Email me: DISCLAIMER All Angel characters are property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. Yellow Submarine lyrics by Lennon/McCartney. Please ask permission from before posting to another site.
Wolfram and Hart presents
An Exclusive Sam Lawson Production
Words and Music by Sam Lawson
Vocals by Sam Lawson and Angel
Back Vocals by Wesley Wyndham-Price, Winifred Burkle and Charles Gunn
NAZI SUBMARINE Sung in G minor flat voice bloodless
In the ti me when I was tu u rned
Lived a va a mp who sailed to sea
And he to o old us of his unlife
In the Na zi submarine
So he fe e ll down to our sub
Ti ll he fou ound our bloody scene
And we di ied beneath the waves
In our Na zi submarine
Chorus (Lawson) :
We all died in the Na zi submarine
Na zi submarine
Na zi submarine
Chorus (Wyndham-Price, Burkle, Gunn)
Were ti ed up cause of the Na zi submarine
Na zi submarine
Na zi submarine
All our frien ends are in the mo orgue
Ma ny more of them are just gore
And the va a amps begin to play
(sound effects courtesy of Spike, Nostroyev and the Prince of Lies)
Chorus (Lawson) :
We all died in the Na zi submarine
Na zi submarine
Na zi submarine
Chorus (Wyndham-Price, Burkle, Gunn)
Were ti ed up cause of the Na zi submarine
Na zi submarine
Na zi submarine
As we lea eave and try to flee
E vil kraut guy, just stabbed me
And the va amp he suck ed me
So I could repai air our submarine
Chorus (Lawson) :
We all died in the Na zi submarine
Na zi submarine
Na zi submarine
Chorus (Wyndham-Price, Burkle, Gunn)
Were ti ed up cause of the Na zi submarine
Na zi submarine
Na zi submarine
Chorus (Angel)
I said Id kill you if you e ver came to me
And indeed I need
To end your misery
Chorus (Lawson) :
We all died in the Na zi submarine
Na zi sub- *POOF*
Angel: Thank God *that* is over.
WB: Joss, can we see you in our office for a moment?
Joss: Uh-oh