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David Boreanaz hospitalized after mistaking a box of Hot Wheels cars for a plate of Spaghetti

From buffy.fu - 2004-06-25th


In a release from his press agent, David Boreanaz late Thursday night mistakenly consumed seventy four Hot Wheels cars, apparently mistaking them for his supper. The release goes on to explain that David's wife, Jaime Bergman, informed him that his supper was on the counter, over come with hunger Boreanaz began to eat from the first container on his counter, ignoring the plate of Spaghetti that his wife prepared sitting only five feet away. "I was so hungry I just gabbed a fork and the parmesan cheese and went at it." said a surprisingly cheerful Boreanaz from his hospital room as doctors awaited for him to begin passing the cars. "Thank god Jamie came in when she did, i may have finished the entire box, that would have been like 200 cars." David continued, his wife at his side. Boreanaz is expected to have a full recovery and be released by the end of the week, at which time he will scheduled to see his dentist about tooth reconstruction. David would like all his fans to know that he doesn't like you and to stop calling him Angel.


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