"What? You didnt think I could do it did you?" Dawn asked, with a sly grin beginning to emerge on her young face.
"Yeah, of course I did." replied Buffy hesitantly. She just stood there looking at Dawn in disbelief.
"So, what do we need for the spell?" asked Willow.
Liz looked quickly down through the items listed. "You get the first five items." she said to Willow. Then looking proudly at Dawn, she continued, "Dawn, will you please find the last four items for me?"
Reveling at her newfound importance, Dawn quickly jumped at the chance to be a part of the gang, "Sure. Whatever you need me to do." Liz handed the book carefully to Willow and Dawn and they quickly began browsing through bottles and boxes, looking for all the ingredients.
"Do you think the spell will work?" Buffy inquired of Liz. She was concerned with the possible repercussions if it didnt and Liz could sense this. She did her best to reassure the Slayer, "It will work. It has before." She pat Buffys hand, in what she meant as a comforting gesture but one that likely only infuriated Buffy even more.
"What do you mean it has before?" asked Buffy suspiciously.
"We were very lucky that Dawn stumbled across this particular spell. It is the one written by the Wizard Eathadore. The one he used when he banished Bangola from this dimension. It gives very precise instructions on how to mix the ingredients and how to perform the spell. As long as we follow the instructions exactly, everything should work fine." Liz said trying to convince Buffy, and this time, herself.
"Well, it better." replied Buffy as she turned and walked back to the counter where Angel and Gunn were standing.
As she approached the counter her Slayer senses kicked in and she could tell that Angel and Gunn were already well ahead of her in planning the attack. Angel looked up as she took her place on the other side of the counter from him once again. Although to Gunn she appeared confident and unafraid of anything, Angel knew different. He had always been able to sense her true feelings. This time was no different. He studied her closely as she stood there looking around. Suddenly something changed. Her entire demeanor seemed to shift.
Buffy watched as Gunn calculated the amount of time it would take to get to that big house on the hill. She smiled. She was happy that Angel had found such great friends. She missed him terribly, but was comforted by the fact that he had found friends as wonderful as the ones she had. She looked around the Magic Shop carefully watching everyone hard at work. Hard at work for her. As difficult as it had been for her since she returned, this one moment felt like heaven to her. The love and dedication that everyone in that store had for each other suddenly consumed her. The terrible anxiety that she had felt only moments ago had vanished. Suddenly she felt a surge of inner strength that had not been with her for some time.
Tara and Liz had been busy gathering the tools that they needed to combine the ingredients for the spell. Tara had finally found the mortar and pestle that was essential in the mixing of the ingredients. She carefully lay them down on the beautiful silk scarf that Liz had spread out on the floor. Willow began laying out the ingredients she had been instructed to find.
"Do you think this w
.. w
.. will work?" Tara asked.
"Of course it will. Liz has the best witch available to help her." Willow replied, smiling confidently at her ex-girlfriend. Tara smiled shyly back. After all that had happened between them, she was still uncomfortable with the compliments Willow bestowed on her. Willow had, of course, been the most powerful, that was no surprise. Tara had always known that, but she couldnt have been prouder of her for sticking to her promise. Especially now with all these things going on. The urge to use magick to help must be overwhelming for her, and yet she still wouldnt crumble.
As Dawn walked to the circle where the spell would be performed, she carefully juggled the small bottles of ingredients which had been her responsibility to find. Noticing the difficulty that Dawn was having with this balancing act, Liz carefully grabbed two of the small bottles. She gave Dawn a smile of approval, knowing how much it meant to this young girl to be included.
"Thank you. Youve been such a help to me." Liz said as she smiled at Dawn. She hoped to instill a little self-confidence in this young girl while they were preparing to save the world. Not that it would mean much if they failed.
"Thanks. Im glad you think Im helping
.. my sister never seems to think so." Dawn replied sullenly.
"You shouldnt underestimate your sisters feelings for you." Liz said, trying to console her young friend.
