f a n f i c

by Fat Tony

Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all it’s characters are property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy.
Feedback: Yes, please! My E-mail is schweilles@yahoo.com
Summary: A young sloppy girl discovers there is more in her than meets the eye…

It was just another day at her high school, and Tanya was having her usual ball. She had only walked out of her biology class, clutching in her hand last week’s exam, a glimmiring ‘F’ decorating the top left corner. She was walking with her best friend, Minny (short for Minerva, who has never met a single person who managed not to laugh when he heard her name, including Tanya), which received no less than an A.
As they approached their neighbouring lockers, Minny noticed that Tanya has yet to wipe clean the ‘LOSER’ written all over her locker.
“Aren’t you gonna clean that up?”
“How?” Tanya replied almost instinctively, as this was the 100th time they have had this conversation.
“I dunno, tell principal Crouch or something”
“Yeah right! He’s probably the one that wrote it!”
She wasn’t far from the truth. As unlikely as it was that Mr. Crouch actually did it, It was obvious that Tanya was not one of Crouch’s favourite students, and it wasn’t unlikely that he went voluntarily blind for five minutes when the act had been done.
“Tanya! Minerva!” a voice came from behind them. It was Seamus Finnigan, their friend and fellow citizen of outcastville. He refused to call her ‘Minny’ and said she should be proud of her name, instead of hiding it.
“What’s up?”
“Great” replied Tanya, “Flutie flunked me again!” Mr. Flutie, was ,of course, their Biology teacher.
“What’s that?” asked Minny when she saw the bruise on Seamus’ face, which Tanya seemed interested in now aswell.
“Ah, you know me, can’t wake up without a good beating!” Seamus said bitterly.
“Larry! If I could just get my hands on him-“
“You’d have the life beaten out of you” He interrupted Tanya in the middle, although with a slightly unsure look on his face. “He’s not much of a gentleman, he beats all men equally.”
“Kind of a femminist, when you think about it” Minny said, expecting laughter and getting glares at her face instead. “I was only kidding, you know…”
But there wasn’t much time left to respond because just then Larry walked by, with his group of admirerers (male and female) following close by.
“Hey, Finn!” he bellowed.
“That’s Finniggan!”
“Who cares? Ah, I see Mousey and the freak are here, too!”
“For you information, Minerva and Tanya are allowed to stand by their lockers if they want to!” Minny gave a slight flinch when he said her name, finding it as humiliating as Larry would undoubtfully make it, without his help.
“Jeez, Seamus,” he emphasyzed the name as if his life depended on it, “don’t any of you freaks have normal names? Or clothes…” he added after spotting Tanya’s short purple skirt, to which she replied with a slight twitch of her mouth.
“What is that you have in your hand?” He asked, gesturing at her exam, which was rolled into a tube in her tight fist, a malicious smile working it’s way up his face.
“nothing!” she snapped, but by the time she finished, he had already snatched it from her hand and began to laugh uncontrollably at the sight of the big red ‘F’.
“Well, I suppose I could be worried about such things, but lucky me! I’m the quarterback! I don’t need to take Biology exams!” and he continued laughing as he shoved it bach to her and walked away out of sight. The fist which was clutched in her hand for quite some time now was beginning to shake and it wasn’t long before it rose up to meet the locker and to the shock of the group, dent it completely.
“Stupid cheap lockers! How much did they cost, anyway? 1.95 for a sixpack of lockers?”
But Minny and Seamus exchanged looks. The lockers are cheap, but not that cheap!

Tanya, Minny and Seamus were starting to make their way home, discussing the day’s events.
“Hey, why are you making such a big deal out of this? It’s just a locker! And now it only spells ‘LOER’ …“ Tanya said, sounding more than a bit annoyed.
“It’s not just the locker, Tanya! You’ve been acting strange ever since that big earthquake in California” Seamus explained to her, it was clear that he has given it quite some thought.
“Oh, not the Sunnydale thing again!”
“I don’t care what they say on the news, Tanya, but earthquakes don’t devour whole cities!”
“Not devour, collapse, Seamus!” Tanya told him for the millionth time, “The earth didn’t swallow a town!”
“Never mind that” dismissed Seamus, he had something to say about this, but this is not what he wanted to talk about now. “ Tanya, you have gotten extremely strong!”
“That is true” Minny broke in to the conversation, getting a nasty look from Tanya, but continuing anyway, “Just last P.E. lesson, you threw the basketball and it broke the wall! It almost went out of school grounds!”
“And those dreams you’ve been having-“
“Listen!” Tanya sounded serious now, “Those dreams don’t mean anything! Come on! Medieval girls fighting vampires? that’s insane!”
But Tanya had barely finished her sentence when a School bus stopped dead at their very feet. The three immidiately turned to fix on the bus, as if expecting for aliens to come out of it. They weren’t far from the truth. Out of the bus came a grown man in glasses, with narrow eyes and slightly whitening hair.
“Tanya? Tanya Battle?” the man said in a british accent and a hopeful tone. Tanya slowly raised her arm. The man gave a sigh of relief and turned back into the school bus, apparently gesturing someome to come out. And sure enough, a moment later people came pouring out of the bus. First came a redhead woman, accompanied by a younger one with brown hair, never letting her eyes off her. Afterwards came a man with an eyepatch followed closely by a young man with blond hair and a fairly scratched face. Afterwards came a pretty woman with black hair accompanied by a tall black man, laughing together. And just when they thought it was over, out came a teenager, about their age, with long brown hair, followed closely by a short blond woman. Seamus couuldn’t help but see how beautiful she was, and didn’t manage to suppress his grin.
The three kept their eyes fixed on the bus door, expecting another slew of people to come out of it, but apparently there were no more, because now the pretty blond woman spoke, whish widened Seamus’ grin even more.
“Hi, Tanya, I’m Buffy. This is Giles (she pointed at the british man who spoke at the beginning), Willow (she pointed at the redhead), Kennedy (the girl beside her), Xander (with the eyepatch), Andrew (the skinny scarred blond boy), Faith and Wood (the black man and the girl with the brown hair) and this (she put her arm around the teenage girl) is my sister Dawn.”
“er…hi” she sais awkwardly, “this is Minny and Seamus”. She felt kind of lame having only two people to introduce. Then she felt stupid for that and resumed glaring at the odd bunch in front of her and her friends.
“Hi” Buffy said impatiently to Seamus and Minny, who looked rather offended by it, but Seamus got over it pretty quickly, noticing her face again… “Listen, Tanya, we have something very important to tell you…”

