f a n f i c

Crossed : Part III
by *Stars*


The Groosalugg suddenly let out an earsplitting roar. Cordelia’s strangle hold around the Groosalugg’s neck was forcing the demon that had appropriated his body out. With one more horrific yowl it stepped forward. The slimy two-headed demon thingy that Cordelia had seen a few days ago in her vision was now suddenly standing before them. Although now taller and way grosser, this demon presented no match for Cordelia. The angrier she got, the stronger she became. There were some loud grumblings in a language only Cordelia herself could understand. Which most of the spectators concluded to themselves was probably for the best, though they thought they had a fairly good idea of what the gist likely was.

There was another sound that burst forth from the Groosalugg, a cry that radiated pain and sorrow. Silent again, he slumped over. Dead. Cordelia released her hold in an instant, now frightened she’d killed him. The demon half of the Groosalugg disappeared instantly, as did Cordelia’s demon side. Still shaking from the transformation, she rested her eyes on the large sword jutting from Groo’s abdomen. She couldn’t believe how much blood there was. She blankly stared at his body. The man she had once cared so deeply about was lying dead in front of her. She felt herself grow dizzy for a moment, stumbling almost onto his body. Clarity returned. Cordy turned now to the man standing next to her. The one that had brought it upon himself to end it and rid this earth of this creature for eternity.

"Smack" Wesley felt the sting as Cordelia slapped his cheek. She looked at him with hollow eyes, looking at him, but not really seeing him. He felt as if she was looking straight through him. He glanced down, breaking the eye contact between them.

‘She’ll understand…. someday’ he silently thought to himself. Intellectually, she had to understand why he’d done it, that he had no other choice. But he wasn’t sure she’d ever understand, emotionally. He raised his head, wanting to apologize. If not with words, at least with his eyes, but she was gone. She’d raced out of the room, to another part of the house. No one had gone after her. The awkward silence in the room grew as they digested what had just happened before them. Liz stepped forward, drawing everyone’s attention.

"Please forgive me, I wish to appear callous. I realize this was a very traumatic situation for Cordelia, but we really haven’t the time for mourning. Wesley did the right thing. Bangola could only be killed in his demon form and it appears he has been. Yet…." she paused for a moment, taking a deep breath as she realized the impact what she was about to say would have on those standing there. "if we are to assure that he is not resurrected from this state, we must destroy the body at once." Liz said, trying not to sound too cold.

"What do we need to do?" Gunn asked. He didn’t like this anymore than anyone else, but understood that some things just need to be done.

"We must set up a ritual burning area. There is adequate space in the back yard between the two oak trees. Use the table in the dining area as the Alter. Bangola’s body must be placed on it with his head facing South. We’ll then need a great deal of kindling wood as the body must be burnt to ashes." Liz directed sullenly. Creating a funeral pyre was never a pleasant task, and she tried to remember how it felt to be human and to lose someone she loved.

Xander and Wesley went to the dining room to get the large table, neither of them speaking, lending an appropriate solemn air to their task. They carefully maneuvered it through the house and outside to the exact location that Liz had suggested. Liz, Tara, Willow and Anya set out to find the herbs and other ingredients they would need for the ritual.

Buffy hadn’t gone with the others. She’d decided to say with the body until it was time. Gunn and Angel stood silently in the room with her, but she didn’t want to be near anyone right now. She stood a few feet away from the man that Cordy had loved. She stared at the lifeless form, marveling at how different it seemed now that the life was gone from it. She knew the hurt that Cordelia was feeling right now. Knew it all too well. That empty pit in her stomach, the lump in her throat that made it hard to breathe…. and the crying that she thought would never end. Killing Angel had been the hardest thing she had ever had to do. Watching as he was sucked into Hell and knowing that she had no other choice was heart wrenching. She was certain Cordelia was feeling those same feelings. She also knew that there was nothing anyone could say to her that would make the hurt subside. It would only get worse before it would get better. It had been a long time since Buffy had identified so closely with Cordelia. In fact, it was the first time. Buffy wished it could have been for some other reason. She sighed deeply, then turned and walked to the window.