"Yeah, I know." replied Dawn, as she laid down the ingredients that she still had in her hands. Liz smiled, then turned and made her way to the counter. There were a few details left to work out, then they would be ready to begin.
"Did you find everything?" Buffy asked as Liz approached them at the counter.
"Yes. Willow and Dawn found everything we needed." Liz replied.
"Good. Are you ready to start then?" Buffy asked.
"Whenever you are." Liz said. Angel smiled. He was relieved that Buffy and Liz had somehow found a way to accept one other, or at the very least no longer wanted to rip each others heads off. Not that he could tell anyway.
"Okay everyone, listen up!" Buffy said as she walked to the table at the back of the store. Her voice quickly garnered everyones attention. Everyone began to gathered around the Slayer to receive their new assignments.
"First, I need to know how long before the disabling spell takes effect and how long it will be effective." Buffy said looking directly at Liz.
Without hesitation, Liz replied. "Mixing the ingredients and reciting the incantation should only take a few minutes, four at the most. The spell itself will be effective immediately, and should then last for approximately one hour."
Buffy thought carefully, strategizing her next move in her mind. After a brief silence, she began again with the orders. "Angel, Gunn and I will go through the sewer tunnels toward the house. It should take us
. about 5 minutes to get to there from here?" she asked, looking at Gunn for confirmation on this.
Gunn quickly chimed in, answering Buffys question, "From my calculations, it should take us about 5 minutes tops. Of course thats 5 minutes of haulin ass." Gunns serious expression combined with his "official" mission terminology of haulin ass drew a grin from Buffy.
"Shouldnt be any other way!" she exclaimed, then continued with her instructions. "Well give Liz and Tara precisely a three minute head start on the spell. Then we will leave for the house."
Xander, Anya and Fred. You three will be the decoys. Same thing, wait three minutes before leaving the store. You will approach the house from the street. Be visible enough so that they will come after you, but nothing stupid. We need to draw as many of them out of that house at one time as we can. Once they begin to follow you, lead them to the remains of the school." Each nodded to Buffy that they understood.
"As soon as youre done with the spell, youve got to get to the school." Buffy said, directing her attention back to Tara and Liz.
"Ill transport us. It will be quicker." Liz replied.
"Fine. Just make sure you get there first." Buffy snapped.
"Wesley, Cordelia and Willow, you three will follow Xander and his crew. Stay out of the way and dont be seen. Your job is to wait for Bangolas followers to pass. Youll then enter through the front of the house. Anyone remaining inside should be busy with us three." Buffy said as she pointed to Angel, Gunn and herself. "Once inside, you need to find the cup. Get in, get it and get out. Nothing else!" Buffy said, demanding that they follow her instructions exactly.
"What about me? What am I supposed to do?" asked Dawn in her often-whiney voice. Buffy turned and glared hard in her sisters direction. Shed totally forgotten about her. What the hell was she supposed to do with her. She couldnt just leave her alone, and everyone else had a job to do. she thought to herself. Suddenly Liz intervened,
"She can go with us."
Buffy looked at her sharply. She still wasnt sure if she could totally trust this woman or not. But at the moment, she had no other choice. Liz was a powerful witch, and Tara would be with them. Buffy glanced at Dawn, who seemed quite eager to tag along.
"Alright." Buffy agreed finally. Had there been any other reasonable choices, she certainly would not have let Dawn anywhere near Liz. But alas, there werent any. The plan was laid out. Everyone had their assignments. Silently, each synchronized their watches and all the clocks in the store to make sure that this went down on time. There was no room for error.
* * * * * * * * * *
Chapter 15
The time had come. Liz and Tara sat in the middle of the Magic Shop floor. The beautiful scarf that Liz so carefully laid out was now covered with small bowls full of sweet smelling herbs along with all of the tools that they had so carefully uncovered within the store. Candles glowing brightly in the dimness of the store surrounded them, making a wondrous circle of lights. Dawn stood quietly in a corner. She had been sternly warned by her sister to stay out of the way.
