f a n f i c

Dream, Betrayl and souls
by Psycho BA Shipper

Rating: PG-14

Disclaimer: not mine.

Spoilers: S1-6 of Buffy and S1-3 of Angel.

Synopses: Buffy has a dream and goes to LA.

Author’s notes: < > gives thoughts of Buffy and [] thoughts of Angel.


“Where am I?” Buffy wondered.
“Buffy?” a familiar voice said.
”Angel?” Buffy answered recognizing the voice she so loved.
“Yeah, how did you find me” Angel replied.

Buffy thought for a moment and then said, “If I was blind I would see you”.
She heard Angel chuckle lightly...he was weak she felt it.
“Angel? Where are you?” Buffy asked.
“As far as I can tell somewhere in the Sea” Angel replied.
“What are you doing there?” Buffy asked.
“Con...Someone locked me in a box and dumped me there” He replied.
“Can’t you just break the box and get out?” Buffy asked.
“The box is made out of metal, Buffy,” Angel said.
“So...Oh I get it” she chuckled “You are to weak to break trough...No offence”.
“You’re telling me you can break trough metal?” He asked impressed.
“Yep, broke Jonathan and Andrew out of jail to save them from Willow wraith” Buffy replied.
“Willow’s wraith?” Angel asked confused.
“Long story” Buffy replied.

“Buffy!” another voice called.
“You need to go” Angel said.
“Yeah...I’ll be back for you...I promise” Buffy said.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep” Angel replied.
“You know I always keep them Angel” Buffy replied.
“Buffy” the voice called again.
“See you soon Angel” Buffy said as she opened her eyes.

Chapter 1:

Dawn was starring at her.
“What?” Buffy asked.
“Willow is here” Dawn said.
“I’ll be there in a sec,” Buffy said as she pulled of the covers and walked to her closet to change.
It has been a week since Willow got back from her magic and cried out in Xanders’ arms, and they all tried to help her as much as possible.
Willow had been staying with Xander since then but came by very much with Xander.

When Buffy walked downstairs she saw her best friend there sitting there a little more relaxed and Buffy knew that they were making progress helping her deal with the loss of Tara.
Xander, Dawn, Willow, Giles even Anya had all cried because off Tara but Buffy just couldn’t.
Buffy would not let them see how weak she was. Her friends needed to believe that Buffy was strong again and that they could count on her.

“Hi Xand, Will” she greeted her friends.
“Good morning Buffy” Willow and Xander said at the same time.
“Sleep well?” Buffy asked the redhead.
“Better” Willow replied.
“Good, ‘cause I need to go to LA a few days?” Buffy asked.
“Why?” Xander asked.
“What’s in LA?” dawn asked.
“Angel” Willow replied.
“I had a dream that he was in trouble,” Buffy said.
“What is new about that?” Xander asked.
Buffy gave him a is-it-his-fault-bad-things-happen-to-him look and said “he said he was trapped in a metal box dumped in the Sea by someone”
“You talked to him? When?” Dawn asked confused.
“In the dream” Buffy said.
“Oh, when are we leaving?” Dawn asked.
Buffy sighted and said “as soon as possible Dawnie...As soon as possible”.

Dawn went upstairs to pack and Buffy called Giles and Anya to tell them that she and Dawn were going to LA a few days and told them to keep an eye on the Hellmouth together with Xander and Willow.

“Ready to go Dawnie?” Buffy asked as she put a bag on her shoulder with some stuff and clothes in it.
“All set” Dawn said as she came down the stairs.
Buffy grabbed the car keys and left for LA.