Angel and Gunn stood there, staring at the Groosalugg’s body. Neither sure how they were going to carry it. "I think maybe we should take the sword out, don’t you?" Gunn asked. "I mean….. it just doesn’t seem respectful to leave it there like that." He shook his head slowly, unsure of how to say what he meant. Angel pursed his lips, thinking. He turned to Gunn, putting his hand on Gunn’s shoulder.

"Yeah. We should take it out." agreed Angel as he surveyed the scene in front of him.

"Take out the sword, then see if you can find something to help us get him out of here." he continued.

"Why me? Why don’t you take it out?" complained Gunn. He didn’t mind removing favored weapons from the carcasses of things that needed killing, but from the body of someone he’d known was different.

"I have to take care of something else." Angel answered, turning to look in Buffy’s direction. Gunn saw where Angel was looking.

"Yeah, whatever." Gunn muttered, rolling his eyes. He grit his teeth and looked down at the body before him. This was gonna suck, he thought. Quiet footsteps padded up behind him, and he immediately felt some of his tension ease.

"I’ll help you Charles." Fred said in her quiet Texan drawl. She smiled at him, reaching for his hand. Gunn just smiled back, accepting his shy but beautiful girlfriend’s help. Together, they decided to opt for looking for something to carry the body on first. The sword could wait.

* * * * * * * * * *

Chapter 18 –

"Are you okay?" Angel asked as he gently put his hand on Buffy’s shoulder. He had seen the troubled look on her face as she stood staring at the dead body. But now she stood blankly gazing out the large picture window, staring heavy hearted at the Sunnydale night.

"Not really." she replied, deciding this time she was going to be completely honest with him and hoped he would do the same.

There were so many things she wanted to say to him, and plenty that she didn’t want to say but needed to anyway. She sighed heavily and turned slowly to face him. For a moment, she only stared up at him, gazing into his dark brown eyes. She longed for him to kiss her, take her back to a simpler time. She could almost feel his soft cold lips against her own, but suddenly she was brought back from her peaceful daydream to the harsh reality of life as she knew it now.

Dawn had been leaning against the doorway of the room, watching everyone else as they rushed around, totally oblivious to her presence as usual. Everyone had been rushing around that is, except for Buffy and Angel who were just staring into each other’s eyes. ‘Get a room’ she thought to herself. As she stood watching her sister, she caught something in the corner of her eye. She looked to her left, to see what it was. She understood what she was seeing, but somehow couldn’t believe that what she was witnessing was real.

The Groosalugg wasn’t dead. He had gathered enough strength to stand himself up. Leaning heavily on the wall as he took his giant steps in Angel’s direction. When he was just a few feet away from Angel and Buffy he reached down and with one hand pulled the giant sword from his stomach, grimacing horribly as he did so.

"Look out!" Dawn screamed, trying to warn Angel and her sister of their impending doom. Angel spun around quickly and lunged at the Groosalugg, grabbing the sword easily from the injured demon. He stepped back, and with one giant shove, rammed the sword back into its midsection, then pulled it straight up, disemboweling the creature. This time he was making sure it was dead. As Angel let the Groosalugg fall back to the floor, Gunn and Fred stepped into the room.

"What? He wasn’t dead enough for you the first time?" Gunn asked with a half cocked smiled on his face. He had seen what had transpired, but couldn’t resist giving Angel a good ribbing now and then. This, creepily enough, seemed like a good time.

"Let’s just get this over with." Angel replied as he helped Gunn roll the now twice dead demon onto a long board that he and Fred had found. As if they were medics carrying a victim on a stretcher, Angel and Gunn dutifully carried the dead corpse outside to his final resting-place.

Liz and the others had been working feverishly to prepare the Alter up as quickly as possible. She wanted to waste no time in getting this taken care of. The finality of it all would bring about many changes in her life and all of those involved.

Angel and Gunn placed the Groosalugg carefully atop the table, his head facing South. Liz nodded. This time they decided to remove the sword themselves.

