== Send your Top 10 ==
Top Ten Things Numero Cinco Does in a Crisis at Wolfram and Hart
10) Makes sure the mail gets through alright
9) Goes watch old wrestling vids from the fifties till the trouble goes away
8) Takes the opportunity to advise Lorne on how to throw a real party
7) Goes to the Laundromat to wash his head mask
6) Throws Angel through a glass window hoping itll scare the baddies, then:
5) Makes sure the mail gets through alright
4) Lights an altar in his apartment so his brothers will come back
3) Goes to the cemetery to see if his brothers have come back
2) Has a cuppa coffee with a few pieces of jewelry in it
And the #1 thing Numero Cinco does in a crisis at Wolfram & Hart...
1) Nothing, hes retired and besides, his brothers didnt come back.