Xander, Anya and Fred stood huddled together outside the back door with Wesley, Cordelia and Willow standing closely by. Buffy, Angel and Gunn had already lowered themselves into the sewer tunnel. The waiting game began.
The hands on the old pendulum clock on the wall now read eight exactly. The plan was now in motion. The chanting of the Old Latin words began softly then steadily rose as did the smell of burning incense. Liz and Tara were now two minutes into their spell. Buffy nervously studied her watch.
"One minute to go." she said quietly. The sick feeling she always got in her stomach before a big battle was there once more. She continued to study her watch
. now thirty seconds to go. She knew that in an instant, the feeling would be gone and she couldnt wait.
"Ten seconds, nine, eight, seven
." said Xander as he continued counting down the seconds. "Six, five, four, three, two, one. Lets go!"
At that exact moment, everyone scattered. Buffy, Angel and Gunn ran through the sewer tunnels, splashing through puddles and dodging piles of waste and garbage as they ran. Xander, Anya and Fred headed up Main Street towards the house, each grasping a large sword for their protection. Wesley, Cordelia and Willow, followed them closely, doing their best to stay well out of site and yet stay close.
"Were done here. Get the bag of supplies and lets go." Liz said, barking out the instructions to Dawn. The youngest of the Summers sisters quickly grabbed the heavy black duffel bag that had been sitting on the floor near her feet and slung it over her shoulder. She rushed to join Liz and Tara, in their circle. With one wave of her hand, Liz had extinguished all of the candles that had lit the store up so brightly only moments ago. She grabbed Tara and Dawn by the hands, and in a flash, they were gone.
The plan was working. Although they could no longer mentally sense approaching intruders, the members of Bangolas clan had been carefully observing the Magic Shop from their planning room. The alarms began to sound. Palkees members began to rush from window to window. Trying to get a better view of the approaching intruders. Suddenly everyone stopped. The order was given, the once ostensibly handsome men now wore the faces of monsters ready to do battle. What seemed like hundreds of these awful creatures raced out the front door and down the steps towards the humans who were trying to invade their space, so many of them and so close together they seemed like one writhing beast.
. guys
. RUN!" screamed Xander when he saw a mass of green slimy creatures suddenly pour out the door and down the steps towards them. Quickly and with the same determination they had started this mission with, Xander, Anya and Fred now ran for their lives.
Xander led them through as many short cuts as he could remember. Being the townie, he knew the ins and outs of Sunnydale better than the two girls who raced along with him. He felt it was his chivalric responsibility to take care of the ladies. He didnt get that many chances to be the knight in shining armor lately, and realizing what this entitled he decided he liked it that way. But always being late for high school had suddenly began to reap some benefits for him. The place where Sunnydale High School once stood was inching closer and closer with every step they took. Their race would end soon. At least he hoped it would.
"Ready?" Buffy asked when they finally reached the basement entrance. It had been exactly where the map had shown and they were now standing directly in front of it. Angel simply nodded silently in response. Gunn, however was still gasping for breath after the two-mile sprint he had just run. He did the best he could to communicate that he was ready, trying desperately not to be loud with his breathing. He was somewhat jealous of his boss right now, that no need for breath thing obviously came in handy when runnin a marathon he thought to himself, just like that Slayer Strength made it seem like she didnt need to breath either. He waited for the Slayer to make her move.
"What the bloody hell is going on?" Spike demanded as he watched the entire room of men disappear out the front door. The machine of efficiency hed marveled at a few minutes ago had been replaced with chaos.
"We have been ambushed!" screamed Bangola. The rage was apparent in his reddening eyes. "That damn witch has found the spell!" he continued. Infuriated by the events that were taking place around him, he spat and thrashed around.
"What?" asked Spike, confused.
