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- Tom Cruise takes on Angel It has become painfully obvious of Tom Cruise’s objections to the administration of anti-depressants in the field of mental health. As of Friday, Mister Cruise had even slammed Matt Lauer, calling him a “glib” for simply stating that anti-depressants have helped some people diagnosised with mental disorders. It appears that Mr. Cruise is now taking aim at our favorite brooding vampire. “He accidentally takes an anti-depressant and he loses his soul.” Tom Cruise stated while gesturing erratically. “This is insane, but exactly what my point is trying to make. You are of the devil if you take this ‘so called’ medication. You need to take vitamins and drink water to get better.” He pauses. “Also, fall madly in love. That is the cure for everything.” “You see, what you don’t know, is what I know. I did research. I actually read 10 pages of a 200 page study on the effects of anti-depressants in people without a diagnosis of mental illness.” Tom’s eyes went big. “It is mind-blowing.” It was after that; Mr. Cruise proceeded to insert a DVD of his engagement to Katie in Paris. When asked about the episode Mr. Cruise had referred to, Angel replied. “Ummm k, was that what the episode was about?” Meanwhile, Luke Perry had additional comments. “Why is Tom focusing on Angel? Didn’t he know that I was Pike?” Luke asked as I got in my car slamming the door. “See, I just give Ritalin to my dog, and it makes it all better.” “Angel’s behavior in that episode was not promoting the use of medications, but that medication cannot cure unhappiness, that you still have to work out the route of the problems.” Laney G. Pzifer, MIT Admissions Coordinator states. “I really liked Tom in Top Gun, the whole shirtless beach volleyball scene was locked in my mind for years after.” - Aeryn |