Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer is copyright © Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, UPN and Fox
The New Beginning Storytellers are in no way making any money off of this. This is just purely for fun. All new characters are copyrighted to their rightful owners.
"I can't believe Giles took all those books just because they were his. I needed some of them," Anya said in annoyance.
"Yeah, just because they are his property doesn't mean he has a right to them," Willow said sarcastically.
Anya gave Willow a dirty look. Xander looked up from the book he was reading, glanced at his fiancé and his best friend, and then quickly went back to studying the book in front of him with renewed intensity. He refused to take sides in their little spats.
"So, heard from Nate?" Xander asked Buffy without looking up.
"Nope, he and Gabe are still MIA. I think they are up to something. Guess I'll find out soon enough," Buffy said.
The door to the Magic Box opened and in staggered a smoking Spike.
"A little help here. Im getting a bit singed."
His blanket was falling from his shoulders. He carried an unconscious Nate.
"What happened?" Buffy asked as she ran to help Spike settle Nate on a table.
"He was laying on the sidewalk a few doors down," Spike replied.
"We should call..." Anya was interrupted by the entrance of a very mysterious visitor.
"William," said the woman as she entered the room. She was impossibly tall, slender and wore a deep red, velvet cape, with hood.
"How many times must I tell you that the name is Spike?" Spike answered in a very displeased tone.
"Spike is a stupid name, William. It was a stupid name then, and it is a stupid name now. I will always call you William. Which one of you is the Slayer?"
"Im the Slayer," said Buffy, stepping forward. "Who are you? And how do you know Spike? Or should I be afraid to ask?"
"My name is Sasha. I was sent by The Powers that Be to keep an eye on all of you. And, no, I am not a vampire or a demon, simply a sorceress of incredible power."
"Sorceress of incredible power." Willow repeated with a mocking laugh. She looked around and turned red. "Sorry."
"What is it with all these people coming to keep an eye on me? First it was Gabe, then it was Nate..." Buffy stopped short and looked down at the still unconscious Chosen. "We really should call 911."
"No need," said Sasha. She pushed past Buffy and put a hand on each of Nates temples, closed her eyes, and all of his wounds began to heal.
"Whoa," Nate said weakly as he regained consciousness. "What the hell happened?"
"We dont know, mate," Spike answered. "I found you a few doors down."
"Youll be fine. No major damage that I can tell," Sasha added as she helped Nate sit up.
"Let me guess. Youre Sasha, right? Gabe told me about you before he left."
"That would be me. What happened?" Sasha asked, looking at Nate with kind eyes.
"Im not really sure. Gabe left me. I continued training in the desert when a band of Fargoth demons attacked me. I managed to kill them but was badly hurt. I was able to make my way back to Sunnydale on one of the bikes the demons left behind. Thank you, Spike."
"Youre welcome."
It was then that Buffy noticed Spikes hands. They were covered with a very light layer of dust. He had risked his life to get Nate to the shop. She went behind the counter and got some rags and then walked over to where Spike was standing.
"Spike, your hands," she said as she began wrapping Spikes dusty paws.
"Havent any of you lot figured out what I mean when I say, a bit singed? What is this now? The third or fourth time my hands have gone up in smoke?"
"Sorry." Buffy had finished wrapping but continued holding Spikes hands.
"Dont worry about it, luv. Nothing a little time wont heal." He kissed her on the forehead.
Almost everyone in the Magic Box turned away from the sight of that somewhat chaste kiss, not wanting to see what had become so recently evident. Sasha, however, watched the two of them with interest. It was true. The Slayer and the vampire were in love... Even if the slayer wasnt fully aware of it yet. That changed everything. Things would be much easier now... Their forces combined and their love for each other would help in the battle. That and the key...
"We must find Gabriel." Nates voice interrupted Sashas thoughts.
"Where should we start looking?" Buffy asked as she let go of Spikes hands and turned to face Sasha.
"You must stay here, Buffy. I will need you when the key arrives." Sasha was amused by Buffy's surprised look.
"You know about Dawn?"
"Of course."
"Youll not use the Lil' Bit, Sasha." Spike knew what was coming and felt a little uneasy at the thought of having to use Dawn in order to win the battle.
"I have no intention of harming Dawn, William. She is in fact the key to solving all of this." She couldn't help but smile at her little pun.
"Then, who is going to look for Gabe?" asked Nate.
