f a n f i c

NB Storytellers: The Reason [Part 1, Chapter 4]
By: NB Storytellers

Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer is copyright © Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, UPN and Fox… The New Beginning Storytellers are in no way making any money off of this. This is just purely for fun. All new characters are copyrighted to their rightful owners.

Just before dawn in Sunnydale, not many venture out. It is the time when the world is truly at peace and when all the demons know it is time to hide.
Now, though, two individuals were awake and active. One was the epitome of the fallen angel and the other was the epitome of magical might. They were about to have a long overdue conversation. Gabe was sitting on top of one of the buildings in downtown Sunnydale as he heard someone glide up behind him.

"Hello, Sasha," Gabe said, his voice filled with some hidden emotion.

"You're one of the few people who can do that Gabriel," Sasha said with a small smile as she sat beside him. "So, what are you thinking about, my angelic friend?"

"What I always think about when the world gets too quiet. Sofia..." His words drifted across the centuries as he remembered the lost love of his life. Sofia was the slayer back then. Her dark hair and bright eyes seemed as new to this world as he was. That was probably why he fell in love with her. He knew nothing could ever come of that love though. It was the one rule that the elders had placed on him before he was sent to this world. Love between guardians and their charges was strictly forbidden. But then, what did the elders know of love?

"Sofia, you are doing wonderfully. Can you tell me what kind of demon that was?" Gabe asked the young slayer as she kicked the body of a demon she had just killed out of the way.

"It's a Karatcha demon, right?" Sofia said, looking at him with those bright blue eyes.

"Very good. You have been listening," Gabe said, giving her a rare smile.

"So, can I go home now? My mother will be awake soon," Sofia said as she saw the light of the sun begin to creep up over the mountains surrounding her small village.

"Yes, that probably would be best. I have a meeting with someone, and I’m running late. Are you going to be okay getting home on your own?" Gabe asked.

"Gabriel, I am the slayer. I can handle the walk home," Sofia said, her words filled with amusement.

"Fine, but be careful." Gabe said as he watched her walk out of the forest.

"Don't even think about it, my friend," a voice behind him said.

And who might you be?" Gabriel asked, turning to examine this woman.

"My name is Sasha. The Elders have asked that I talk with you. Caution you, really. About Sofia," she replied.

Sasha had always found these conversations to be difficult. But she was good at difficult. The Elders had used her in this capacity many times over the last century.

"Sofia?" Gabriel asked, skeptical of Sasha's true purpose.

"Yes. You were warned. And you are getting dangerously close to her."

Gabriel looked at her, astonished. How could she know? She was not an Elder. Nor was she one of The Powers that Be.

"I know many things, Gabriel. Don't worry so much. Has the world jaded you to the point that you cannot trust one who is clearly not wishing you harm?"

Gabriel wanted to speak, but some hidden force told him to hold his tongue and hear her out.

"Love here is a very tricky thing. There are degrees of love. Yours should not surpass the love of a guardian," Sasha said, her voice stern while her eyes showed the clash going on between her duty and her beliefs. "Please, don't get yourself hurt. That is why the rule was made. For the protection of both the charge and the guardian."

Gabe couldn't remain quiet at this. "What do you know of love? And who are you to tell me what to do? Sofia feels the same way for me that I do for her. I....I just know it," Gabe said, his throat tightening at the end. Did Sofia really feel the same for him as he did for her?

"I am sorry to do this to you, but go to your love now. Apparently this is a lesson you will have to learn," Sasha said as she turned and walked back into the shadows of the forest.

Gabe turned and ran to Sofia's cottage. He was stunned by the scene that awaited him there. Sofia was holding hands with a youth from the village. Then, in a moment that would never be erased from his mind, he saw them kiss. His scream still echoed through the ether from that day. He had learned that love also comes with hate. Gabe turned and ran blindly back to the forest.

Do you see now how tricky love is? Sasha's voice screamed as Gabriel ran through the trees. Do you understand? Sofia could not love you. She was meant for another. Just as you were meant for another.
Gabriel stopped running and screamed, "How are you doing that? Where are you?"

Don't yell, Gabriel. It will attract attention. Simply direct your thoughts. I will hear you.

Then hear this. Leave me alone! He let his mind cry out. It didn't feel as good as screaming, but it wasn't so bad. Let me have my pain.

I am afraid that I cannot indulge you, my friend. There is trouble. The demon you killed earlier. He had a family, friends. They are, at this moment, with Sofia and her lover.

And why should I care? Gabriel said, only half-heartedly.

Because she is your charge and, although you hate him, you love her. Go. Now.

And with that, Gabriel ran through the trees, back to the village. When he arrived at the cottage, all he could see was blood…large, unfathomable quantities of blood.

I am sorry, came the voice of his friend.

With that, Gabriel fell to his knees, holding Sofia's limp, lifeless corpse in his arms.

The present came rushing back to Gabe as he watched the sun finally rise in Sunnydale. Sasha was still beside him.

"It’s never good to be forced to relive a lost love. It is your penance though." Sasha said the last part quietly.

"I know now. Love isn't in the cards for me. Don't think it ever was. Still, having to see her again… You know, sometimes I don't even mind the pain; it’s worth it to be able to see her eyes, her face… " Gabe said with a sad smile.

"Love is just funny that way," Sasha whispered as they watched Sunnydale come back to life with the coming of the day.