On the way to LA,
“So you never told me much about Angel?” Dawn said.
“...What is there to say? Love him. He left me. Got a new life now...He’s probably happier there then that he has ever been with me”.
“Why did he leave you” Dawn asked careful. She knew this was a touchy subject but she wanted to know it so she would understand. She had tried to talk to Willow or one of the others but they told her not to go there.
“He said that he wanted me to have a normal life, someone who could take me into the sun, someone who could make love to me and give me children” Buffy sighted at the thought.
“Why couldn’t he make love to you?” Dawn asked.
Buffy sighted again at the memory and said, “the first time me and Angel did it was on my seventeenth birthday. I woke up with him not there. I found out later that day that he lost his soul...because of me.
His curse had a clause in it, if Angel ever achieved one moment of true happiness he would lose his soul.
I killed him and the demon wearing his face tortured me mentally for months.
Miss Calendar found the soul restoration spell but he killed her before anyone found out about it.
Much later there was a demon named Acathla and he had the ability to suck the world into Hell.
He was killed and turned to stone, but if someone worthy like Angelus did the ritual right he could awaken the demon and suck the world into Hell.
Willow and I found the soul restoration spell and decided to curse him again.
Kendra another slayer came to town to help me with Acathla.
Angelus made a meeting with me and I went to meet him while the others worked on the spell.
Kendra gave me her lucky stake Mr. Pointy for in case it didn’t work or there wasn’t time enough.
I went out to Angelus and fought him. Meanwhile Drusilla and Angelus’ gang attacked Kendra and the others. I found out that it was a trap and run back to the library as fast as I could.
But I was too late...Drusilla had killed Kendra and the vamps had broken Xanders arm, gave Willow a head trauma and took Giles.
I was under arrest by the police but I managed to escape.
I met up with a really annoying demon named Whistler and he explained to me that one the vortex that was going to suck us all into Hell was opened it could only be closed by Angel’s blood and Angel would have had to go with as punishment.
I came across Spike and started to fight him but he wasn’t there to fight he was there to stop the world from ending because he liked it the way it was.
I got on the phone with Willow and said I was going to kill him and I didn’t want her to do the spell because he would never come back the way he was.
Xander met up with me as I went to attack and told me Willow said to kick his ass”.
Buffy was interrupted by Dawn who said “No she didn’t Willow told me she told Xander to tell you that she was trying the curse again”
“He did what!?” the slayer barked.
“Well I should have known” the slayer said a minute later.
“What do you mean?” Dawn asked.
While fighting back tears Buffy continued, “Xander got Giles out while Spike and I fought the vamps.
When they were dust, I was fighting Angelus and Spike was fighting Drusilla.
Spike Drusilla and left Sunnydale and I ended up fighting Angelus who had already engaged the ritual, and I was losing the battle to him.
When he had me at his merci I stroke back full force this time and now I was winning.
When I was about to take him out Willow’s curse kicked in and his soul was returned to him.
I stopped not really sure what was happening and I looked into his eyes that were no more cold and harsh but soulful once more. He asked me what was going on and said he didn’t know where we were and he didn’t know what was going on, and then he saw I was hurt and was concerned.
I knew in that moment that Angel really was Angel and not another trick of the demon.
I hugged him relieved that he was back but then I saw the vortex opening.
I pulled back kissed him and then pulled back once more and told him I loved him and he told me he loved me.
I told him to close him eyes he did so and he trusted me completely and I kissed him once more briefly for goodbye and I sent him to Hell.
Principal Snyder had thrown me out of school, mum threw me out the house and I couldn’t face my friends so I packed some clothes and left.
I was in LA three months and I found out that I couldn’t escape my problems so I went home.
Still cooping Angel’s death I was very fragile and when I got back everyone was hostile against me for leaving.
Xander especially blamed me for the pain while I had every right to do what I did, but they didn’t know what had happened so I didn’t blame him.
When I finally said goodbye to Angel I hoped all the pain would be gone, that I would finally stop seeing him every time I closed my eyes, stop dreaming about him every time I fall asleep.
I told Willow and Giles that day about what really happened and I felt relieved.
That night I put my claddaugh ring on the spot where I killed him.
That claddaugh ring was a present from Angel for my seventeenth birthday.
The hands on it represent friendship, the crown loyalty and the heart love. When the heart points towards you it means you belong to someone.
So I pointed the heart toward the floor for no particular reason and left.
When I was hunting the next day I saw Angel...he was wild like a wild animal...I knocked him unconscious when he attacked me. He didn’t recognize me because time in Hell or a demon dimensions moves faster.
Basically he was there for hundreds of years...he never talked about it I know it was too painful and he thinks he deserved it...while he doesn’t seem to understand it wasn’t he who did these things but the demon Angelus.
I chained him up and left to research of how he could have come back.
I didn’t tell the gang because they wouldn’t understand but eventually I slipped and kissed Angel with enormous load of guilt when we broke the kiss.
Xander had seen us kiss and was furious.
When I got to the library the next day the whole gang was lecturing me about it.
Xander was the worst he wanted to go and kill Angel.
Faith, Kendra’s replacement, was the only one not present at the meeting.
When she found out about Angel being alive she and Xander went to kill him.
Xander stopped in time. When I found out about it I had to hurry up to catch up with Faith to stop her.
I succeeded to stop Faith and saved Angel.
Later, an evil named as the First was haunting Angel and telling him that he was brought back for killing me.
He believed it of course...I never did because the place where he came back was the one where I left my ring.
I believe it was our love for each other that brought him back.
Angel wanted to commit suicide then by waiting for day.
Luckily there came no sun...we made up that day and were back together but taking things very slow.
He was always there for me always the source where I drew my strength by knowing he was there to catch me.
Faith had gone to the Mayor’s side but we needed more information about the ascension so Angel played Angelus and kissed her.
I told him to do so but it still hurt...it looked like he was having fun doing it.
After we got the info I told him I needed some space.
I stopped going by him until he found me and we talked and worked it out.
Then the Mayor comes along with his great speech about Angel not able to give a normal life.
Just before the Prom Angel broke up with me telling me I needed a normal guy, someone who could take me into the sunlight, make love to me and give me children.
I told him I didn’t care about that but he wouldn’t listen.
He said that he would stay until after the ascension and Faith and then he would leave town.
I was angry with him and hurt very deeply but I understood.
Faith shot him with a poisoned arrow close to the heart while he was arguing with me.
The only cure was slayer blood so I went to get Faith for him.
Faith escaped, by letting herself fall on a truck.
I went to Angel and offered him my blood to cure himself.
As weak as he was he got out of his bed and tried to lose me.
I had to chase after him in the mansion then hit him three times for the demon to show and force him to feed from me.
First it hurt but later I had this tremendous orgasm by it.
I recovered in the hospital and Faith was there in a coma.
I focused myself on the upcoming battle and when it was over and done I saw Angel looking and everything in me screamed him to try and stop him but I was frozen knowing this was the right thing.
And he left threw the smoke.
I have felt empty inside ever since he left.
But I did what he told me and found Parker who turned out just using me for sex which was just it...sex not making love like it was with Angel but just sex it didn’t mean anything.
Then I met Riley and started dating him and I really tried to love him and I did care for him just never in that way...my heart belonged to someone else.
When I went to LA to deal with Faith there I found Angel there holding her with some off his buttons of his shirt lose.
My heart broke again at the sight and anger filled it...I always do that.... When I’m hurt I fight back with everything that might hurt.
So I threw Riley in his face telling him I loved him, and that I could depend on him.
It hurt him badly, but he told me that we now lived in separate worlds and that I could not just barge into his and order him around.
I went back angry and pleased that Faith was in jail, and I went to find Adam.
I found him and he beat me up and killed Forrest one of Riley’s best friends.
When I was back at the dorms Angel dropped by and came to apologize...Riley barged into my room a few minutes later and I saw immediately that they had been fighting.
I knew Angel must have won and part of me rejoiced but the other was angry for the pain he gave me.
When Angel and I talked he told me he came to apologize and a part of me was disappointed but the other was glad that he came and apologize to me for his behavior.
I wanted to tell him to take me back and let all my worries forget for a moment in his arms. But I couldn’t I had to be there for Riley because of his friend and I didn’t think he would have survived without me so I let him go again.
Riley noticed a while later that I didn’t love him but I tried to hold on to him because being alone was terrifying but he left nevertheless.
For a while I was sad not because of that Riley left but because now I noticed again who empty I was without Angel.
When mom died he came to me after the funeral and hold me while I cried not just for mom but for everything that had happened since he left.
He held me and for a while I was safe not worrying about anything.
Then I told him what had happened with mom... Told him about Glory...and you.
He comforted me and we kissed...when the kiss became too passionate we pulled back.
He held me for a while and then left again.

