Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer is the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, Fox and UPN. We thank them for letting us use the characters for our amusement.
A week after Gabe had first come to Sunnydale, Buffy found herself back at the Magic Box. She had just finished training and was about to leave when the door opened and in walked a young man who appeared to be in his twenties. He looked around the shop and then focused his sights on Buffy.
"So, this is where the infamous slayer hangs out," the young man stated matter-of-factly.
"What?" Buffy asked with a startled look on her face.
"I'm Nate," he said, extending his hand. "I'm one of the Chosen. The ability to kill demons is my birthright too."
"Once again, what?" Buffy said, looking surprised.
Nate let out a small laugh. "What part of that did you not understand?"
Buffy stared at him speechless.
"Who are you again?" Xander asked.
"And we're closed," Anya added.
"Wait. Repeat that again," Buffy said, still shocked.
Xander had a confused look on his face, while Anya was busy working the register--locking it and making sure everything was secure so they could go home.
"I'm a Chosen. C-h-o-s-e-n. I'm sure you've heard of us before," Nate said, a smile appearing on his lips.
"Of course we've heard of the Chosen," Xander said with a fake laugh. He walked over to Anya and whispered, "What are the Chosen?"
"I'm just like Buffy here, except I'm a guy, and well, I have a little extra stuff," Nate said, answering Xander's question.
Xander gave Nate a questioning look. "How did he hear me?" Xander asked.
"Youre a really loud whisperer," Buffy said, looking at Xander like he was an idiot. She turned back to Nate. "So, you're some kind of guy slayer?" She asked just before taking a swing at him, testing him.
Nate jumped in the air and did a flip right over Buffy's head and then tapped her on the shoulder. "Yeah, pretty much. I have some training in magic, though," he said. "A friend of yours named Gabriel told me that I needed to come to Sunnydale for a while to help you train. He seemed to think you needed it." Nate looked Buffy up and down. "I think he was right."
"Excuse me?!" Buffy asked with a big hint of annoyance in her voice. "Who do you think you are?" Buffy gave him a glare.
"Yeah," Xander added in. Buffy rolled her eyes at Xander. Anya just continued counting the days money. Nate just smiled.
"Why don't you just take your chosen ass and get out of here?" Buffy said, folding her arms.
"Okay, look I didn't mean to offend you. Its just that, from what I have heard, you tend to die in the face of great evil, and I don't really think Gabe wants that to happen to you this time," Nate said, looking all apologetic.
Buffy was swayed by Nates apology. "Okay, well, I was just about to go patrolling, want to join me?" Buffy asked.
Xander looked at Buffy like she had lost her mind. "You are going to let someone you just met go patrolling with you?"
"Well, like he said, he does this too." Buffy said, giving Xander a little smile before turning her attention back to Nate. "So, what do you say?"
"Sure, it's been a long trip, and I haven't kicked any demon butt in a while," Nate said, following Buffy out of the magic shop door.
"Welcome to the Sunnydale cemetery," Buffy said flipping her stake up in the air and catching it.
Nate looked around for a moment and then finally turned his attention back to Buffy. He looked her over for a moment and smiled a devilish grin.
Buffy gave Nate a questioning look, but before she could say anything, a rustling noise could be heard coming from the bushes...
Spike lunged out of the bushes toward Nate, thinking that he was a vampire. Nate grabbed Spike by the scruff of the neck and threw him unceremoniously into a large tombstone. Nate was just about to go in for the kill when Buffy rushed between them.
"Don't stake him, Nate! He is kind of neutered vamp. He...he helps me sometimes." Buffy said, not quite able to meet Nate's questioning gaze.
"Who the hell is this?" Spike said standing up, yet looking like he was on the verge of falling again.
Buffy turned to Spike and gave him the run down of Nates history. Spike glared at Nate for a moment, and Nate glared back.
"Well, this is fun," Buffy said sarcastically as she watched the two of them scrutinize one another.
Spike took Buffy aside. "I don't buy this; I don't trust him," Spike whispered to her. Buffy just looked at him and nodded.
"Oh, and like I trust a vampire," Nate said, glaring at Spike. Buffy and Spike looked at him surprised.
"Ok, how did you hear that? Spike wasnt yelling like Xander," Buffy said questioningly.
"Good hearing," Nate said nonchalantly as he leaned against a tree.
