== Send your Top 10 ==
Top Ten Things Angel Said to the Oracles (In 'I Will Remember You')
9. Wow, is this real marble?
8. I'm too sexy for my duster, too sexy for my duster.
7. Can I have my watch back?
6. What wisdom can you impart in regards to hair gel use?
5. You can count on me 'cos I'm the dark avenger!
4. Oracle, may I call you Orci?
3. Dude, I have my humanity back! That is so punk rock! *high fives with the guy oracle*
2. I was wondering if you could tell me what happens in the last Harry Potter book?
And the #1 Thing Angel said to the Oracles is...
1. Yeah I need you to smite someone for me...uh-huh, Riley Finn.
[Brought to you by Anne.]