Then the latest meeting with him was when I was back from Heaven.
I plunged my hear out and told him about Heaven and how my friends ripped me out of the place where I felt at peace for the first time since Angel left me.
I begged him to take me back to help me but he told me I was strong and that I could get trough this alone.
I got angry with him and asked him that if he wanted me to have to move on why he hadn’t moved on as well”.

When Buffy finished her story Dawn was listening in awe and said “wow” and Dawn made a mental note to find something to get those two back together.
When Dawn was still absorbing the information she just received Buffy stopped in front of the Hyperion Hotel.
“Ok, this is the address Willow gave us” Buffy said.
“It is huge, Angel must be rich” Dawn said.
“I guess” Buffy answered her thinking how she never noticed that.

Chapter 2:

Buffy and Dawn walked in only to be confronted by a girl with brown hair who somehow remembered her of Willow and a black guy who looked like a street fighter.

“Who are you?” the black guy said obviously not trusting the girls who just walked in.
“Who am I who the Hell are you?” Buffy said not a bit imitated by the man because her slayer senses told her he wasn’t a demon and neither was the girl.
“I ask the questions here lady” Gunn replied thinking he could easily beat these women or vamps.
“And I don’t feel like answering” Buffy replied.
“Oh you will...” Gunn began but was interrupted by Buffy “or else what big boy?”

Gunn had had enough and charged at the small woman who just stood there waiting for him to attack.
Gunn threw punches and kicks at her but she blocked them easily.
When Buffy was threw playing she kicked him in his stomach and he flew back against the floor halfway across the hallway.

“You fight good, for a mere human” Buffy said “But you are no match for a slayer.
“Slayer?” Fred asked.
“Oh my sister here is the vampire slayer” Dawn replied “I am too but not quite as strong as Buffy here”.
“Buffy?” Fred said “oh Buffy the girl who was revived”.
“Yeah, that is me...now where is Cordelia?”
“Dunno, she wasn’t here when we got here I’m Fred by the way and that there is my boyfriend Gunn” Fred said as Gunn came walking back the three girls.
“Nice to meet you, I’m Buffy Summers and this is my sister Dawn” Buffy said.
“We need to get to the Sea, Angel has been locked up in a metal box there and dumped in it by someone” Buffy said.
“How do you know that” Gunn asked.
“I’ll explain on the way there let’s go” Buffy replied.

They went outside and all hoped into the car which Buffy and Dawn came with. And drove to the Sea.
They rented a boat and went searching over the water until Buffy told them to stop.
Buffy could feel him near and pulled off her sweater and pants revealing her in a black bra and silk panties.
Buffy dove into the water the moment Fred said, “What are you doing” and swam down looking for the box. Buffy hated the water ever since she drowned in it but knew she had to save Angel so she dove in.

Buffy couldn’t see clearly in the water and used their connection as a way to find Angel.
When she spotted the metal box she swam back up and drew some sharp breath while she took the rope and dove back under.
When she was near she put the rope among the box and pulled it so signal that the box could be lifted.

Dawn explained that her sister was going to locate Angel by the bond she had with him and that they should find some rope to pull the box up with.
When they did the saw Buffy come up and Gunn drove the boat to her and threw her the end of the rope they had found and Buffy was gone under almost immediately.
Gunn got the signal and stated pulling in the rope.
Buffy rose again and made her way to the boat and was helped in by Dawn and Fred.

Buffy was freezing the water was cold and it was dark at the Sea who was lighted only by the moon.
But Buffy ignored her body’s needs for warmth and helped Gunn get the box out of the Sea and in the Boat.

When the Box was on the ship Buffy immediately made her way to it trying to find a way to open it.
When she did she pulled tried to open it but it didn’t work.
Buffy needed to get him out so she started hitting the top until it gave and she pulled it off the box not caring that her hands were bleeding.

Dawn, Gunn and Fred watched with awe as Buffy tried to open the box.
Gunn wanted to go and help her but dawn stopped him and said “she needs to do this alone” Gunn nodded as they watched the slayer ramming on the top of box and not caring about her hands who started bleeding by it.

When the top of the box was off Buffy looked in and saw her lover no....no ex-lover chained up in the box looking at her.
“Angel, oh God” Buffy said as she quickly broke his chains and helped him out the box and hugged him.
“Buffy.... You came” Angel managed to get out.
“I told you I would” she helped him up and they went back to the Hotel.

The entire way no one had said a word.
When they got at the Hotel Buffy helped Angel to his room and told him to rest while she went top get him some blood.

When she came back downstairs Dawn asked, “How is he?”
“He is weak, but he’ll make it physically...he was hurt real bad mentally though I need to stay a few days to help him would that be ok?” Buffy asked Gunn and Fred.
Gunn and Fred both nodded.
“Good Dawn why don’t you go pick a room for yourself? I’ll stay in the room across Angels’ ” Buffy said then walked off to get some blood.

Buffy found a mock and some blood and heated the blood up.
She decided to add some off her own blood to it to speed up his recovery.
She cut her arm with her nail and let her drops off blood mix with the other blood.
When the wound was healed Buffy took the mock and walked back upstairs.

