(All present during interview: James C Leary, Eric, Matt, Jonathan, Jennifer, Elaine)
ERIC: Uh, one of the first things I wanted to ask you about was, how you felt about
the whole convention environment. Like the people here. I know youve got...
JAMES C LEARY: I love coming to the conventions. I mean, its great. When you actually get to
meet the fans and, and see the people who watch the show its awesome. So I really enjoy coming
to conventions and meeting people and...you know...hearing how great I am.
MAC: Do you like the fact that everyone is trying to rally behind Clem to get him on Angel?
JAMES C LEARY: No, I hate that. I really, yeah, thats uh, I dont...ya know. Who-who
wants to be on that JV show? Really. NO! I love it! I mean, I would love to show up on Angel.
I think Lorne and Clem would be fast friends. And its really...its really flattering
as an actor. I mean, I...I only did eight episodes of Buffy. I never thought that this character
would, would spark so much interest from the fans, so...its really flattering that, ya know,
everybodys kinda rallying around trying to get me on Angel. I really, REALLY, really
appreciate it.
ERIC: About that - do you see the possibilities of how just a small part--character can really
blossom into the Jossverse? Like Spike was supposed to be around in eight episodes...
JAMES C LEARY: Mm hmm. Mm hmm. So was Angel.
ERIC: Yeah.
JAMES C LEARY: Angel was supposed to be a small part. I mean, I think its a great testiment
to Joss and his ability to kinda go with the flow and not be so strict in his ideas that he
cant make changes and sort of improvise with it. So I think thats, thats really
cool and I dont know of a lot of tv shows that, that do that. That really listen to the fans.
Um, ya know, how many tv show creators go to the internet and go to posting boards and stuff? So
I think thats been one of Josss really strong points is in keeping the fans happy
with the show. So...definitely. I think its very cool.
MAC: To get a little bit off topic. When did the idea for stunt c*cks--
JAMES C LEARY: (Laughs) The idea for stunt c*cks....My two writing partners and I were working on
this feature script and we just got stuck one day. And we had writers block and...one of the
guys had this great title. He was like, (changes voice) Ya know, Itd be fun--Ive
got this great title I came up with the other day. Its called Stunt C*cks.
(changes voice back) And from that we just riffed. I mean, we went--we wrote the script in like two
days....Ya know, and then we just tried to start making it. But from first idea to finished product
was two years. So...for an eight and a half minute movie. So it was crazy.
ERIC: What kind of corporate attention are you getting with Stunt C*cks?
JAMES C LEARY: Ya know, its been great film-festival-wise. I mean, weve been to the...
to like ten festivals so far. We screened at the Tribeca Film Festival. Were screening at
Brackinridge in two weeks. Ya know, hoping to get into a couple of more.And the film made its
way to Comedy Central, and uh... (laughs) Needless to say their acquisition department loved it,
but knew that sponsors would stay ten feet away from it. But we did send them a pitch for a half
hour sitcom version of...of the story, of the characters. Ya know, it obviously wouldnt be
titled Stunt C*cks and it would be different and expanded, but um...ya know, basically
keeping this...the characters billing and role. Showing them in their work life and then in their
private life.
MAC: Have you tried getting it on at late at night on Comedy Central?
JAMES C LEARY: Yes, well, theyre...Comedy Centrals actually looking to do like a late
night short film program, but they were like, Noooooooo, Nooo, Nooo, NO! We wanna keep our
ERIC: The party scene at these cons...
JAMES C LEARY: Yes, I tend to stay away from them. (laughs) I did a little partying in Cleveland
as Im sure word has gotten around and my partying days are done. No, its fun.
Its just, ya know, ya like to go out and ya like to meet the fans and ya like to hang out
with everybody, but there is...ya know...
ERIC: Limits?
JAMES C LEARY: Limits, yes! Definitely limit--limits. (laughs) Although this con has been
insane. Who needs to go to the nudey bar? Ya just come here. I saw two girls last night wearing
nothing but caution tape. And let me tell ya, ya gotta shave when ya wear caution tape...and I
dont mean ya legs.
JAMES C LEARY: As you can see, were in the deep, dark recesses of the Marriott Marquis
Hotel in downtown Atlanta...doing a little gorilla filmmaking.
MAC: Heres a question about Clem. Are bugles his favorite food?
JAMES C LEARY: (laughs) All right, well, ya know, its tough. Its tough. Hes
really very fical guy. Bugles can be a little gritty. Ya know, like some of the other snacks. He
loves chicken wings, though...I--I would say if probably anything, chicken wings are Clems
favorite food, sans kittens.
ERIC: What do you think about the con security?
JAMES C LEARY: What do you mean?
ERIC: They...seem a little pushy.
JAMES C LEARY: Yeah, well, ya know what? I think that happens. Unfortunate--ya know,
its just one of those side--one of the little drawbacks. And...ya know, people who have
never had any kind of authority before...takin it to heart. But ya know what? Everybodys
just trying to do their job and trying to keep everybody safe. And when ya have fifty thousand
people...which is what I heard the number was at this thing this weekend...its just insanity.
Ya gotta, ya know, ya gotta have security, and...try to keep people safe.
ERIC: Well, I think its normally around twenty or thirty thousand...
JAMES C LEARY: Yes, and so I mean thats like almost double the capacity, so...I mean these
guys are just stressed out and theyre just trying to work hard like everybody else.
JAMES C LEARY: No, I um, I guess uh...just wanna say thank you to all the fans. Thank you,
guys, its been a great ride. I really appreciate everything. If it hadnt been for
you guys, I wouldnt have been back on the show. And hopefully if its up to you
Ill be on Angel, so...thanks a lot. I appreciate it....And Hellmouth Rules.
(Short applause.)
ERIC: The episode with Clem in the beetle...
ERIC: That was a....Was that a direct pull-back for the fans?
JAMES C LEARY: I dont know. I dont--and ya know what, Drew Greenberg was the
writer who wrote most of the stuff I did and he--he was a great guy
and he loved writing the character, so it was very nice of Drew to kind of pull me back for one
last episode and kinda give me a really nice little goodbye. So it was really cool.
ERIC: Everyone around was like, Its Clem!
JAMES C LEARY: Go to hell....HellmouthCentral.com....Yeah...
(Short applause and moment of thanks to Mr Leary.)
(Transcription of this interview has been provided by Jonathan Riggins. Edited by Matt Lee.)