Put Some Color In Your Life!

"Now you too can have great hair, with Anya's Ex-Vengence Demon Hair Coloring Treatment! 'Cause let's face it, we all want to look this good after 1,000 years!"

Whether it's long and dark brown, for those times when you want to have sexual intercourse with your prom date out of nowhere....

...Or when it's short and auburn when you lose your voice but still make pretty damn funny facial expressions....

...Or if your boyfriend gets split into two versions of himself and you want that bouncy blonde look...

...Or when bunnies suddenly pop up, scaring you into thinking this may be the end, and the blonde locks work best...

...or you're totally losing your mind being trapped in a house, and the strawberry blonde gives you a little comfort...

...Or if you go back to being a vengence demon, and no one understands your pain, chop it all off and go back to brown.

The perfect look for any occasion, even before you're about to get split in two and dropped like a bloody heap. Anya's Ex-Vengence Demon Hair-Coloring Treatment is for you!

Buy it today, or bunnies will eat your soul.

Warning: May not cause you to live 1,000 years. Results may vary.

TayFay: AHHH BUNNIES!!!!! I'm telling you, it's a bunny conspiracy, they'll kill us all! I'm not crazy (much)
(26.10.2005, 19:40)

Life's A Show: Oh! So not true, the Pooh-Bah is GOD, I scrounge for his crumbs! - - Ah geez, I was about to "How *you* doin'?" Spikes_love_slave then realized, geez, you're a girl too. *sigh*
(03.06.2005, 01:46)

Spikes_love_slave: LMFAO Life's A Show!! that was great...sometimes the comments are even better than the captions...lol..sorry that kinda sounded mean to you pooh bah...lol
(26.04.2005, 20:07)

Saxy_Slayer: Highly entertaining
(22.04.2005, 22:14)

Life's A Show: O Grand Pooh-Bah, why must you cause us such pain?? I laughed so hard, my coffee milk shot into my sinuses. Thanks for clearing it up for us, why Anya changed her hair color more often than El Presidente changes his knickers.
(20.04.2005, 19:12)

Spike_and_Angel: lmao
(20.04.2005, 18:40)

amanda: very funnie.
(20.04.2005, 16:08)

Aeryn: LOL! Too cute.
(20.04.2005, 12:34)

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