Buffy gave him a look that said...'uh huh, sure. I'm gonna keep my eye on you, babe!'
"What do I have to do to get you to trust me?" Nate said, looking at Buffy. "It obviously couldn't be much if you trust the likes of him. Oh, and by the way, you both need to duck NOW," Nate finished in a yell as an ax smashed into the tombstone Spike and Buffy were standing against.
A very large demon was responsible. Nate lunged at the demon and began to battle it single-handedly. After a minute of fighting, Nate grabbed the demon by the head and broke its neck.
"Now do you trust me?" Nate said to Buffy in a condescending tone.
Buffy glared back at Nate with a look that said 'you wish' on her face. She shook her head at him and threw her hands up in the air, exasperated. She turned on her heal and stalked away from him.
Spike began to laugh at the expression on Nates face. Nate turned to Spike and gave him an evil glare, making Spike laugh even harder. "Right, mate, let me tell you, she's really gonna trust you now after that line. You might have 'saved' her, but that doesn't mean anything. Believe me, I know that first hand," Spike said as he continued laughing. He turned and walked off leaving Nate standing there confused.
Nate followed Buffy as she finished her patrol. Three vamps had attacked her, and he stood there and watched her fight. He had to admit one thing; she had slaying vamps down to an art. He caught up to her after she had slayed the last of them. "Sorry for being so condescending earlier. I know you have the reputation of being one of the best slayers in a while. It's just hard to admit sometimes that someone could be better at this than me," Nate said.
"I know how you feel," Buffy said, giving Nate a half smile. "I have had two other slayers pop up in the last couple of years, and it is difficult for me to say that, in some ways, they were both better than I am at this.
"Oh, and about Spike. He is more of a pet than anything," Buffy said a little too hurriedly to be convincing. Nate could tell that she really didnt mean it.
"So, do you trust me finally?" Nate asked giving her the devilish grin.
"You're getting there. So, Gabe really sent you to train with me?" Buffy asked as they walked out of the cemetery and into town.
"Yep, he actually thought it would be good for both of us. Says you might be able to teach me a little more control. I tend to go primal when I am fighting sometimes. Not exactly the best fighting style in the world." Nate said with a laugh.
"I could show you a thing or two," Buffy said with a smile. "Ya know, the control thing, I'm very good at that." Buffy flipped her stake up in the air and caught it.
"So, where are you staying?" Buffy asked.
"I don't know yet."
"Well, if you need a place, you can sleep on the couch downstairs at my house," Buffy said with another smile. "Everybody eventually does."
Nate smiled back... "Thanks, I think I will take you up on that offer. I have to go back by the Magic Box and get my bike, though; it has all my stuff on it," Nate said as they walked out of the cemetery.
"Ah, that's what you meant by bike." Buffy said looking at the sleek black Harley.
"Yeah, comes in handy sometimes. Want a ride?" Nate said, hopping on and looking at Buffy.
"Sure, might as well." Buffy said, getting on the back.
"Okay, remind me never to ride with you again." Buffy said after they had arrived at her house.
"Sorry," Nate said, grabbing his duffel off the back of his bike.
"Well, this is Casa de Summers." Buffy said, gesturing toward the house.
"It's nice. I'm used to living in a musty castle. Not the best place to be in during the winter, believe me." Nate said, taking in the ambience.
As they walked in the door, they saw.... "OH MY GOD, DAWN!" Buffy yelled.
Nate burst into laughter as he saw a girl he guessed to be Buffy's younger sister and a teenage boy making out on the couch.
Dawn's eyes popped open, and she pushed the boy off of her. "Hi, Buffy," she said, blushing. Nate was still laughing in the background. He started laughing even harder when he saw Buffy's expression.
"Who is this?!" Buffy yelled. Dawn smiled sheepishly.
"This is Mark," Dawn said. Mark waved.
"Um...I better go," Mark said with a quick, uncomfortable smile. He gathered his things, said goodbye, and bolted out the door.
"What were you doing bringing a boy home with you?! And where is Willow?" Buffy yelled.
"Willow is over at Tara's house. They seem to be on speaking terms again," Dawn said. "I think I'm gonna go to my room." She smiled and ran upstairs.
"I am so embarrassed," Buffy said.