Angel heard the door of his room open and saw Buffy coming in with a mock in her hands.
She handed him the mock and waited for him to drink it up.
Buffy noticed he was too ashamed off himself to drink blood in front off her.
“Angel, you know I don’t mind” Buffy said and she met his eyes and saw pleading in them so she turned around so he could drink it up.

When Angel finished his vision cleared up more and he saw Buffy still in nothing more than her bra and silk panties as she turned around knowing he was finished.
She saw the way he looked at her and then noticed that she was still wearing only her bra and silk panties.
Buffy blushed and quickly went out to grab her bag and change into her nightgown.

When she came back she noticed he was asleep again.
She had undressed him and thrown his clothes in the corner...she would do the laundry tomorrow.
Angel only still had his boxers on but only because she was afraid she was going to lose control getting those off.
Buffy kissed him on the forehead and left his room to go to hers across his.

The next morning Angel woke up feeling much stronger and noticed he was in his bed almost naked.
He vaguely remembered Buffy undressing him and tucking him in.
He stood up and was going to dress but Buffy came in his room.
“Oh, you’re up” Buffy said.
“Yeah” Angel answered.
Angel was going to walk to the door but Buffy came to him and pushed him back on the bed.
“You’re not going anywhere mister” she said firmly.
“Buffy I’m fine, really” Angel said.
“Well you don’t look so fine” Buffy replied.
Buffy pushed him down and tucked him in ignoring his protest.
“You stay here and rest. I am going to do the laundry and make some breakfast for everyone” Buffy said and picked up his dirty clothes and went out the door.

Half an hour later Dawn, Fred and Gunn came down the stairs and saw Buffy busy making breakfast.
“Morning” they said.
“Morning” Buffy replied.
Dawn sat down and Buffy gave her a plate with her breakfast.
“Thanks” Dawn said.
“I made some breakfast for you two too, if you’re hungry” Buffy said.
“Starving thanks” Gunn said as he and Fred sat down too as Buffy gave them a plate as well.
“So how is Angel?” Fred asked.
“Better, he wanted to get up but I told him to stay and rest” Buffy replied.
“You actually got him to rest” Gunn asked amazed.
“Yeah, why doesn’t he rest much?” Buffy asked.
“He does but when he is hurt and needs rest he ignores everyone’s protest and just gets back to work” Gunn said.
Buffy chuckled, “Yeah that kinda like sounds like him. But he knows not to upset a slayer so he obeys me…. Besides I think he likes the attention I used to give him when he was hurt and is taking advantage off it now. Not that I mind much”.
Dawn, Fred and Gunn laughed now too.

After some talk Buffy decided to ask the question she wanted to ask for a while now.
“Do you know who might have done that to Angel?”
“Maybe Wolfram & Hart” Fred said.
“Wolfram & Hart?” Buffy asked.
“Evil law firm who is trying to either kill Angel or make him evil again” Fred explained.
“But they can’t make him evil unless he gets a happy from someone…. He hasn’t had a happy? Has he?” Buffy asked.
“No Darla couldn’t give him that, Angel told me that only you could give him that,” Gunn said.
“He had sex with Darla…. Must be a while ago huh?” Buffy replied.
“Not really. You see Wolfram & Hart brought her back as human…Angel dreamt about her for months…he then saw her and she asked him to vamp her again because she was dying of syphilis. Angel did a test to save her and passed but they couldn’t save her and she told him she was ready to die then Dru vamped her and he couldn’t do anything to save her they made him watch it…. After a while he fired us all and went psycho for a while wanted to stop feeling…then suddenly he was back to normal and wanted to make up for what he did. Then you died and he went away to some monetary for months…when he came back he simply wasn’t there, you know, like his reason to fight was gone…he was just empty. Then when you came back from the dead he was brooding again. But, his will to fight, was back…then Darla showed up pregnant and claiming that it was Angels’…so we guessed the reason from his change was that he had sex with Darla, he then realized what he was doing and returned to normal Angel” Gunn explained to Buffy.
“Pregnant?” Buffy asked without being able to hide the hurt in her voice.
“Yeah, but it is human. A boy, Darla gave birth to him by staking herself”.
“Where is he now?” Buffy asked.
“Well an old enemy of Angel named Holtz took him from Wesley who gave him to him because he stumbled upon a prophecy, which told Angel, would kill his own son. Later it turned out the prophecy was false but Holtz already took little Conner too a demon dimension where he grew up. Conner or Steven how Holtz named him came back when he was 16, it took him a while to accept Angel as his dad but he did. Mainly because Cordy sucked all evil out of him because she is now half demon and can glow and levitate and stuff.
Cordy played the mother role well it is no surprise that Angel and Cordy grew close and loved each other eventually” Fred said.
“Huh he moved on, he did it” Buffy said.
Dawn who just finished her breakfast came to her and rubbed her back softly.
“Was there some thing I said wrong?” Fred asked.
“My sister still loves Angel with all her heart’ Dawn explained.
“Oh, I’m sorry” Fred said feeling guilty for the heartbroken woman.
“It’s ok, I’m glad for him. He could finally do what I couldn’t do with Riley” Buffy said.
“That was Buffys’ rebound guy after Angel broke up with her” Dawn explained.
“Dawn could you give Angel his blood, I put it in the microwave to warm up” Buffy said.
“Sure Buffy, what are you going to do?” Dawn replied.
“I’m just going to take a walk,” Buffy said.
“Ok, see ya later” Dawn said as she grabbed the blood out the microwave and went upstairs to Angels’ room.

