want to return to the mother country.

The gang splits up to look for Faith; finally, Buffy finds her at the docks. Faith is angry at the Scoobiesı attempts to make her more like Buffy, and suggests that the contrary might be true ­ that Buffy is in fact more like her. To prove herself right, she taunts Buffy into hitting her. But then Buffy pushes Faith out of the way as a falling crate cascades down, pinning Buffy to the ground. As she goes to Buffyıs help, Faith is attacked by Mr. Trick and some vampires; she holds them off long enough to allow Buffy to wriggle herself out.

But as soon as Buffy emerges from under the crate, sheıs attacked by Mr.Trick, who rapidly has her at a disadvantage. Faith, whoıs dispatched her own vampires, saves Buffy in the nick of time, dusting Mr.Trick.

Later that night, Buffy tells Giles about Faithıs good deed, and promises she wonıt give up on her. Giles answers that if she has Buffy, perhaps Faith stands a chance.

At City Hall, the Mayor is packing up his things for the night. As he opens the door to leave, he finds Faith standing there. She informs him that she dusted his vampiresŠ and asks if that means he has a job opening. Silently, he lets her into his officeŠ

Summary by OttsFiveByFive.