"We dont need to look for Gabriel. He will be here when he should be. It's not like anyone can really hurt him," Sasha answered. There were intolerable moments of silence as Sasha looked around the room.
"Wha...what are you looking at?" asked Willow.
"You, dear," replied Sasha, with a wicked little grin developing at the corners of her mouth. "You are quite powerful. You could one day become as powerful as I am."
"Modest much?" said Anya under her breath to Xander.
"Be quiet, demon!" snapped Sasha.
"That's ex-demon, lady," stammered Xander. Then adding, as she approached him, "I mean, your Sorceress-ness."
"You," she began, pointing at Xander, "You are an interesting one. I
" Before she could say more, the door opened, revealing a very breathless and disheveled Dawn.
Dawn looked around the room. Her face was red, and she was out of breath. Buffy ran over to her.
"What is it, Dawn?" Buffy asked, putting her arm on Dawn's shoulder. "Can someone get her a glass of water?" Spike answered the call.
"Oh, my God, Buffy! It was horrible. Ok, I was at school right, making out with Mark in..." Dawn paused, realizing what she had just said. She turned even redder than before. "Um..." Dawn paused again, looking around the room. Buffy crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow. Spike saved Dawn from the look of death by handing her the requested glass of water.
"Well, we heard some screaming. So, we opened the door, and there were people running everywhere. There was a demon at school, Buffy. I ran here as quickly as I could."
"What did the demon look like?" Sasha asked as she glided over toward Buffy and Dawn.
"Huh? Who are you?" Dawn said, looking questioningly at Sasha.
"A new friend. Now, what did the demon look like?" Sasha asked again more urgently.
Dawn looked at Buffy for confirmation. Buffy nodded for Dawn to proceed. "It was kind of like a huge red dog with really big, ugly teeth," Dawn told the sorceress.
Sasha looked deeply concerned. "A Grim. They are incredibly powerful. Their howl alone can kill you. Not to mention their claws, or their tails." Sasha's eyes glazed over.
what is she doing?" Xander asked, very quietly.
"A spell," Willow answered.
A bright light filled the room and, quite suddenly and without warning, everyone could hear each others thoughts. Everyone looked around the room feeling a little unnerved by this fact. Some peoples, and demons, thoughts were not meant for general knowledge. And then the thoughts were gone.
Sorry. Sasha thought to the group. This is the only way to protect us from the howl of the Grim.
What? Buffy thought loudly. Everybody in the room jumped.
We are all deaf now. Sasha told them. The spells effect is only temporary, though. We have to fight the Grim now.
The spell only effects what would be voiced. All you have to do is concentrate. No more time for this... We have to go. Sasha started moving toward the door, but she was stopped by Buffy.
I need Spike to fight and it is still daylight. Since you are ALL powerful...You think you can...?
Way ahead of you, Slayer. BRUMAS!
The sky was covered with thick, heavy clouds. Not total darkness, but enough to avoid Mr. Big-Pile-of-Dust.
Xander, Anya... Stay with Dawn. Nate, Spike, Willow youre with me.
The trio dutifully followed the Slayer, with Sasha close behind. Spike didn't really like the idea of going out there - spell or no spell. He resigned himself, though. Buffy needed him and that was enough for him... always would be from here on out.
I can sense the Grim. This way. Sasha turned in the direction of the Sunnydale mall.
The Grim went to the mall?! Buffy couldn't help thinking that it was funny. Maybe he needs some dog food.
Wow. Willow thought. We havent fought anything in the mall for at least 2 or 3 years. Xander, you still have that rocket launcher?
You know, I really dont feel like discussing that whole mall episode, if you dont mind. Spike interjected. Had enough Dru flashbacks for one year, thank you very much.
When they got to the there, they knew that the Grim was around - people were running everywhere... Spike nodded towards the multiplex... It was empty now, but Sasha seemed to agree with the vampire's idea. They moved slowly, entering the darkened mall cautiously...
Where is he? Buffy wondered. She looked around.
Well, he's here somewhere; thats for sure. Sasha pointed to the mess all over the mall.
Should we split up? Buffy asked.
No, Its better if we stay together. Force in numbers after all. Sasha replied.
What do we know about this Grim? Buffy asked, as she and the others skulked through the darkened corridors of the mall.
They are attracted to power. I think it was at the school because of Dawn. I have no idea why it is here. Sasha thought, walking with the same liquid grace that she had displayed in the magic shop.
This is getting bloody boring. Spike thought irritably.