There was a knock on his door and the slayers’ sister Dawn came in.
“Morning Dawn” Angel said.
“Morning Angel” Dawn replied as she handed him the mug with blood.
“Thanks” Angel said as Dawn gave him the mug with blood.
Dawn kept starring at him until he finally said, “could you just...” Dawn looked at him and then said “oh sorry it is just I’m used to Spike drinking his blood without shame for what he is”.
“Spike?” Angel said.
Dammit, me and my big mouth, Dawn thought.
“Well uh you see uh Spike helped out a lot with slaying and so that’s why he was more around” Dawn said.
Angel had always had this bond with Dawn where he could tell the was hiding something or not, he always felt if she was his little sister. She may now not be so little anymore but that didn’t mean the bond they had was gone. “What are you hiding, Dawnie? And what do you mean was?” Angel asked.
Dammit, dammit, dammit. Dawn thought.
Dawn tried to cover it by only answering his second question “Spike left town, he wanted to find a way to get his chip out. You know about the chip right?”
“Yeah, now spill your secret” Angel said.
“I...I can’t I promised Buffy not to tell anyone, especially you” Dawn said.
[So it has to do with Buffy. New boyfriend perhaps]
“New boyfriend?” Angel asked.
“What Spike? No he wasn’t Bu....” Dawn realized her mistake and immediately shut up, but Angel had already guessed it and now bellowed “She had sex with Spike!!!”
Dawn had to stand up for her sister so she said “well you had sex with Darla and are in love with Cordy not to mention that you have a son with Darla who is now one year older then I am”.
Angel looked with a panicked face at Dawn who read his question on his face and said, “Yeah, Buffy knows we just found out about it. Gunn and Fred told us. She took it pretty well, she is now out walking”.
“Did she...did she like Spike?” Angel asked her.
“Buffy like Spike in what universe live you...well not really live but anyway she told me she was just using him and that she was disgusted with herself for that. Still she was hurt when we saw Anya who was going to marry Xander but Xander left her at the altar so she became a vengeance demon again. Anyway these nerds planted these cameras everywhere and Willow tapped into one with her computer and we saw Anya and Spike having sex, even when Buffy told us they stopped having sex for a long time now.
And then to mention that I went out later to tell Spike to make it up to her, and then he tried to...” Dawn stopped realizing she was about to tell Angel that Spike tried to rape her sister.
“What did he try Dawn” Angel asked with certain that he didn’t want to know but that he needed to.
“Why don’t you drink up your blood” Dawn said as she turned her back to him and was about to walk out the door when Angel stopped her. By jumping out his bed and rushing over to the door and stood in front of her, blocking her path to leave and asking again “What did he try to do?”
“He tried to rape her ok!” Dawn shouted and then collapsed in his arms.
“I...I trusted him...I thought he was...my friend...but he used me and tried to rape my sister when she refused to have sex with him again” Dawn sobbed against his bare chest as he put his arms around her while blinding rage was inside roaring inside him. His demon screaming inside him to find his grand-childe and torture him to death for touching his woman.

Buffy was walking around with enormous rage inside her, suddenly Anya teleported in front of her.
Buffy gave out an enormous yelp and then calmed and said with a death-glare to Anya “don’t do that”.
“Oh it’s you” Anya said, “I was getting some enormous vengeance reading from...you. Who hurt you?”
“Those fuckers up there” Buffy shouted to the sky, “Angel has a kid with some one else and is in love with Cordelia. That bitch” Buffy snorted. “Oh how fun a nice vengeance-wish towards my exes ex”.
“Vengeance-wish?” Buffy said.
“Yeah remember vengeance demon,” Anya said sarcastically.
“Oh yeah, I don’t kn....ok I know what I want. I wish Angel was a human slayer like I am only male in his own body then of course only regenerated” Buffy said.
“Huh? But that isn’t a vengeance-wish” Anya said.
“It is, the Powers That Be obviously don’t him to be happy, so if I wish for him to be that he can be happy, even if that isn’t with me. And The Powers That Be obviously don’t want, and I do so then I can be happy that they failed too keep Angel from happy” Buffy explained.
“Fine, done” Anya said and disappeared, and Buffy hurried back to the hotel.

Angel was still holding Dawn when he suddenly let go and fell backwards glowing.
“Angel?” Dawn said as she saw he was glowing.
Angel stopped glowing and had to suck in a deep breath because he...needed it.
[What the?] “I’m alive,” Angel said.

“Something has been changed below” a light shape said.
“You are right, honorable brother,” another light shape said.
“You go check out what has changed with our two best warriors,” the first light shape said to a light shaped woman who snorted and said, “you don’t command Cordelia Chase mister, you ask her nicely to go”.
But before Cordelia could say more, she was thrown down back to Earth, back to the man she loved, back to sweet LA. “Oh great” Cordelia Chase muttered as she saw a blonde figure she recognized as Buffy Anne Summers running inside the Hyperion Hotel.

Chapter 3:

