Disclaimer: None of these characters are mine. They are the property of the genius that is Joss Whedon and ME. Must have permission from aaeryn@blkswan.com to archive anywhere other than www.hellmouthcentral.com Feedback is appreciated: aaeryn@blkswan.com Wesley sat in his darkened office. The familiar small desk shone faithfully as it worked diligently to illuminate the surface of his desk. Leaning back in his leather chair, he closed his eyes as he spoke into the closed book in his hands. “Soul reformation indexing any mention of the fires of restoration.” Pausing a moment, he prayed that this would show him some result. Opening the book, the text made a gentle woosh as it filled the blank pages. His eyes eagerly skimmed the pages, hoping for some glimmer that it would lead to some chance to get his love back. He giggled insanely as the search proved fruitless. “Of course not…” He said as his tone went a bit manic. Why should I be able to find anything to bring her back? This is my punishment for coming here. Wesley pushed himself back from the desk as his eyes landed on the blue figure across the lobby watching him as a lioness watched it’s prey before it attacked. His jaw set as he moved around his desk. This search was meaningless. There was no possible way of bringing back Fred. As he began to accept his fate, forever doomed to comfort the monster that held his beloved memories, at least that would provide some comfort to the part of Fred that still existed. He made his way over to the bookshelf, still observant that it was watching him. Brushing by the chair that his leather jacket laid strewn on it, it fell to the floor as a familiar blue box toppled from the inside pocket. Hearing the noise, his eyes found the box and his heart broke once more. Picking it up, he felt himself moving back in the corner as he sank down to the floor. His eyes were fixated on the Tiffany’s box. He hadn’t seen it since he had picked it up the morning Fred… his thoughts trailed off as he opened outer box and pulled out the ring box. Memories flooded him as he opened the box to stare at the solitaire that he had picked out for her. “Take me out where?” Her voice stated as he was transported back for a moment. She was smiling. Breathtaking, absolutely beautiful, her eyes were a glow radiating with happiness that was equally shining in his. “Can it be a surprise?” He had asked her back, but muttered along with himself as he stopped the memory before she collapsed. As he kept her smiling face in his mind, his eyes closed as he relished the memory. “I like surprises.” She said, as she pulled closer to him. “Good.” He replied back with a sly grin as his hand wrapped around her waist. “Then you will definitely love this.” He leaned in and kissed her softly as her lips moved with his. Pulling back, he brushed a strand of hair out of her face. “I love you.” He said gently as his voice cracked with emotion. Wesley knew this wasn’t real, but at times, he wished he could stop living and just be here with her inside his mind for always. Fred tilted her head and stroked his cheek. “You can’t stay.” She said softly for she knew what was always on his mind. “You still have your job to do and when it is done, I will be waiting.” Her chestnut eyes shone with a sad happiness. “Wesley, you are my soul mate, you know what that means. We are never apart, even now.” Her eyes filled with tears. “What was my surprise?” Wesley felt the gentle warmth as he realized what she was saying was true. He could feel the ring in his hand as he opened up his palm. His eyes welled up with unshed tears as he looked down into her eyes once more. “I was going to ask you to marry me.” He said simply as he leaned his cheek into her palm. Fred smiled as it seemed to Wesley that she lit up the whole room with that one smile. “What is stopping you?” she replied back to him. He gave her a slight surprised shock look at her asking, before she continued. “Wesley, none of this matters. I love you and you love me, this is the only thing that matters. Love. It is the one thing that keeps us going, that is worth fighting for, and that keeps us connected.” How could he had been so blind? He was searching his books for answers that did not exist. It had been inside him the whole time. Lowering to one knee, he took her hand and kissed it gently as he gazed up at her. “Will you marry me?” he asked softly as his voice could not put into words the emotions that were in his heart. Fred dropped down as he put on the sparkling diamond. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she kissed him softly. “Yes, and I already have in my heart.” She said against his lips as she stared into his eyes. As they closed their eyes to kiss once more, he felt the heart wrenching feeling of her lips disappearing from his. “I love you Wes.” Her voice echoed on the air as his eyes opened and found the ring he had bought was gone. In its place was a band of gold. Wesley pulled it out, dropping the velvet box as he saw the inscription on the inside of the band. “I will always love you Wesley ~ Winifred”. Tears spilled over his eyes as he put on the ring. He loved her so much. It was impossible to know how he was going to be able to go on until his work was done, but he would do it. The ring was a perfect fit. He felt as if he always had worn it. It comforted him. Leaning back against the wall, he sat there as he thought about what all had just happened. Illyria was still stationed at the far end of the lobby. Curious, as her attention never wavered from Wesley, however she could not see him adequately. Her hand burned slightly as she clenched it. Moving off, she entered a empty office. Her reflection shown in the mirror as she felt herself start to burn all over, but mainly there was something on her hand. Illyria shifted into Fred’s form as she stared down at the hand. There was a ring on it. “Illyria…” A firm voice called from beside her as she turned and only saw her reflection, but this time, it was staring right at her as if it taken on it’s own life. Fred was reflecting to her. “You have something that is mine and I will be getting it back.” Fred spoke strong as determined as she had ever been before. “This is only the beginning. Your acolyte picked the wrong damn body for you to fill, because my power is to not let you take me. You won temporarily, but it won’t last.” Illyria changed her form back to blue as the reflection did not leave. “This shell does not belong to you. It is bound to me and I cannot change it if I pleased.” She said unmoved by the image in front of her. “Your threats mean nothing. You are nothing. You are just an echo of what was.” “What is bound to you, does not belong to you, but to me. I can change if I pleased and trust me, I will. You know who I am. You know what I felt and my memories. In this life, you make your own will and I bow to no one’s will but my own.” Fred said as she let her image fade out as it left Illyria with her own reflection once more. “So it begins...” Illyria replied as she stared into the mirror before turning and walking out.
Pairing: Fred/Wesley
Rating: PG
Summary: Wes after Fred’s death, set after Time Bomb. The scene in HITW where they are talking before Fred collapses is one of my favorite moments and I loved his line of “Can it be a surprise?”