William, you always were the impatient one. Sasha thought, giving Spike a stern but affectionate look.
Something is over there.... Buffy said, pointing at the darkened food court.
Get ready, everyone. The Grim can be quiet vicious. Sasha said, throwing back her cloak.
A form came walking out of the food court dragging something large behind it. Suddenly, they could all see that the form was actually a girl with bright pink hair and very pale skin. She was talking to the group, but they couldn't understand what she said.
I am going to end the spell. Sasha thought and suddenly the noises of the world came rushing back to them.
"Can you hear me?" The girl said, still dragging the Grim toward them.
"Yes, we can. Did you kill that?" Buffy asked, giving the girl a surprised look.
"Yes, wasn't that hard really," the girl said. "My name is Eve. Are you Buffy?"
"Yes. How do you know my name?" Buffy asked. "Wait. Let me guess. Gabe told you."
"He also told me to come here, said that you would need me. Are you Sasha?" Eve asked, turning her attention to the sorceress.
"Yes, Gabe told you about me I'm sure," Sasha said, looking at the Grim.
"Yeah, he said you were supposed to watch over me now, too. Im one of the champions. Don't know what he meant, though."
"You smell a little like that Adam, bloke." Spike said, sniffing the air around her. "How exactly did you kill the beastie?"
"I used telekinesis to shove a big pane of glass through his chest," Eve said nonchalantly.
"Bloody brilliant!" Spike said with a very pleased look.
"We must go back to the magic shop. This is only the first sign
Much more is to come."
Sasha led the group out of the mall, with Buffy and Spike bringing up the rear.
Something big is coming. I am so not in the mood to deal with anything big today," Buffy chuckled. "I thought that I would be getting ready to go to the Bronze tonight. I kinda earned the right to have some fun."
She cast a sly, wicked grin at the vampire and slipped her hand into his. Spike realized that the "fun" she was talking about included him.
"Holding my hand in public, slayer? Thats a brave move."
"What was that?" Xander asked, glancing back at the sound of Spikes voice.
"Nothing," Spike answered, still holding Buffys hand.
Xander turned to Willow and said under his breath, "Theyre holding hands. I think Im going to be sick."
"Its not so bad," Willow said. "I think its kind of
"Cute? Cute? How can you think its cute? Its
"So? We all know whats been going on. If theyre happy, who cares? Besides, it could be worse."
"What could possibly be worse than Spike? Xander asked as he stopped walking.
"I dont know. You?" Willow said as she made a run for the door of the mall with Xander close on her heels.
They arrived at the Magic Box, introduced Eve and told the others about her easy kill. The Scoobies looked at Eve like she was growing a second head. Who was this girl?! Eve looked around the room and smiled shyly. Then, she finally grinned.
"I guess I should start at the beginning. Well, I'm Eve," she began. She went through her whole life story leaving out the parts she didn't know. "And that's how I got here." The gang all looked at each other.
"See," Spike announced smugly, "always trust in a vampires sniffer."
"Wait...so youre not human," Xander asked. Eve slapped her hand to her forehead and shook her head.
"I'm not going through this again," Eve said, smiling. "The main thing you need to know is that I'm on your side. I'm here to help, and that is what I'm going to do."
"Well, welcome to the Scoobies," Dawn said. The rest of the gang smiled and nodded. "You can stay with me and Buffy."
"And Nate, and Spike, and Willow, and Tara
" Buffy added.
In her prison cell, Faith was sleeping on her cot in solitary. Suddenly, a bright light began to shine through her window. The light took form, and Gabe stood looking down on Faith. Faith stirred. Seeing a man in her cell, she jumped up and kicked Gabe in the stomach. She was stunned when this provoked no reaction. Gabe grabbed Faith's hand, held her tight, and then they were gone.
When they rematerialized, they were in a field, far from the city lights.
"Who the hell are you?" Faith screamed the question, struggling to break free of Gabe's grip.
"I am your guardian. You can call me Gabe," he said. Gabe pulled Faith close and placed his other hand on her head. Faith felt this strange sensation. It was death. She felt her spirit leave, but instead of the darkness she always thought would consume her, it was light, bright and inviting. It was......over? Faith regained consciousness and looked at Gabe.
"You're an angel," she questioned, even though she already knew the answer. "What did you do to me?"
"I just called the next slayer. We are in trouble, and we are going to need all the help we can get," Gabe said, worry clearly evident in his tone.