“What how is that possible?” Dawn asked.
“No, it couldn’t be my ‘shansue’, someone did this” Angel said.
“I did” came a voice from the door opening.
“Buffy” Dawn said.
“How, why and how?” Angel asked still shocked from what happened.
“I made a vengeance-wish towards TPTB by letting you become a human male slayer, so you can be happy which they don’t want you to be” Buffy said as she walked closer to Angel and Dawn.
“Very cleaver” came another voice from the door opening.
Buffy spun around and cursed under her breath when she saw no one other then Cordelia Chase.
“Cordy” Angel said nervously sensing the tension between Buffy and her.
“Hi Angel” Cordy said happily and walked towards him to kiss him on the cheek.
Angel did nothing to stop her and Buffy was hurt by this but hid it well thinking <he is not mine anymore, he doesn’t want to be with me. He moved on. He is with Cordelia now. He is happy with her, that is all I want, for him to be happy even if that isn’t with me. Besides if...when he finds out about me and Spike he’ll probably hate me. This is for the best. Better to let him go and separate as friends then separate with him hating me>.
“Oh My God You Cut Your Hair” Dawn said “And you dyed it blonde too”.
“Yeah looks good doesn’t it?” Cordy said.
Buffy hold her laugh in and said “yeah, good”.
Dawn also sensing the tension in the room and said, “I think I’ll leave you alone now, to work things out” she walked to Buffy and whispered “He knows about you and Spike, sorry. It just came out when he kept pushing me to spill what I was hiding” Buffy eyes widened in fear and her sister walked out the door down the stairs.
“Well since you’re all taken care off now I think I’ll take Dawn back home...now” Buffy said as she started walking out the door and Cordelia was smirking which was gone instantly when Angel called Buffy’s name.
Buffy froze in her footsteps and turned around “what?” She asked.
“I...uh...I” Angel stammered not exactly knowing what to say.
“Yeah?” Buffy asked waiting for him to complete a sentence.
[I don’t know what I want. I know I don’t want her to go. Gotta think of something to keep her here a while longer until I figure out what I want].
“Dawn told me you knew about Conner...my son” Angel started.
“Yeah, and?” Buffy asked eager to get out off here before she would break down.
“Well he is...I don’t know where he is. Could you help me find him?” Angel asked.
For a moment Buffy was silent then she sighted inwardly and said “yeah, sure” as she turned and resumed her walk down the stairs.

“How did you get back?” Angel asked Cordelia.
“I was sent down to investigate what happened to you and Buffy” Cordy explained.
“They notice that I’m human and have slayer power?” Angel asked.
“Well they noticed that something was different, but I don’t think they know about you being human,” Cordy said.
“Oh well, you don’t have to go back, do you?” Angel asked.
“I don’t know, I don’t want too go back. I want to stay here with you...I love you Angel” Cordy said.
“I love you too” Angel replied and Cordy kissed him and he kissed her back.
[This is right. This is safe] Angel thought.

Buffy went back upstairs, she had decided something. She would not give up on Angel even if he were now with Cordelia. Angel asked her to stay, which got to mean something right.
Buffy was going too fresh up his memory a bit.
She walked inside Angel’s room interrupting Angel and Cordy’s heated kiss she cleared her throat and Angel jumped away from Cordy startled and he a bit embarrassed that she caught them.
“Sorry to interrupt, but a brought you some ice cream”. <I just hope the two off them aren’t gonna do what Angel and I did with it>.
Buffy placed the jar off cookie dough fudge mint chip on his bed smiled innocently at Angel and looked at his chest. Then Cordy cleared her throat and said to Buffy “Thanks, Buffy now could you leave us alone please, Angel and I have a lot to catch up with”.
“Actually I was kinda hoping that we could spar together. Dawn is strong but I’m still a lot stronger. And since Spike left and Angel is still weak, I thought maybe we could train”.
At the mention off Spike name Angel got really jealous and angry and muttered “I’ll bet I know what kinda training she did with Spike”. Buffy heard it with her slayer hearing and sent Angel a glare before she said “That was not all we did besides those 5 hours long were nothing compared to out day when you were....” Buffy stopped realizing she just gave away that she knew about the day that he was human.
Now it was Angel’s time to be nervous. [She knew about their day, how she wasn’t meant to know].
He finally managed to say, “How did you....”
“When Willow ripped me out off Heaven and I was revived I knew everything, oh yeah I saw Doyle there. He wanted me to say to Cordelia that he was sorry he gave you the visions. He didn’t know, but he loves you” I got to find more about Angel with Doyle there, it made me happy to know he went on with his life. That he was happy. But back to the subject “Yes I know Angel, I’m sorry I forgot but you should have made me remember, I love you Vampire or not, you shouldn’t have gone through it without me. I deserved to know no matter how much it hurt ” Buffy said.
“You still love me, but I did...I have...” Angel said.
“I know you’ve moved on with Cordelia, as long as you’re happy I’m happy. At least Cordy isn’t a rebound girl for you like Riley was for me. Or even Spike later on”.
“Buffy...” Cordy said. “You should know that Cordelia Chase doesn’t go for second best. I only did what I did so Angel wouldn’t be so alone and broody all the time. Every time you two are together something bad happens, you break up and you’re both hurt. I was just protecting him but I realize now that Angel isn’t the man I love, I do love him but more in a brotherly way. Well I did my work and found out what has changed, I’m going back now. Do me a favor. Don’t screw up this time. And don’t worry about me. I’ve got Doyle up there now, because the whole thing has been so chaotic I haven’t seen him yet. I buried it all, thanks for telling Buffy, I’ll go see him when I given the powers my report. Bye” with that Cordy vanished.
After a few minutes off digging all the information Angel said “Buffy, Cordy is right. She was playing for second best; I just don’t want to hurt you anymore. And I don’t want to be hurt in the process either, I still love you Buffy. I never stopped, even for a moment. I realize I was wrong, I’m sorry” with that said he walked up to Buffy and kissed her passionately. “Mmm” Buffy said as they pulled back for air “you are forgiven, my Angel”. He laughed and said; “now I promised you to make another day like that one. You up for it?” Angel asked “always” Buffy replied as she kissed him passionately and they stumbled to the bed and made love there for the first time in a long, long time.

Chapter 4:

Buffy awoke in her Angel’s arms; her lover was staring at her with love in his eyes. She smiled at him and kissed him softly on the lips. “Good thing you’re a human but still with his strength, ‘cause I wouldn’t have survived losing you again.” Angel went on top off her kissing her collarbone as he said, “I’ll never leave you again, my love.” Buffy moaned in pleasure “I wouldn’t have let you get away from me again, Angel.” He chuckled at her words and then captured her lips in fierce kiss.

