Updated: 5.12.04 - 1) All submissions must be sent in the following
format: 2) All stories must include a short description of the story. The description must either be a separate file, or contained in the email message. 3) X Rated submissions are unacceptable. They won't be posted. Use your own judgment on what you think is X rated. 4) Spell-check your fanfic. We won't do it. We will post it "as is", so make sure you skim through your story before sending it to us. 5) Use necessary quotations. We've been getting stories with missing quotations when a character is talking ( i.e. - Buffy said, Beep me. Instead of Buffy said, "Beep Me".) Please make sure it's correct. 6) Use disclaimers at your own discretion. We will not take out anything you've given us, and we've already covered our copyright status, so it's up to you whether or not you want to use disclaimers. 7) Email me here to send your fanfic. I'll post it as quickly as I can. :)