"Never be too safe." Gunn whispered to Angel as he withdrew the long sword. Angel just looked at him. The thought of the Groosalugg coming to life again was just about more than he could handle at the moment. He shook his head and grimaced.

Wesley and Xander carefully lit the kindling that had been stacked under the Alter. Liz lit the incense and sprinkled the Groosalugg’s body with the mixture of herbs they had gathered. When she had finally finished preparing the body, she took her place within the circle the others had formed.

"Is everyone ready?" Liz asked, as she carefully eyed each participant. The circle of friends nodded in agreement, all glancing at each other for affirmation. As they all linked their hands, Liz began the chant around the circle.

"Ezanta…. Chubanta….. Mihanta…… be with us on this night mighty Gods, as we put to rest a warrior for the dark side. Accept our offering of incense and herbs along with this great warrior’s ashes. Take him, take him, take him." They all chanted, over and over again until an explosion of flames and a blast of light burst forth.

The ritual was over. There was nothing left of the pyre or the body that had in front of them. All that remained was a small pile of ashes, which Liz dutifully placed in her sachet along with those from the cup.

Buffy glanced up at the house, just in time to meet Cordelia’s painful gaze. She had been watching the entire thing from an upstairs window. She was much too distraught to participate in the evening’s event. Though used to horror show type things, taking part in the impromptu cremation of her boyfriend was too much for even her. Buffy felt as if she could hear the thoughts in Cordelia’s mind and she wished she could help somehow. Once again those painful feelings that Buffy had felt all those summers ago came rushing back to her.

At that moment, as the painful memories flooded through her again, she made a decision. She needed to talk to Angel, and she had to do it before he left for LA.

A faint sound of wind blowing came upon the circle suddenly, bring everyone back to himself or herself as it were. Seconds later there was a horrific crash of thunder, followed by an enormous clap of lightening. Within seconds the rains came pouring down upon them. Everyone hurried quickly into the house, which despite it’s now incredibly awful associations, was the only dry spot they could reach easily. Though none of the friends wanted to spend any more time in that place, their choices were unfortunately limited. The rain out there was not of the sort that Californian’s were used to dealing with.

While the others looked sadly out the window, bitterly disappointed to be back in the house, Liz had found this to be an amazing amount of good fortune. There were still some details that needed to be taken care of, and having everyone together in the same place would be just perfect. She smiled up toward the Heavens, she knew that tonight, the Gods were working with her.

"I need to talk to you." Buffy said as she looked deep into Angel’s eyes. Liz walked up to them and shook her head.

"You two can talk later. I have something I need to share with all of you first." She said firmly. Buffy was incredulous. What was with this chick? She decided to try to remain nice. Nice Buffy.

"You don’t understand. I really need to talk to him." Buffy pleaded. Liz just looked at her, and then at Angel. Sighing, she patty Buffy’s hand.

"There will be time. Trust me." Liz replied. Smiling brightly Buffy.

Buffy gave in. She didn’t know what Liz could say that would be more important to them than what she needed to tell Angel, but she figured this wasn’t an argument she would win. She was just too tired, too defeated. Too much had already happened tonight. She reluctantly followed Liz into the living room area where Xander had coaxed a fire to start in the enormous stone fireplace. Everyone, including Cordelia, and curiously enough, Spike who’d missed the entire Groosalugg/Cordy demon interlude and resulting ritual, took their seats and waited for Liz’s big speech. None of them could have imagined what they were about to hear, though at this point they felt pretty much prepared for anything.

* * * * * * * * * *

Chapter 19 –

Liz gathered her thoughts, trying to decide the best way to go about telling these dedicated friends and lovers what it was that had just happened. What they had accomplished. And most importantly, what they were each had in store for the future.

"First of all, you are the most amazing group of people that I have ever met. As long as I have walked this earth, I’ve never witnessed a more loving and caring group of people." she began.

"Although some of you were hurt more deeply than others by the events that have transpired over the past few days, none of you can possibly imagine what your sacrifices have meant to this world." she continued. Cordelia looked directly at her, praying that whatever this Liz person who had so effectively ruined things for her, would somehow make it better.

