Rain…why does it always seem to rain at dramatic moments in our plain of existence? For a more remarkable finish? Who knows… “Any word on Wes?” said Gunn, clutching his wounds. “Wesley’s dead,” announced Illyria, “I’m feeling grief for him. I can’t seem to control it. I wish to do more violence. “Well, wishes just happen to be horses today,” said Spike. “Among other things…” gasped Angel, peering down the alley at the hordes of demons, giants and one extremely big dragon. “You take the 30,000 on the left…” gasped Gunn, as he stood up with axe in hand. “You’re fading,” assumed Illyria, “You’ll last 10 minutes at best.” “Then let’s make it memorable.” “In terms of a plan?” asked Spike…ready for whatever would be thrown at him. “We fight.” Spoke Angel, no sign of fear in his voice. He is truly the leader and commander that they have followed for all these years. “Bit more specific, mate…” “Well, personally, I kind of want to slay the dragon. Let’s go to work….” Suddenly, from high above, lightening strikes. The world is turned to light, and 700 young girls appear out of nowhere. “I heard that you guys might be looking for me…” Buffy and Willow…and her army of Slayers. “What the hell are you doing here, Buffy?” asked Angel, “I thought you were with the Immortal…” “Later…let’s kill us some demons.” Buffy, Angel and Gunn move left towards the dragon, while Willow, Spike and Illyria hold off the giant. Willow speaks softly, “Ingram fortuna.” And a bolt of lightning strikes the giant in the chest. Illyria quickly pounces on its head, and soon all that is left is a pile of death. “I need more destruction. This feels like what you call revenge.” “Well, then Smurfette, have at them,” snarled Spike, who had vamped out in the process. Angel flanks to the left, while Gunn and Buffy head straight towards the snarling face of the dragon. The ungodly scream that pierces the night stops Gunn in his tracks, but not before he heaves his battle axe at the head of the beast, where it lodges between the eyes. Another shriek, and the dragon is upon him. Quickly bitten in two, Gunn’s last sight is Angel and Buffy beneath the dragon, stabbing and slicing the soft underbelly of the creature. As the dragon falls dead, Gunn’s eyes close and a small smile reaches his face. As the approaching hordes of demons close in, Angel looks towards Spike, and they say simultaneously, “Just like old times.” They each raise their swords overhead, and prepare to meet the advancing creatures. “It’s too much,” said Buffy, “Willow, get us out of here…” A flash of white, a feeling of disorientation…and the group of nearly 100 is in London, at the rebuilt Watcher’s Council. “NO! This is our fight. Our chance to take down the greatest evil. And you have to come and stick your blonde head into our business.” “This wasn’t her choice,” spoke a voice from the back, “I received a phone call this morning, telling me that you may need the Watcher’s help.” As Angel turned, he already knew who would be standing there. The last time he had seen him, he was wearing a tweed jacket and wire-rimmed glasses. But this man was different. The glasses were gone, replaced with what was probably contacts, and in place of the tweed was a midnight blue suit. “Giles, nice to see you again. Now what the hell are you talking about? Who called you and asked for help? Was it Spikey-wikey trying to finish his ‘perfect day’ trying to talk to Buffy?” “Sod off, Irishman,” said Spike, before Giles could respond. “Since you must know,” replied Giles, “It was Wesley. He called me and said that you all might need a little help bringing down Wolfram & Hart. This caught me a little off guard, considering that you were working for them and all.” “Long story,” said Angel. “And if you’ll excuse us, we’d like to get back to killing…” “You mean being killed, you stubborn ass.” Angel had never seen Willow so furious before…or so beautiful. Since embracing her magicks, Willow’s hair had become the purest white, and an aura shone about her constantly. However, this beauty didn’t hide the fact that she was angered beyond anything Angel had ever seen. “If it weren’t for us, your chance to bring down this ‘greatest evil’ would be over…because you’d be dead. A little appreciation would be nice. “At least now, you can carry on this fight with some more people on your side. Considering that evil has stopped evilling to deal with you, I’d say you could use all the help you could get.” “Well…I, uhh….thank you,” mumbled Angel. “Now what? Do you all have a plan to help us, because we’re not stopping.” “Think about this, Angel,” mentioned Spike, “We are three now. Two vamps and a demon God. What good would we do without their help? Calm down, and let the silly man talk.” “Thank you, Spike…by the way, I thought you were dead…” said Giles, “Anyway, we do have a plan, and it does involve you. It also involves dimensional portals, other versions of the Black Thorn…and the child of two vampires.” “No way do you let Connor get involved in this. No way.” Angel had told Connor to go home after the epic battle with Hamilton, and there was no chance he would endanger his son. “I have done too much to save my son, and I won’t let you get him killed.” “Angel, stop it,” said Buffy, “Have you seen what you have done? You have turned our dimension upside down. Look at this.” She flips on the TV to the local news channel…which is broadcasting live from LA. “…beasts from some other world….buildings burning to the ground…death and destruction from all angles…police say they are busy getting this under control, but they haven’t seen such chaos in years…” (actually, they haven’t seen this much chaos since Jasmine died, but no one knows that). “If you truly want to be a hero for humanity, you need to stop having the short view. If you want to finish this, then finish it. “Now, let’s listen to Giles plan…”