“Run that by me again?” For the last half an hour, Tanya, Minny and Seamus were sitting in front of Buffy and Co. at their favourite club “SacreBleu” listening to her explain to them that Tanya is a slayer, chosen to kill vampires.
“Well, it does make sense, Tanya” Seamus said, which was smiling so hard for the last half hour it made his face hurt. Tanya gave him a menacing glare, which he took a little more seriously than usual, having just learned about her special powers.
“And you’re saying that you’re slayers too? All of you?” Minny inquired, breaking the silence caused by Seamus and Tanya’s stare-off.
“No” replied Buffy, “just me and Faith. And Kennedy. And Giles was my watcher.”
Minny was about to ask what a watcher was, but was interfered by Willow.
“And I’m a witch. Kennedy’s my girlfriend” at this Kennedy gave a huge smile, which was almost as wide as Seamus’.
“Me and Willow are Buffy’s best friends” said Xander, not wanting to be left out.
“And I’m a demon fighter. My mom was a slayer” Wood juimped.
Minny surveyed the erea for a moment. “So what are you here for?” she asked, gesturing to Andrew.
“I’m here for morale” Andrew replied with a coyish smile, slurping another large gulp of his Pepsi with his straw.
“But if you’re all slayers and witches and demon fighters”, Tanya finally spoke, “why do you need me for?”
There was a silence, which was broken by Giles. “The number of demons on the face of the earth is vast, and we alone cannot hope to stop it. It is our duty to inform every slayer on earth – which is quite a few now – what their abilities are, and most importantly, what her mission is. If you choose, you may remain here to fight evil by yourself, after some training, of course, but I think it’s best if you come with us. There are others like you which we have managed to find , which were brought to Cleaveland, where we are returning, others (at this he gave Kennedy an unapproving look) were reluctant to stay on account of personal affairs-“ but at this Giles was stopped (to everyone’s relief) by Seamus, which seemed to finally be in touch with reality, although never letting his eyes off Buffy. “What have you got in Cleaveland?”
“A hellmouth-“
“A HELLMOUTH?!” Giles was disturbed again by Tanya and Minny, who shouted in unison.
“An underground opening to and from hell, Giles explained, “It tends to attract supernatural creatures – demons – and produce supernatural activity. We have already managed to seal one, in Sunnydale, but-“
Giles was yet again interrupted by Seamus, which was so enthusiastic he actually turned from Buffy to Giles (somewhat to the relief of Xander, who had begun to notice it). “You guys are from Sunnydale?”
“Uh-huh” said Dawn, which got people to notice she was there.
“Yep, good ol’ Sunnydale. Where the vampires flow like wine and there’s a guarenteed apocalypse at least once a year” Xander added followed immediately by Faith.
“You know, I’m gonna miss that place.“. The first to react was surprisingly Wood.
“It’s a nice enough place, but if you ask me, there’s too much of a caucasian persuation in the ‘Dale.” All eyes were fixed on Wood, including Andrew, who stopped in the middle of his ‘Gulp’ to raise the 11th eyebrow in the room.
“What?” said Wood, lookig slightly offended, “I can talk Jive if I want to!”
“You’re from Beverly Hills!” Buffy reminded him, which made everyone giggle, and made Seamus remember why he wasn’t paying attention to most of what was going on.
“Hey, isn’t Flutie originally from Beverly Hills?” Minny asked, which much prefered the humorous road the conversation was taking than Giles’ explanations on the hellmouth.
“Flutie?” Willow and Buffy asked together.
“Oh, he’s our Biology teacher” Minny said happily, “ he comes from a family of educators, they say his brother was eaten by his own students!” this made Xander flinch and dash on his feet, “Heeey, who wants Margaritas?” he eyed the three kids sitting in front of him, “and a really nice 7-UP for our youngsters!” Minny looked quite offended at the notion, but Tanya didn’t care, She wasn’t paying attention at all. Her life will never be the same again. She’s no longer just Tanya Battle, freak, loser and Biology-failer. She’s a slayer.

Tanya climbed into bed after saying goodbye to her friends and Buffy and her friends, who told her they were staying the night at a near by hotel and would return tomorrow after school for her answer. They gave her the night to think it over, but she didn’t need to. Her parents wouldn’t mind (she doubted they would even notice), and Minny and Seamus were sure to come along if she went. Minny for the excitement and Seamus, well… for Buffy. As she lay there in bed she smiled, thinking of a bright new future fighting demons with her friends in Cleaveland. Obviously oblivious of the life she’s really about to face.