"Cordelia. I know that you have been deeply scared by the deceitful acts, which Bangola uncaringly perpetrated against you. Let it be known to you and everyone here that your only fault was following your heart. My dear," She spoke softly now, wanting to ensure that what she was about to say would be understood. "Bangola had been planning this attack for decades. You were only a small pawn in his giant chess game. You acted with bravery and concern for your friends and placed their safety above your own. Your bravery and selflessness will be well rewarded by the Gods. Your heart will no longer ache but it will now be up to you to trust your instincts."

She paused for a moment, then continued "Along with your visions, you have powers that although not fully developed yet, in time will help you lead and protect your fellow warriors." Liz said firmly but lovingly to Cordelia. Although her pain was still very real inside of her, Cordelia somehow felt comfort from Liz’s words. She smiled shyly back at Liz as she wiped the tears from her cheeks.

Liz looked around the room, deciding whom to address next. She spied Dawn standing alone, quietly in the back of the room. Liz figured she was as good a choice as any of the others to continue with. "Dawn." she said in her beautiful Irish voice. Dawn looked up, startled that her name was mentioned. Assuming she’d been forgotten, she’d zoned out entirely. Seeing everyone in the room looking at her made her uncomfortable.

"What? What’d I do?" she asked, looking around worried that she had somehow messed something up.

"No darling. You’ve not done a thing wrong. In fact you have been an enormous help to me over the past couple of days." Liz said. Dawn smiled happily. She always enjoyed being praised for something good she had done.

Liz went on. "I want you to understand that you have already meant a great deal to the world you were brought to, but the future is where you’re true tests lie." Dawn’s face began to pale. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to hear another word that Liz had to say. Buffy was the one who saves the world, not her. Future tests were not what she wanted.

"What are you talking about?" Buffy asked sharply. Her chat with Cordy had been all nice and reassuring and here she was scaring Dawn? She was beginning to dislike Liz all over again. Dawn had been through enough trauma in her short time here, she didn’t need prophecy girl giving her the wiggins again.

"I’m certainly not trying to scare her. But she does need to understand that her destiny is as pre-determined as yours was, and is for that fact." Liz replied sincerely.

"What do you mean ‘and is’?" Buffy snapped.

"I mean that there are things in which you are all now a part of, your destinies have been determined with your actions here today. Each and every one of you was somehow involved in stopping Bangola and saving this world. He was much more powerful than any of you could have imagined. There is evil yet still to come, that I am afraid, we may never be able to truly stop. But because of your willingness to help and even sacrifice your own life to save those of others, each of you have now been chosen." Liz said.

"Chosen for what? I don’t want to be chosen for anything…. that’s Buffy’s job, she’s the Chosen One, remember." Xander said nervously looking around the room. He caught an evil glare from Buffy. "No offense." he said to her. Besides, wasn’t he just the Zeppo?

"But you are chosen. All of you are. You have each demonstrated to the Powers That Be that you are all worthy of serving them. Not just Buffy and Angel. Every one of you has proven your unique merit to this world. I was sent here by the Powers. My destiny was determined long ago, and the Powers have confided in me during this journey, guiding me every step of the way. And this," Liz looked at each person in the room for a moment, "this was my final journey, my end." Liz said, beaming with pride.

"But you’re okay. You didn’t get dusted or anything." Dawn said hopefully.

Liz smiled at Dawn, longing for the innocence that this child somehow still possessed. "My mission is almost complete. Once I finish the task set for me, I will finally be released. But that cannot be until I communicate the Powers’ message to each of you." she added.

"But…" Dawn interjected. She didn’t like anyone talking with such finality. It made her sad, and she was quite tired of being in that mood. She didn’t have time to say anything else though, as Liz raised her finger to her lips. Without words, she was politely asking Dawn to be quiet so she could finish. She certainly didn’t want to, but Dawn reluctantly returned to her spot against the wall and waited for Liz to finish.

