f a n f i c

NB Storytellers: Gabriel's Entrance [Part 1, Chapter 1]
By: Gabriel

Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer is copyright © Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, UPN and Fox… The New Beginning Storytellers are in no way making any money off of this. This is just purely for fun. All new characters are copyrighted to their rightful owners.

Buffy Summers walked through the graveyard on her standard nightly patrol.
In the distance, she heard a yelping sound, like an animal in pain. Victim? Or predator? She raced toward the sound, stake at the ready.

When she reached the place where the noise seemed to have originated; however, there was nothing to be found. Buffy turned, ready to proceed into the cemetery. She suddenly stopped. She had heard it again. Deciding that this was getting eerie, even for Sunnydale, she hopped onto a mausoleum to see if she could get a better view. Down below her, she spied a pack of werewolves tearing after another one.

"Great! Werewolves!" Buffy whispered to herself. "Thank you, full moon. I better follow them. I can't let anyone get..."

Suddenly, she heard screaming. She hopped down from her vantage point and ran toward it. The werewolves had found a car parked in a dark corner near the cemetery. They were crawling all over it, tearing at the metal. The young couple inside were screaming in terror.

Buffy quickly assessed the situation. There were five fully-grown werewolves in the pack and two younger ones. Damn. She knew that she couldn’t take them all on alone, but she had little other choice. She ran over and threw two of the beasts from the car. Having successfully drawn the pack’s attention away from the couple, Buffy yelled to them, telling them to run. She ran to the forest, the pack close on her heals... She had to find someplace to hide.

Suddenly, a werewolf appeared before her. She turned, only to find another werewolf and then another. Bad, very bad, Buffy thought to herself as she is realized she had been surrounded.

"Buffy, catch!" She heard a voice yell to her. She looked in the direction of the voice just in time to see an ax being thrown her way. She caught it with ease.

"Thanks," Buffy said as she swung the ax, making contact with one of the werewolves. The others began to back off slowly. Buffy lunged at them again, whirling the ax above her head. The pack seemed to come to a unanimous decision not to take on the ax-wielding Slayer and bounded off into the night.

"Thanks, Spike," Buffy gasped, turning to face her rescuer. But it wasn’t Spike. In fact, it wasn’t anyone she’d seen before.

"Who are you?" Buffy asked her savior. He was tall, blond, and reminded her of something or somewhere.

"I'm just someone who is watching out for you. Have been for a while," the young man said.

"What's your name?" Buffy asked.

"I’m Gabriel. You can call me Gabe though." Buffy studied him for a moment.

"Well, Gabe," Buffy began as she tossed the ax back to him. "I don't need someone to watch over me. I've already been there, done that, and it didn't turn out that great." She turned to walk away.

"So, what?" Gabe called after her. "You're just going to let those werewolves eat the next guy they find? Or are you going to try to take them down by yourself and become their next meal?"

"I can handle myself," Buffy replied. "And I hate to break it to you, but standing around in the shadows and dishing out axes doesn't make you a hero."

"So, Buffy, you think you know what makes a hero?" Gabe called after her.

She stopped. "How did you know my name?" Buffy asked him.

"Like I said, I was sent here to watch over you. And before you ask, I am not with the Watchers’ Council. I am with something that has been around a lot longer. Longer than the slayer actually."

"What do you mean?" Buffy asked.

"I'm an angel, specifically your guardian angel. I was sent here after your friends brought you out of heaven," Gabe said. Buffy stared at Gabe for a moment. Gabe returned her stare. They stood, eyes locked, for a minute that seemed like an eternity.

Buffy quickly broke their connection when she heard a scream. This time it seemed to be coming from the park. She quickly turned and ran toward the park, but then suddenly stopped again. She turned back once more to see Gabe still standing where she had left him. She heard another scream and quickly followed it. She arrived in time to see the pack closing in on two teenage girls. To her surprise, she also found that Gabriel was already there. He tossed her the ax.

"Ready?" Gabe asked.

"Always," she replied. "But, what will you use?"

In reply, Gabe pulled out a long sword from under his jacket. It glinted for a moment in the moonlight, and then spontaneously burst into flames. Gabe and Buffy rushed the pack. The werewolves saw the fire and decided it would be best to run. Buffy and Gabe ran into the forest after them. After twenty minutes of searching for the pack, Buffy turned around realizing something wasn't right.

"Gabe, where are we?" Buffy asked.

"I have no idea. Something moved us; something powerful enough that I couldn't sense it." Gabe answered, looking concerned.

"I did it," a low, raspy voice said from behind them.

The two warriors turned around to see what they guessed was a man. A man dressed in a long, black cloak. Neither of them could make out his face. The cloak covered it.

"Well, you better just put us back," Buffy said. "I don't have time for this."

"Listen very carefully," said the dark-hooded man. "You have to trust me, Slayer. That demon you're with is not what he seems. He will claim to be from a heavenly dimension. He'll tell you that he is your guardian angel, and that he's here to protect you. But really he's a fiend from a hell dimension. He sensed when you moved between dimensions and has been tracking you for weeks."

