Amy: I have a neat idea. Letıs go to Rackıs Palace of Addictive Spells.
Willow: A name like that and itıs in a dark alley?
Amy: Well, you know, itıs invisible
Willow: Oh, is it that glowing portal over there?
Amy: Nah, thatıs just the drive-thru window.
Rack: You smell like a strawberry cheesecake.
Willow: What?!
Rack: Well, first I smelled the strawberries, but then I got to your bra...
Willow: Whee!!! I'm flying, I'm flying! I'm in outer space! Far out!
Klingon commander: Unidentified human. You've entered Klingon space. Surrender and prepare to be boarded.
Willow: Oops... Um, Rack, do your spells come with torpedo launchers?
Dawn: Willow, are you OK?
Willow: Oh, I'm fine... Just a spell hangover. I'll be fine if you don't mention Klingon food.
Dawn: I'm making peanut butter and sauerkraut pancakes. Wanna try some?
Willow: *cough* *hack*
Anya: *Flip, flip, flip*
Xander: So, find anything?
Anya: Yup. Cordelia and Faith sent me some really nice suggestions.
Xander: Cordelia and Faith know what kind of demon weıre dealing with?
Anya: Nope, they know what kinda wedding dress turns you on.
Faith (via telephone): Yeah, the black Elvira dress was my suggestion.
Xander: *gulp*
Demon: You summoned me, witch?
Willow: Oh look, a demon with Joe Cockerıs voice, and obviously a broken Philishave
Dawn: Joe Cocker? God, thatıs old. Maybe Giles summoned him.
Willow: *slam* Drive!
Willow: I said drive!
Dawn: Um, Willow? Look at this weird Russian inscription on the dashboard. I think this is a Lada or something.
Demon: Yugo, girl.
Spike: Still can't believe those panties you wear.
Buffy: Could we not talk about panties anymore? Just get up and get dressed!
Spike: Oh, all right...
Buffy: Say, that's a nice bathrobe you've got...
Spike: Oh, that old thing? That's comfort clothing I wear only downstairs... I guess you could call it... under-wear. *heehee*
Buffy: *WHACK*
Willow: Iım sorry! Iım sorry! Wahaaaaa!
Buffy: I donıt understand, Will. How could you have gotten so evil all of a sudden? What you did was something Iıd expected from that vampire twin of yours!
Willow: I know! I know! Since Tara left, I was getting kinda, bored now, and I didnıt have a puppy to play with anymore
Buffy: Wait here. I think I left my stake in Spikeıs crypt.
Willow: No more spells, I'm finished... And I never want to hear the name Rack again.
Buffy: No problem. Let's talk about Amy.
Willow: What about her?
Buffy: I caught her stealing earlier tonight.
Willow: Really? What did she steal?
Buffy: Oh... just some stuff from the, um, spice RACK... *teehee*
Willow: Oh, that's so funny.
Buffy: I knew I'd c-RACK you up... *heehee*
Willow: On second thought, maybe itıs a bit early to mothball Hecate.