"Is this how all the Summers girls act?" Nate said with a joking, hopeful look on his face. Buffy just glared.
"So, she is the key right? I mean I know she is your sister now, but she was the key?" Nate said, looking up the staircase.
"Yeah, she was, I think she is kind of adjusting to being normal now. Wish I could just stop being the slayer sometimes," Buffy said, walking into the living room.
"No, you don't," Nate said, following her, "but I know exactly how you feel. You wish you could just be normal, but deep down, you like knowing that you are special."
"Guess you feel the same way, huh?" Buffy said. She really looked at Nate for the first time. She felt like someone had finally figured her out, finally understood.
"I feel like that about a thousand times a day. So, who is Willow?" Nate asked, plopping down on the couch.
"Willow is.....," Buffy began as the front door slammed and in walked Xander and Anya. Xander was limping and seemed to be a bit roughed up.
"Buffy, you have to help Xander," Anya said sternly.
"What happened?!" Buffy asked, worried. She ran to Xander's side and helped him into the living room. She helped him sit down on the couch. Anya and Nate followed.
"Hello?! What happened," Buffy repeated waiting for Anya or Xander to say something. Xander looked up at Anya...
"Well, it was like this..." Anya began. "We were walking to the bank to make the deposit when a giant Colath demon jumped out at us," Anya said, still tending to Xander. "He took the money, and when Xander tried to stop him, he threw Xander into a dumpster. Now, he is all smelly and bruised."
"A Colath demon? They normally stick to large areas of water. What would one be doing in downtown Sunnydale?" Nate asked.
"All I can say is the thing is strong," Xander said, looking at Nate.
"So, we going to go find the demon?" Nate asked Buffy.
"Sure. I guess that means Im going to have to ride with you again," Buffy said, looking exasperated. "Where were you exactly when this thing got the jump on you?" she asked Anya.
"We were just outside that new pet store. It has been such a good thing for business. People get their familiars from there and then come to us for supplies." Anya said in her oddly cheerful voice.
"Let's go," Buffy said as she and Nate started to leave the house.
"Hey, wait!" Dawn yelled, running out the house just as Buffy sat on the back of the bike.
"Dawn, what are you doing outside the house?!" Buffy yelled. "Get inside."
"I just wanted to meet your friend. I didn't get to properly introduce myself," Dawn said with a sly grin. She smiled, waved to Nate, and winked. Nate laughed.
"I'm Nate."
"Dawn." Dawn said, twirling her hair around her finger.
"Ok, great, introductions done, get back inside the house. Now," Buffy yelled. Dawn nodded, waved to Nate, and ran back inside the house.
"Ok, lets go," Buffy said.
They arrived at the pet shop to find the demon jumping another couple. Buffy jumped off the bike before Nate could park and kicked the demon deep into the alley. Nate ran to help as the demon picked up Buffy and threw her into a fire-escape. Nate stopped right in front of the demon and seemed to have glowing energy crackling in his hands.
"Take this, you scum," Nate said throwing the energy at the monster. The demon burst into flames.
"So, is that one of the differences between a slayer and a chosen?" Buffy asked getting to her feet.
"Yes," Nate said. "Something was weird about that demon, though."
"What?" Buffy asked with a quizzical expression on her face.
"It had some other force controlling it. I could tell when I destroyed it. Whatever it is, it is close
very close. I think I can still feel it under the building," Nate said, pointing at the pet shop.
"Great. So, I guess it is to the sewers we go? And I thought I was going to get to bed at a decent hour tonight. Ok, lets try and be quiet. We don't know what we're up against," Buffy said, tiptoeing into the building. Nate nodded and then walked past Buffy. He kicked a door open with his foot and walked in.
"Show yourself," Nate demanded.
"Um, excuse me, I thought we said quiet," Buffy said looking at Nate with a shocked expression. Suddenly, a bunch of demons like the one Nate had destroyed appeared around them.
"Great going, Nate," Buffy said as she charged the demons.
The battle was over quickly. Buffy and Nate had killed all of the demons save one. They needed him.
"So, spill. What are you doing here?" Buffy asked the cowering demon.
"Sent here by a vampire. Told us to keep you busy. Knew you would come if one of your friends was attacked," the demon said, still cowering.
"Oh, my God. What was this vampires name?" Buffy asked with at look of urgency on her face.