"Buffy, you can't believe him. He is part of the reason I am here," Gabe said when Buffy turned to him.

"Sure...Okay, I don't know who either of you are. I am getting out of here," Buffy said as she turned back the way they had come.

As she was about to walk out of sight, a bolt of lighting hit the tree beside her, throwing her to one side. Buffy turned to see the hooded figure holding crackling energy in his hands.

"I can't believe you listened to me. I thought that the Slayer was smarter than that," the figure said as he aimed another bolt of energy at Buffy. As he was about to unleash it, Gabe rushed him and knocked him down.

"RUN!" Gabe yelled at Buffy.

Buffy ran but turned around to see Gabe be thrown into the trees. The hooded figure dropped his hood to reveal his grotesque, horned visage.

Great, she thought, the one person who could have helped me is now unconscious because of my mistake.

She decided to double back to help Gabe. He was still alive but seemed to be badly hurt. Buffy couldn't see the figure around her anywhere.

"There is only one thing to do in a situation like this," Buffy said as she picked up Gabe and put him on her shoulder, "run like hell."

Buffy ran through the forest, heading for the Magic Box. She thought that, if she could make it there, she could figure out who or what this hooded figure was and stop him.

"Slayer," Buffy heard as she emerged from the forest. She turned to see Spike.

"Spike," Buffy said starting at him.

"Who is that?"

"My guardian angel," Buffy said, indicating Gabe with a nod of her head.

"No, I meant behind you," Spike replied.

Buffy turned to see the hooded figure standing only a couple yards behind her. Her eyes widened in horror as the hooded figure raised his arm to throw an energy bolt at her. Buffy jumped out of the way with Gabe.

"Bloody Hell!" Spike cursed as the energy flew by him, missing him by only a few inches. He dove toward Buffy and Gabe.

From their position on the ground, Buffy and Spike could see that the hooded figure was preparing to strike again. In desperation, Buffy pried Gabe's sword out of his unconscious fingers and leaped to her feet. Once more, the sword burst into flames.

The figure blasted a bolt of energy toward her. Swinging the sword like a baseball bat, Buffy deflected the energy back at him. He managed to throw himself clear of it.

Buffy ran toward him, scything her flaming weapon down onto his prone body. The cape he was wearing collapsed into a heap of fabric long before she reached him. Buffy prodded it dubiously with her foot.

Looking down at the cloak, Buffy did not see the shadow rise up behind her and grab her around the throat. Without his cloak, the creature looked like a textbook example of the devil…horns, red skin, even the little mustache.

Spike grabbed the ax that Buffy had dropped when she laid down Gabe and slashed into the demon’s back. The demon dropped Buffy and turned around. Grabbing Spike by his shirt, the demon lifted him into the air. Seizing the opportunity, Buffy plunged the flame sword deep into the creature’s back. The demon screamed and burst into flames.

"What was that all about?" Spike asked Buffy after picking himself up off the ground.

"We can ask him when he wakes up." Buffy said, pointing at Gabe. Spike stood over the unconscious Gabe.

"Hey, mate, wake up." Spike kept repeating as he tapped Gabe with his foot over and over again.

"Spike, what are you doing?" Buffy asked.

"I just want to find out what that was all about, luv," Spike replied. "Wake up, mate." Gabe groaned and looked up to see a platinum-blond man standing over him, kicking him in his side.

"Stop that, Spike," Buffy said as she pushed Spike away and knelt down next to Gabe.

"Are you alright?" Buffy asked.

Gabe groaned.

"Right, well, he seems fine to me," Spike quipped. "Might as well leave him to it."

Buffy ignored him. "Can you sit up?" she asked Gabe. "Do you think you're injured?"

"I’m ok," Gabe gasped, struggling into a sitting position. "What happened to the Drothvar?'

"The Drothvar? That’s what you call that thing?" Buffy asked Gabe.

"Yeah," Gabe said, rubbing the back of his neck and standing up. "It was working for the creature I am here to help you destroy. Must have been a preemptive strike. Hello, Spike. Thanks for being so cautious in waking me," Gabe said, sneering slightly.

"No problem, mate," Spike said, looking at him with contempt. "So, what is the deal with you? You really Buffy's guardian angel?"

"Yes, although, you don't seem too happy about it," Gabe said.

"Let's just say I don't like new people," Spike said. "Can I try something?" Spike asked before punching Gabe in the face. Spike yelled, his hand burning like it had been touched by the sun.

"Okay, what was that?" Buffy asked Gabe.

"Low-level demons can't touch an angel. They tend to burst into flames." Gabe said, looking at Buffy. "So, are we going to the Magic Box?"

"Yes, let’s go," Buffy said as she began heading in the direction of the shop.

"Bloody hell! That is not cool, mate," Spike said, grasping his hand and examining it to make sure it was ok. Gabe laughed, and the unusual threesome…vampire, slayer, and angel...walked toward the shop together.