"The Great Elizabeth. She has found Eathadores spell. Her and that Slayer. They are attacking me, here at my sanctuary, my fortress." Bangola was beginning to ramble, and that was doing nothing but pissing Spike off even more. He had trusted this man with his life. He had been willing to do battle for him, because he had been assured nothing but victory. He was seeming less Mightier than Thou by the minute and Spike was really starting to think that he was playing on the wrong team. He looked at Bangola as he walked aimlessly around the room. He now knew what he had to do. He smiled to himself and prepared to go for it.
"Im not bloody staying here!" Spike sneered at Bangola as he began to swagger towards the front door.
"Oh, I dont think so
." Bangola hissed, as he grabbed Spike back of his long black trench coat. "You said you would help me defeat the Slayer and The Great Elizabeth, and thats exactly what youre gonna do!" he continued, eyeing Spike angrily.
Spike became enraged. It had been a long time since he had felt the kind of freedom he had now. He sure as hell wasnt about to go back to taking orders now, especially from this cretin. He turned back, looking Bangola straight in the eyes with full vampire face. Hed been jerked around long enough, it was time to take action. Bangola was going to realize that there was more to Spike than just a pretty face and a quick wit.
"NOW!" screamed Buffy. With one swift kick, Angel had knocked the basement door completely off its hinges. The three warriors raced inside the house, each carrying a beautifully handcrafted ivory handled knife. Xander and Anya had stumbled upon the knives while they were looking for something in the basement of the Magic Shop. After inspecting the blades and marveling at the workmanship and obvious durability that the ancient weapons possessed, they realized that they would be outstanding weapons, the pair had ceremoniously presented them to the three bravest members of their Scooby gang. As they raced through the corridors, they jabbed anything that lunged at them, easily defeating the creatures. Buffy and Angel, with their preternatural advantage went at a pace that Gunn was unable to match. They paused to wait for their teammate; quickly taking out the few creatures that tried to attack them. They could see Gunn down the hall, a huge grin on his face as he slashed and pummeled the attackers coming from all angles. Clearly, Gunn relished a good fight. He stopped for a moment and winked at the two of them.
"You two go ahead, Ill catch up. First Im gonna finish these B movie slugs off!" he called, smiling broadly as he turned back to his entertainment. The sounds of guttural grunts and moans along with Gunns mocking comments at the beasts echoed behind Angel and Buffy as they raced toward the center of the house to find Bangola.
.. no
.. no
." Bangola wailed as he heard the commotion in the rear of the house. The sounds of battle were growing louder as it came closer to the room in which he and Spike stood. With Bangola distracted, Spike thought this was just the opportunity hed been waiting for. As Buffy and Angel burst into the room, Spike winced. This was not what hed been hoping for. Seeing Spike standing there in front of them seemed to throw Buffy and Angel for a loop and for a moment nobody moved. At the very moment that Spike and Bangola were being confronted by the Slayer and her former paramour, the front door opened with Wesley, Cordelia and Willow racing through, unbeknownst to Bangola.
"Spike!" Angel growled, showing his displeasure at seeing his grandchilde and former carousing partner.
"Im just on my way out mate." quipped Spike. Trying to be blasæ as possible. Trying to be nonchalant about the entire ordeal apparently wasnt convincing anyone, Spike realized as Angel grabbed him by the throat and hurled him against the wall. Angel was still incensed about Spikes attack on Cordelia.
Spike however, just laughed in his typically evil cackle, smiling as he gathered himself and stood back up. Buffy stared at him for a brief second, she knew exactly what he was thinking. With that in mind, she reacted. She wasnt about to let him of all people mess this up.
Buffy spun Angel around directing his attention to the much larger problem standing before her. Like a child, shed distracted him with a new toy. She figured this would give her a chance to deal with Spike and let the real fight begin.
Gunn had finally fought off the last of the Palkees members who had still been within the house. As he joined his fellow warriors in the large planning room, a heavy silence fell. Buffy eyed Spike warily. Wesley, Cordelia and Willow came crashing through the doorway. They had been scurrying around the front of the house looking for the cup but was halted suddenly, frozen at the sight before them. All at once Buffy head the same thing, "Groo?" Apparently Bangola wasnt the big stranger shed thought, realizing that everyone but her seemed to recognize him.