Liz turned her attention to Tara and Willow. "Dearest Tara, you’re wisdom and talents will serve you well in the future. And Willow, I know that in your past the craft spiraled out of control. I also know what a wonderful and caring individual you are. The Powers have indicated to me that your destinies are intertwined. You will live and walk together, practicing the craft side by side. You will watch over each other, love each other, and guide one another."

Liz smiled at the two witches as they sat arm in arm, grinning from ear to ear at one another. There was no time for questions though, Liz still had others to deal with. She looked at Gunn.

"Charles." He looked intently on her. He was dying to know what the Powers would say about him. "You are a most respected warrior. One with not only great fighting skills, but also insight you can only gain with experience. You were forced into this situation by circumstance beyond your control, and because you yet fought with bravery and determination, the Powers will reward you."

"Reward me, how?" Gunn asked nervously.

"You shall have a renewed strength and power." Liz replied.

"So what does that mean?" Gunn asked, still trying to figure this vague prophecy out.

"Time will show you. I was only given that information from the Powers. I know nothing else." Her tone indicated that she was finished with him. He sat back and thought about what she said.

Immediately turning to Wesley, Xander, Anya and Fred, Liz pulled four beautiful envelopes from her left pocket, handing each one carefully to the person whose name was written in exquisite lettering. The four began looking over their new possessions carefully, not sure what to do. None of them moved to open the envelopes and they glanced at each other confused. Wesley took the initiative and asked the question they were all thinking, "What is this?"

"Because of your incredible intelligence and insight, and vast knowledge of the supernatural and demonic presence in this world and your experience and expertise in fighting such, the four of you have been chosen as the new Watchers….. of sorts." she added as she looked at the blank stares on each of their faces. "Your orders are detailed on the documents inside your envelope. I ask that you keep them sealed until after I have finished with everyone." she continued. All four nodded, terrified of the consequences that might occur if they disobeyed.

Continuing with her assignment, Liz spoke directly to Spike, "William." He’d been sitting in a corner chair with his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. The guilt and frustration of the days events still lingering in his mind. Tormenting him even. The only reason he was still there was that he lacked the strength to bring himself to leave.

"What? I didn’t do anything. I swear I didn’t!" Spike stammered, not expecting to be addressed in the big committee thing.

"Oh calm down Spike, she’s just got some good ‘ol destiny stuff for you too." Willow replied jokingly. Her smile was genuine though, he noted.

"Your path has been walked before, though not by you. Your soul has been restored to your body, but not before you made the choice yourself." Liz said.

"What? You restored his soul?" Buffy couldn’t believe it. There was no way.

"But you don’t know the curse…. that was done by the Gypsies….. Miss Calendar, she had to translate, how did you….?" Willow asked in disbelief.

"You don’t really believe that the Gypsies are powerful enough on their own to come up with a spell of that magnitude do you?" Liz asked. Willow understood the meaning of this immediately.

"You cursed Angel?" she asked.

Everyone’s attention was suddenly on Liz. Now it was she that was beginning to feel very uncomfortable. She had no choice though. This was what she was told to do, and no matter what, she would carry out her orders.

Liz looked at Angel, who’s eyes were full of sadness. "I wasn’t allowed to tell you in LA. They wouldn’t allow it." Liz said sadly.

Buffy jumped from her spot in the large overstuffed chair that she had been sharing with Angel and grabbed Liz by the throat.

"You did this to him? You’re the one that has made our lives miserable? How could you?" she screamed, pinning Liz against the wall. She wanted to punish her the way that she had punished Angel.

Angel grabbed Buffy from behind, pulling her off of Liz. Even though it pained him to know that Liz was behind his torment and guilt, that she had engineered the torture, he was somehow grateful that she had been there to stop him from killing anymore innocent people. She had actually been his salvation, and no matter how much it hurt to not be with Buffy, the consequences of the curse were minor compared to the lives that were saved from it.

Buffy struggled to free herself from Angel’s grip. Whether or not he had feelings for this woman, she could care less. Liz had been the cause for most of the pain and suffering that she had suffered over the years, and Buffy wanted retribution. Everyone else in the room watched what was happening with quiet horror.

* * * * * * * * * *

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