"Drusilla," the demon said before making a run for the door.
"We have to get back now!" Buffy said, running out.
"Okay," Nate said. "Um, what happened to my bike?" Nate asked, looking around.
"What do you mean?" Buffy asked, raising an eyebrow.
"My bike, its gone." Nate said, still looking.
"Great!" Buffy exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air. She turned to Nate and then back toward the direction of her house.
"We have no choice but to run," Buffy said, turning back to Nate.
"Running really isn't my style," Nate replied.
"Well, fine, you can just stay here," Buffy said as she started making her way towards her house.
"Fine, hold on," Nate yelled to Buffy as he started running. "Whoever stole my bike is gonna pay."
"Oh, my God!" Buffy yelled as she heard screaming coming from inside her house. She kicked the door open to find Xander, Anya, and Dawn sitting on the couch watching television. She walked over to get a better look at the t.v. and saw that it was a horror movie.
hi, Buffy. Problems?" Dawn asked. Dawn stood up as she saw Nate run into the house out of breath.
"Is everything ok?" Nate asked.
"Yeah, now that youre here," Dawn replied. Buffy looked at her sister and shook her head.
"Ignore her, Nate, she's a teenager," Buffy said.
"That she is," Anya piped in.
"Ok, so if she isn't here that leaves two places...she is either with Willow and Tara or...Spike," Buffy said.
"Who is with Willow and Tara or Spike?" Xander asked.
"Drusilla," Buffy replied.
"We have to get to Willow then," Xander said, panic clearly in his voice. He tried to stand, but he was still a little wobbly.
"I think you should stay here with Dawn. You all should be safe. Just try and keep quiet. Dru could only set the house on fire or something. If the lights are off she might not think anyone is here." Buffy said.
"I could stay here with them if you wanted, Buffy," Nate told her.
"No, if Dru is really here, I am going to need you. She can be....intense, sometimes," Buffy said. "I think we really need to go find Willow before we check in at Spike's crypt. If she is here to hurt me, she would go after Willow before Spike."
"Okay, so, running to Tara's too?" Nate asked. "If this Dru has stolen my bike, I am going stake her," Nate said as he and Buffy ran out of the house.
Buffy and Nate ran off to find Willow. They had only run about half a block, when they saw Willow running toward them.
"I just saw Dru!" she exclaimed when she saw them.
"We know. We were just on our way to warn you," Buffy said.
"We better go check on Spike." Nate told them.
They decided it was too dangerous for Willow to go home, so they took her along. When they arrived at Spike's crypt, they found Dru. She had Spike pinned up against a wall and it was apparent that she had been torturing him. He was in game face, which was covered with nicks and cuts, and there was blood on almost every part of his body from the little wounds she had inflicted. At the moment, she was holding a wooden stake to his heart.
"Her smell is stronger now," Dru said as she sniffed the air, still looking at Spike.
"Yeah, well, look behind you, pet," Spike said with a touch of relief in his voice.
"Hello, Drusilla," Buffy said coldly.
"Slayer. Glad you could join our party. I shall dispose of you when I am finished with Spike." Dru teased the stake along the front of his shirt. "You stole my heart, Slayer. Stole it clean away. Its tainted now."
Drusilla grinned wickedly at Buffy, her eyes clouded with things that only she could see, and then turned back to face Spike. "I do this out of pity, you know."
Buffy's heart stopped as Dru thrust the stake forward and closer to Spikes heart. She reached for the stake just as it was piercing Spikes shirt and wrenched it out of Drus hands.
"Dru, pet," Spike said, leaning forward and gasping for breath, "I would run."
"Yes, Drusilla. It would be in your best interest to run," Buffy agreed.
Dru backed away from Spike and turned to look at her nemesis, her game face on. Buffy feinted to the right and then launched a kick to Drus left shoulder, knocking her to the floor.
"Spike, arent you going to help me? Even a little?" Dru asked, looking up.
"Not this time, Dru," Spike answered, somewhat sadly, as he slid down to the floor. "Not this time."
Dru jumped up and kicked Buffy in the side before rushing out the door of the crypt, knocking down both Nate and Willow as she passed.
Buffy ran to Spikes aid, helping him to his feet and over to a crate. She went to the fridge.
"Drink this," she said, handing him a jar. "Youve lost a lot of blood."