“What is happening up there” Dawn asked annoyed at Gunn and Fred.
“I-I-I...” Fred began stuttering, “they’re catching up on what they couldn’t have in a long time” Gunn said and Fred blushed bright red. “I knew that” Dawn said “but they’re up there in his room for hours...Angel does have his vampireric abilities and Buffy is the slayer so that would explain why it takes so long” Dawn thought out loud. Fred became if possible even redder and Gunn looked shocked at Dawn. “What...” dawn began then realized that she said it out loud and blushed as well.
A young boy around 16 entered the hotel.
Fred and gun looked up and saw “Conner” they both said in union.
Dawn studied the boy and saw he was quite handsome. A part off her wanted the boy but she pushed it away. “So you’re Conner” she then said.
Conner looked at the girl he never saw before in his life he found her very attractive but also pushed it away. He had come here ‘cause Justine told him two girls she never saw before and Gunn and Fred got his father out. No not his father, Holtz was his father until that vampire killed him.
He smiled at Dawn and said “and you might be...” at that moment Justine came in the hotel as well.
“Stefan not so fast...did you find him?” Justine said.
Buffy had come down and made Angel stay in bed, he still had to get used to breathing and right now he was pretty much worn out at the time. Angel was asleep so to say. Buffy heard noise downstairs and put on Angel’s shirt and went to check it out. The shirt was long and she didn’t wear anything underneath it. She had listened a bit to the conversation to understand that the boy was Conner, Angel’s son. She found him looking much like her Angel. She smiled and realized she already let the boy into her heart. Dawn came up to Conner challenging. Buffy walked over to the group and said “hey there” everybody looked up at her and Buffy wished she was more dressed. Nervously she tried to pull Angel’s shirt more down. “give us the vampire and you won’t get hurt” Conner threatened. They let out a small humorless laugh. Conner looked offended and went into fighters’ stance. Justine said, “so you’re the vampire’s new toy” Buffy was fuming and said as she walked over to the girl “I’m not his toy, I’m his soul mate.” With that she punched the girl who went flying against the wall. The girl came up and said “k, no more playing nice. Let’s get them Conner.” Justine went into battle mode and began to attack Buffy while Dawn was fighting Conner. Since dawn and Conner were about as strong it was about the experience. Dawn had fought some vamps and trained with Buffy and was in the advantage over Conner who had only fought some vamps but had a good fighting skill. Buffy had easily taken out Justine who Gunn and Fred were now tying up. Justine was unconscious. Buffy was watching the fight between Dawn and Conner. It was an interesting battle. Dawn then had Conner in a steady grip and tightened it when he tried to break free. “Fine you won, feed me to your poor vampire.” He said. Dawn got mad and released him but kicked him as hard as she could on his but. Conner flew against the ceiling and back down. Then somehow she ran to him and helped him up. She had no idea why she was helping him but she was. Conner was as confused as she was. Why in the world was she helping him after such a kick. Dawn looked him concerned in the eyes and then without warning kissed him.
Angel had waked up from the noise and walked down, he saw there his son making out with his love sister. He looked shocked, as did Buffy.
Conner was overwhelmed by the kiss but returned it. he had never been kissed in his life and then beautiful girl was kissing him. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer deepening the kiss. They both forgot that there were other people in the room and kept kissing until Buffy and Angel cleared their throats at the same time. The broke abruptly apart and blushed bright red.
“Conner” Angel said and immediately the hatred that was forgotten for a moment returned he tried to stand up but dawn held him down. He didn’t even know this girl’s name. “Why do you hate him so much” Dawn asked him. “He killed my father,” he said. Ok now was Dawn confused wasn’t Angel his father; oh he must mean his foster father. “Angel wouldn’t do that,” she firmly said. “How?” Buffy asked him. “He bit him off course.” Conner answered trying to get loose but Dawn held him firmly into place. Buffy exposed Angel’s bite mark from so long ago and showed it to him. “Did it look like this” she asked him. Conner looked at hit closely and saw it wasn’t the same as he found on his foster father. “No’ he said not knowing why the girl was asking him that. “Then it wasn’t Angel, I doubt it was even a vampire” Buffy said and saw the confused look on his face and explained “Angel bit me about 3 years ago, he didn’t want to but I forced him and made him. It was to safe his life.” Conner was confused now; his dad didn’t kill his dad. Then who did? He looked at Justine who had regained consciousness and heard the tale. Justine looked away from Conner and said, “Holtz made me kill him so you would believe the vampire did it. I’m sorry Stefan...” she began but Conner looked more confused and was now overwhelmed with guilt. He looked at his real dad with tearful eyes. Dawn had released him and Angel walked to him and pulled him in a hug crying himself as well. Buffy and the rest decided to give them some alone time and walked into the kitchen.
“So what was that about” Buffy began looking at Dawn firmly.

Chapter 5:

“I don’t know, Buffy. I have this weird connection with him...I know it sounds a bit crazy but from the moment he walked in I wanted to jump his bones. Is it is our genes or something, you and Angel me and his son.” Dawn said as she sighted. Buffy tried not to smile but couldn’t help herself. “As long as you’re careful Dawn, I don’t want you ending up pregnant.” Buffy said as Dawn blushed a bit red and said “Buffy!”
Buffy laughed and put an arm around her sister. “But you did great kicking his ass Dawn, I’m proud off you” Buffy said and Dawn smiled widely.

“I’m sorry dad, I’m so sorry, I thought...” Conner said as his father held him close in his arms “shhh, it’s ok. I forgive you. You are my son Stefan...” he was cut off by Conner who sobbed “No, my name is Conner, dad.” Angel felt himself very happy when he heard his son say all off that. When Conner calmed down his father said “better” Conner nodded “ok, well I suppose we can now talk about you and Dawn.” Angel suggested. “Is Dawn the girl who.... Kissed me” Conner, asked still unsure about the answer. Angel nodded and then began the sex talk. Conner groaned as his father went on about the female, her body, how you should treat it, bla, bla, and bla.
Justine had watched the entire show and groaned loudly to make her presence known to them.
“Oh what are we gonna do with her, dad.” Conner asked his father.
“That has been taken care off. I called the cops about a break in and attempt to murder. She’s gonna be locked way a long while. I would have also told them about the man she killed but since he was from 200 years ago I left that part out.” Buffy said as she, Dawn, Fred and Gunn reappeared from the kitchen.
Angel gave Buffy a thankful glance and she smiled back at him.