Buffy turned to Angel, "You know this guy?"
Stunned, Bangola turned toward the doorway. A familiar voice had caught his attention. "Cordelia?" he said softly.
She was taken aback. The shock and pain of what was right before her eyes shattered Cordelia. Speechless, possibly for the first time in her entire existence. Cordelia stood, looking blankly at the Groosalugg. Her Groosalugg. The man she had given herself to. Her prince who had suddenly left her, citing his need to return to his homeland. Understanding of his real reason for leaving her flooded her mind. One of the things that had so intrigued her about him was the mystery that surrounded him. The truth sickened her. Eyes narrowing, she felt the rage welling within her. Bangola along with everyone else in the room was about to get a surprise, which no one had expected.
* * * * * * * * * *
Chapter 16
"Are we about there?" shrieked Fred, running as fast as she could to keep up with Xander and Anya. Decoding and deciphering obscure texts were so much more her thing, she realized, as exhaustion threatened to take over her body. Memories of slavery in Pylea flashed through her mind and she ran harder. Despite their best attempts to get away, the Palkees demons were now at their heels, and the three of them were dangerously tired. The Palkees, sending that their quarry was losing momentum, pounced.
.. THREE!" Xander screamed with his last breath. To the Palkees surprise, the ones they had been chasing has conspirators who stood before them now. For a brief moment, the Palkees couldnt understand why two fair young women, demure looking and seemingly harmless would be waiting in the moonlight. Liz and Tara, unaware and unconcerned with the mental rambling of minions, focused on the task at hand. In a burst of energy and light, Xander, Anya and Fred were suddenly gloating high in the air, well out of the reach of the enclosing demons. Tara, with a careful eye and a remarkably steady hand guided the three to a safe resting spot well out of harms way, where Dawn had been strategically placed out of sight and was waiting.
"Thank God!" Xander huffed, breathing a sigh of relief that they were finally able to stop and catch their breath. Xander mentally vowed to never run again. Dizzy with exertion, gasping for air, the three ducked behind a large round tree with Dawn, eagerly anticipating how Liz would dispatch their attacker.
In a language that not even Giles with his extensive linguistic studies or Anya with her exceedingly long live had ever heard spoken aloud, Liz, and Tara began the incantation. Standing side by side, hands linked, Liz and Tara both waived their free hands up towards the stars. Chanting so perfectly in unison as though they had walked this earth a millennium together, the two beautiful witches had a magnificent storm brewing. The wind seemed to pick up drastically. The sky became dark with rolling black clouds and the bright stars were no longer visible.
Finally, with what seemed to Xander to be the biggest bolt of lightning ever known to man, the spot at the school where he had known the Hellmouth to be, slowly opened in a swirling light storm. Liz shot her hand straight at the Palkees demons, and on her last commanding word, they were gone, sucked into the very mouth of Hell.
Spike was contemplating the scene in front of him. All the Slayers buddies stood there stupidly, staring with gaping maws at Bangola, shaking their heads and murmuring, repeating the same word theyd initially said. Feeling generous for some reason, Spike decided to clarify the situation for everyone.
"I think the lot of you are off your rockers. This heres Bangola, not a Groo
. whatever you said." Spike informed them. Hah! Not so bloody smart now, were they
Cordelia was furious. She was as mad at herself for not knowing Groos true identity, and even angrier with him for using her and her friends for his own nefarious purpose. She thought of how it had been, when she hadnt known about the lies. It didnt really matter now. She had learned the truth, and something had to be done. Wiping the remaining tear from her cheek, Cordelia marched over to the Groosalugg and with power that even she didnt know she had, she punched him straight in the face. The Groosalugg was sent flying back against a table, shattering it to nothing more than splinters.
Stunned, no one really knew what to say. They all just stared.
"Whatd you do that for?" Groo asked while holding his nose that was now bleeding profusely from Cordelias fist.
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