"Nice to know you care, Slayer," Spike said sarcastically for the benefit of the others in the room.
Buffy walked across the room to join Nate and Willow. They kept their backs to Spike, not really wanting to see him
"Are you two okay?" Buffy asked.
"Of course," Nate answered for both he and Willow.
"One day," Willow began, "I am really gonna hurt that crazy bitch."
"Get in line, Red," Spike said from his side of the room.
"Guys, right now we have a bigger problem." Buffy braved a glance at Spike and saw him sipping from his jar. "Spike obviously cant stay here anymore. Its an open door for Dru or anyone she wants to hire to get rid of him. I think it might be best if he stays at my place."
Willow shot Buffy a somewhat suspicious look, but kept her mouth shut. Nate was too stunned to even attempt a glance.
"Will? Can you go back with Nate and cast some sort of protection spell on the basement? Something to keep Dru and any nasties out of my house while hes there?"
"Of course," Willow replied. "But I want to go home and get Tara first. Can we stay at your place too?"
"The more the merrier," Buffy answered with mock cheerfulness. "Nate, go with Willow, and well all meet back at my place. Ill take care of Spike."
Nate nodded his consent and escorted Willow out of the crypt. Buffy switched her full attention to Spike, grabbing as many rag-like things as she could find. She kneeled in front of him and began cleaning his wounds. She worked in silence for a long time before Spike finally said something.
"Its nice to know you care, Slayer." Spike whispered sincerely in Buffys ear.
Buffy looked up at him and noticed, not for the first time, that he had very gentle eyes. She stared at him for a few moments and then resumed working on his wounds.
"You were going to say something," Spike prodded.
"Yes, you were." He covered her hand with his. "If you wont come out with it, Ill take my chances and stay here, thank you very much. Ive had just about enough of your dodging."
Buffy watched him as he stood up and crossed to grab his duster and retrieve a cigarette. Lighting it with the now infamous lighter, he began pacing the room, waiting impatiently for her answer then thought better of it and tossed the cigarette to the floor, crushing it with his boot.
"Cmon, Buffy," he said as he crossed to her, took her by the shoulders and stood her on her feet. He continued to look at her, finally taking her chin in his hand and tilting her head up so that she would have to face him. "Lets have it, then." He braced himself for the usual brutal rebuff.
"I dont know, Spike." She escaped his hold, nice though she felt it was, but remained standing in front of him. "When I saw Dru holding that stake
It was like
I realized that I would miss you."
"Youd miss me, eh? Theres a switch." Spike squirmed for his next words.
Fortunately, for his sake, Buffy stole the moment from him. She took one step forward, put her hands on either side of his face, and gently kissed him. When she pulled back, she rested her hands on his shoulders, and he brought his hands to her waist.
"And what was that for?" He began gently, his voice absent of any of the antagonism or malice that usually appeared his conversations with the slayer. "A sight more tender than your usual."
"Dont take that to mean Im your girlfriend or anything. But I promise I wont call you a thing or tell you that youre beneath me ever again. Im sorry that I ever said those things."
Spike pulled away. He knew what he wanted, and he could no longer pretend that he could wait for her to make up her mind. He wasnt upset or pouty about it, but practical. "Then what did it mean, Buffy?"
"Just that..." Buffy was beginning to wish she had a nervous habit she could run to, like smoking. "How do I put this without making you all hopeful?"
"Just say it, luv. Im a grown-up boy. I can take anything you can dish out."
"Okay. I dont know if I love you, Spike. But now I cant seem to imagine my world without you in it."
Spike grinned at her. It wasnt all romance and flowers and undying declarations of everlasting love, but it was the closest thing hed gotten so far.
"Now that wasnt so bad, was it?" He leaned down and kissed her on the nape of her neck. "And you didnt flinch, so you have to admit that you trust me."
"Yes, Spike. I trust you. With my life. And Dawns. You know that."
"But its nice to hear you say it, luv." He left her side, put on his duster and grabbed the few bits and pieces that he didnt want to leave behind. "And now, with that nasty business out of the way, I suggest we make for your house before Dru comes back. Shes crazy, not stupid. She wont come back alone."
Spike took Buffy by the hand and led her out of the crypt thinking, with a pleased little grin on his face, no matter what he would not be living there ever again.