That night Spike stormed in the hotel. “ANGEL!” he called out loudly.
Angel who was upstairs uhh busy in his room with Buffy knew that voice “Spike” he growled. He grabbed his boxers and pulled them on and quickly put on his sweatpants, and rushed down the stairs leaving Buffy grabbing his shirt again but this time pulled on her panties. She followed him as quick as her slayer abilities let her.
Angel was down and saw Spike. He was too angry to notice the look in his eyes. He jumped on top off him and pressed his face hard to the ground. Spike however didn’t fight back. “Please kill me” he said. Buffy came up behind them and heard him. Angel shocked hearing that come from Spike released him and stood back on his feet. He now saw the look off pain a torture in his eyes. The look he got when he had gotten a soul. No it couldn’t be...Spike with a soul. “You have a soul” Angel then said. “You’re alive” Spike said what he just noticed. The both nodded. “How?” Buffy asked Spike. “I.... I’m sorry for what I did to you Buffy...” spike began. Buffy clanged to a shirtless Angel the fear off that night returning. “Sorry will never be good enough” she said “soul or no soul. I hate you.”
From all the noise Dawn and Conner came downstairs. Fred and Gunn went back to his place. When Dawn saw Spike she screeched and went to stand in front off her sister defending her from that that thing. That vampire. Evil vampire. “No Dawn...” Angel began and Dawn looked angry at him “he’s got a soul” Angel explained. “Can I still kill him” Dawn asked him. “The demon and the person are two different persons. I am proof off that.” Angel said. “All I bloody wanted was this bleeding chip out off my head, and what do they do, they give me a bloody soul” Spike yelled angry...then calmed down and said “how do you live with it, Angel...how. All those people we killed....” “Because you have to remember that it wasn’t you.” Angel then got an idea. “You have to earn your redemption, Spike. You can do that by earning it. By helping people. You could work here and protect the people off LA.” Spike was touched by the kindness off his grand-sire, he had tears in his eyes and said “thank you” Angel smiled sadly at him. He still wanted to kill the vamp but he knew it wouldn’t be right.
The next few days Angel and Buffy made up for lost time and packed Angel and Buffy’s stuff. Dawn and Conner also packed their stuff. They were going to live at Buffy’s house. Now that Willow has moved out, Buffy and Angel could use her mom’s old room and Conner would get Buffy’s old room.
They said their good-byes and went off in their cars.

Chapter 6:

Buffy, Angel, Dawn and Conner arrived at her house.
When they had unpacked Buffy decided to let the others know that she and Dawn were back. She first called Xanders place to check up on Willow. After a few rings Willow picked up. “Yeah” Willow said through the phone groggily. “Hey, Will, its Buffy. How are you?” Buffy asked. “Buffy, I’m doing a little better. I’ve gone from thinking about her every second to once a minute. Are you back at your place or still at Angels’.”
“That’s good Will. And yeah I’m back at my place. Angel is human.” she then blurted out. “What OMG how long? How?” Willow started bombing her with questions. “Well not long. While I was in LA I found out about some stuff that really hurt. Then Anya showed up and wanted me to do a wish. Because I was hurt more then once by the powers I spoke a wish that would give me my Angel and it came true. Angel is human and still has his strength. I bet those powers are not happy with It.” she laughed. Willow was happy for her friend but she missed Tara terribly. “Is he there with you? Are you together again?” she asked. “Both” Buffy said smiling. “Do you wanna come over? There is someone I want you to meet here.” “Oh sure” Willow answered. “Great, Angel and I will pick you up in a few.” “Ok see you then, Buffy.” “Bye Will” “Bye.” Willow hangs up. Buffy walks over to Angel smiling and kissing him on his lips. “Come we have to go pick up Willow.” She said. “Do we have to, can’t Xander just drop her off.” He pouted as he drew her in for another kiss. “Xander is at work, dear. You can either come with me or let me drive your car.” Angel was up in a second knowing Buffy’s driving style. ”That’s ok, I’ll take you.” He said. “Is there something wrong with my driving?” she asked him. “No, well yeah...” he was cut off by her “I drove all the way from here to LA and back.” She said. Angel knew she was right but still her driving his car “I know...It’s just my car...” he stopped when he saw Buffy smiling at him. “What?” he asked. “I was just kidding Angel. I know all about guys and their cars. It’s sweet.” She said as she kissed him passionately. “Don’t you two ever stop” dawn asked as she and Conner entered the room. Buffy pulled back and said, “Get used to it. Now we’re going to pick up Willow. We’ll be back soon.” Dawn sighted and then said, “well see ya later then.” She said as she went over to the couch and turned on the telly. Conner soon joined her. Buffy took Angel’s hand and tiptoed to kiss him briefly on his lips. They then left to pick up Willow.

When Willow saw them she knew there was something up. Cause Angel and sunlight don’t mix. Buffy explained the whole deal to her and Willow hugged her friend and said to Angel “If you hurt her this time I will stake you myself, human or not.” “I would hand you the stake” he said and Willow grinned, she was happy for her friend but sad that Tara wasn’t with her.

Next they told Xander and Giles. Anya seemed to know already. Xander was angry at first but he got a glare from Anya and she said to him “Well, at least Angel wouldn’t leave Buffy at the altar.” Xander winced and kept him mouth shut and decided to give Angel a chance.


I know a bit quickly but I have run out off ideas for this one. Maybe I’ll write a sequel some time.