p a r o d y

Twas The Night Before Christmas
by Lonewolf and Life's A Show

Twas the night before Christmas
and all through the hellmouth
not a creature was stirring
except for Amy the Rat

The stockings were hung by the chimney with care
In hope's that Spike would be wearing them there

The children were nestled all snug in their beds
With visions of der Kinderstaad ripping their poor lives out

With Ma in her bustier and I in my duster
We had just settled down for all the (insert imagination) we could muster

When out on the lawn i heard a frightful whine
Quickly hopped out of bed hoping it's not Dawn
Tore the windows open in a flash
and then quickly froze my arse

The moon was full over the new fallen snow
as the werewolf howled just below
when to my eyes should appear
but a minature sleigh and 8 tiny demons

with a little driver with a mind so loss
i knew in a moment it was St. Joss
throwing out scripts and cursing his writers

He called each demon by their unholy name
Now Diego, Now Marti, Now Jane, and Doug
On David, on Howard, on Dean and Mr. Goddard
To the roof to the wall
now write away! now write away! write away all!

As leaves before the wild hurricane fly
St. Joss' whip struck their hides
So up to the house up to the roof they flew
with a sleigh full of scripts and St. Joss too

Then in a twink, i heard on the roof
the scraping of claws from each demon's foot
As i drew in my hand and quickly turned Vamped
With a curse St Joss came with a bound

He was dressed in tweed from his head to his foot
but his clothes were all tarnished with blood and goo
a bundle of demonic toys he had in his pack
and he looked demented as he opened his bag

He spoke not a word but cursed to himself
and began to fill each stocking with demonic toys
in a wink he turned
and disappeared from sight

He jumped in his sleigh, and to his team a whistle
and away they flew with their hides burning
I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight

Happy Scare to the Hellhounds and to all a good Howl!!!!!!!