Episode Guide

Episode 38: Beauty and the Beasts

Overall Rating: 6.75
Matt: 6.5
Eric: 7.0

Written by: Marti Noxon
Directed by : James Whitmore, Jr.

Cast : Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy Summers, Nicholas Brendon as Xander Harris, Alyson Hannigan as Willow Rosenberg, Charisma Carpenter as Cordelia Chase, Seth Green as Oz, Anthony Stewart Head as Rupert Giles.

Main guest stars : Kristine Sutherland as Joyce Summers, Eliza Dushku as Faith, Fab Filippo as Scott Hope, John Patrick White as Pete, Danielle Weeks as Debbie, Phill Lewis as Mr. Platt.

Original broadcast date : October 20, 1998

Itšs the full moon in Sunnydale, and that means werewolf time for Oz, whošs locked up in the library cage as Willow stands guard, reading a book appropriately named "Call of the Wild". Xander eventually shows up so she can take off and study, after which he promptly installs himself comfortablyŠ for a nap on the job. Meanwhile, Faith and Buffy are patrolling and discussing men. As Faith unsurprisingly turns the conversation towards the gutter, saying that all men are beasts inside, a young man, unseen by the two Slayers, runs terrified in the foliage, only to be caught and presumably mauled by a pursuing beastŠ

At school the next day, Buffy and Willow are hanging out with Oz and his friends Pete and Debbie, a couple who are also friends, incidentally, of Scott Hope, who happens to show up and join all of them. Buffy mentions that she has an appointment with the school psychologist, Mr. Platt. Debbie informs her that she, too, is seeing him, because shešs flunking a bio class. As Oz, who aced the bio class, offers Debbie to lend her his notes, Buffy kisses Scott goodbye and leaves for her appointment.

In the library, a very agitated Giles tells Xander, Oz and Willow about the murder of young Jeff Walken, a friend of Oz found mauled to death in the forest. As Xander admits to having "rested his eyes" a few times during the night, and they notice that the window of the library cage was left open all night, all of them realize Oz may be the murdererŠ

Meanwhile, Buffy meets Mr. Platt, a cool, cheerful, cigarette-smoking guy who wants to know why she ran away. She vaguely talks about her life, telling him about the bad end of her last relationship and her subsequent fight with her mom. Having succeeded in avoiding to many questions, she goes back to the library and finds everyone still mulling over the possibility that Oz may have escaped and killed someone the previous night. An angry and hurt Oz tries to leave, but itšs that time again, and into the cage he unhappily goes.

On patrol, Buffy finds something moving in the woods. She gives chase, it tackles herŠ itšs Angel! They fight, and she manages to knock him out. She chains him up in the old mansion (where she fought him and Acathla), and when he wakes up, he doesnšt recognize her; instead, he growls and tries to lunge at her, like an animal.

Meanwhile, Willow, Xander and Cordy go to the morgue to inspect Jeffšs body. Willow musters up enough courage to get some samples of hairs from the horribly mauled bodyŠ and then faints.

In the library, werewolf-Oz roars in his cage as an unfazed Faith dances to the sound of her walkman. Buffy comes in and taps her on the shoulder; startled, Faith whirls around and punches her. Buffy relieves Faith and takes over Oz duty, spending the night going through the card catalogue, trying to find out why Angel is back. In the morning, Giles finds her asleep, piles of books about the Demon dimension and Acathla around her. Dancing around the truth, Buffy tells him that she had a dream where Angel came back; she asks him what ­ hypothetically ­ Angel would be like if he came back. He answers that anyone strong enough to survive the return to earth would be like an animalŠ

As Willow arrives with donuts and Oz wakes up, she tells them that the information she got from the body is inconclusive. However, Buffy is now afraid that the killer may be Angel. In the cafeteria, Buffy has lunch with Scott, Pete and Debbie, but itšs clear shešs not into conversation. After Scottšs efforts to cheer her up fail, she heads back to the mansion and tries to make contact with Angel, but he just lunges and growls at her, scaring her off.

Upset and needing to speak to someone, Buffy goes to Mr. Plattšs office and starts spilling out everything about Angel, while he sits silently, his back to her, seemingly listening. But when he doesnšt answer, Buffy realizes his cigarette is burnt down to the filter, and finds out hešs dead, horribly mauled the same way Jeff was.

In a storage room, Pete and Debbie are making out, when Pete discovers that one of his jars has been emptied. Debbie admits she got rid of the liquid because of what it was doing to Pete, and he gets quite angry, yelling at her. He turns into a monster, veins popping out on his face and neck, and hits her, saying that Mr. Platt wonšt be listening to her whining anymore. Then, realizing what hešs doing, he goes back to normal and apologizes to her, telling her that she must remember never to make him angry.

In the library, the Scoobies are relieved to know that the fact that Mr. Platt was killed during the day claers Oz (and Angel, for that matter). But there is still a murderer on the looseŠ

When Oz meets Debbie to give her his bio notes as promised, he notices her black eye and lets her know hešs there if she ever wants to talk about it. Pete is watching, and decides to get rid of Oz.

Oz makes his way to the library, learns that hešs no longer a murder suspect, and realizes that Debbie is the link between both murders. As the Scoobies leave the library in search of Pete and Debbie, Oz prepares to go into his cage.

Buffy and Willow find Debbie and get her to admit that Pete is the murderer, but that shešs to blame because she makes him angry. Meanwhile, Angel breaks free from his chains and escapes from the mansion. In the library, Pete finds Oz, turns into a monster and starts to beat him up; then Oz equalizes the odds by changing into werewolf. Buffy and the gang arrive, and she tries to subdue Oz with a tranquilizer gun. But Debbie deflects the gun and the dart hits Giles instead (teehee). As the monsters get away, the gang splits up: Buffy goes after Pete, and Willow and Faith go after Oz with the tranquilizer gun.

Faith manages to shoot Oz with a dart, but Buffy has a harder time with Pete. She follows his trail of blood to a storage room, but shešs too late: hešs just killed Debbie, and now he goes after her. They fight, and Buffy is saved in the nick of time from unlikely quarters: Anger arrives and violently snaps Petešs neck. Then, recognizing Buffy, he falls to his knees and holds her, crying and calling her name.

The next day, Buffy turns into support-o-gal, trying to comfort a grieving Scott, then going back to the mansion to watch over Angelšs uneasy sleep.

Summary by OttsFiveByFive.